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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2006-07-06


BIOSINO 我國(guó)的核酸序列公共數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)
EMBL - EMBL Nucleotide sequence database (EBI) *
GenBank - GenBank Nucleotide Sequence database (NCBI) *
DDBJ - DNA Data Bank of Japan *
dbEST - Database of Expressed Sequence Tags (NCBI)
dbSTS - Database of Sequence Tagged Sites (NCBI)

2.基因組及相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) Genomic Databases

GenomeWeb(HGMP) - A catalogue of useful Web sites for Genomics with a set of collections of genome databases
GSDB - Genome Sequence database (NCGR)
GOLD - Genomes On-line db


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DOGS - Database of Genome Sizes
Genomics web site (John Wiley & Sons Ltd) (The Genomics website at Wiley is a new and DYNAMIC resource for the genomics community, offering FREE special feature articles and new information EACH MONTH.)
HUGO - HUman Genome Organization
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NDB - Nucleic Acid Databank (3D structures)
BNASDB - Nucleic acid structure db from University of Pune


AsDb - Aberrant Splicing db
ACUTS - Ancient conserved untranslated DNA sequences db
Codon Usage Db - The frequency of codon use in each organism is made searchable through this World Wide Web site.
EPD - Eukaryotic Promoter db
HOVERGEN - Homologous Vertebrate Genes db
IMGT - ImMunoGeneTics db [Mirror at EBI
ISIS - Intron Sequence and Information System
RDP - Ribosomal db Project
gRNAs db - Guide RNA db
PLACE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements db
PlantCARE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements db
sRNA db - Small RNA db
ssu rRNA - Small ribosomal subunit db
lsu rRNA - Large ribosomal subunit db
5S rRNA - 5S ribosomal RNA db
tmRNA Website
tmRDB - tmRNA dB
tRNA - tRNA compilation from the University of Bayreuth
uRNADB - uRNA db
RNA editing - RNA editing site
RNAmod db - RNA modification db
TelDB - Multimedia Telomere Resource
TRADAT - TRAnscription Databases and Analysis Tools
Subviral RNA db - Small circular RNAs db (viroid and viroid-like)

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MPDB - Molecular probe db
OPD - Oligonucleotide probe db
VectorDB - Vector sequence db
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Cre Transgenic Database - Cre transgenic mouse lines
Transgenic/Targeted Mutation Database - Information on transgenic animals and targeted mutations



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