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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-19
核心提示:大便失禁, fecal incontinence? 大腸梗阻, large bowel obstruction, colonic obstruction? 大網(wǎng)膜及腸系膜囊腫, omental cyst and mesenteric cyst? 單純性集群性憩室病, simple massed diverticulosis? 單極電凝[術(shù)], monopolar electrocoagulation? 膽

  大便失禁, fecal incontinence?

  大腸梗阻, large bowel obstruction, colonic obstruction?

  大網(wǎng)膜及腸系膜囊腫, omental cyst and mesenteric cyst?

  單純性集群性憩室病, simple massed diverticulosis?

  單極電凝[術(shù)], monopolar electrocoagulation?

  膽[結(jié)]石, gallstone?

  膽道閉鎖, biliary atresia?

  膽道測(cè)壓[術(shù)], manometry of biliary tract?

  膽道出血, hemobilia?

  膽道感染, infection of biliary tract?

  膽道梗阻, obstruction of biliary tract?

  膽道蛔蟲病, biliary ascariasis?

  膽道賈第蟲病, giardiasis of biliary tract?

  膽道減壓術(shù), decompression of biliary tract?

  膽道閃爍顯像[術(shù)], cholescintigraphy?

  膽道運(yùn)動(dòng)障礙, biliary dyskinesia?

  膽固醇結(jié)石, cholesterol calculus?

  膽管癌, carcinoma of bile duct?

  膽管測(cè)壓造影[術(shù)], manometric cholangiography?

  膽管肝炎, cholangiohepatitis?

  膽管空腸吻合術(shù), cholangiojejunostomy?

  膽管擴(kuò)張, cholangiectasis?

  膽管內(nèi)置管擴(kuò)張[術(shù)], biliary stent dilatation?

  膽管腺瘤, cholangioadenoma?

  膽管炎, cholangitis?

  膽管造影[術(shù)], cholangiography?

  膽管周圍炎, pericholangitis?

  膽紅素腦病, bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus?

  膽紅素尿, bilirubinuria?

  膽絞痛, biliary colic?

  膽瘺, biliary fistula?

  膽囊癌, carcinoma of gallbladder?

  膽囊腸瘺, cholecystoenteric fistula?

  膽囊超聲顯像[術(shù)], cholecystosonography?

  膽囊穿孔, perforation of gallbladder?

  膽囊鈣化, calcification of gallbladder?

  膽囊積膿, empyema of gallbladder?

  膽囊積氣, pneu-gallbladder?

  膽囊積水, hydrops of gallbladder?

  膽囊積血, hemocholecyst?

  膽囊鏡檢查[術(shù)], cholecystoscopy?

  膽囊空腸吻合術(shù), cholecystojejunostomy?

  膽囊扭轉(zhuǎn), torsion of gallbladder?

  膽囊切除術(shù), cholecystectomy?

  膽囊切除術(shù)后綜合征, postcholecystectomy syndrome?

  膽囊十二指腸吻合術(shù), cholecystoduodenostomy?

  膽囊收縮素, cholecystokinin?

  膽囊炎, cholecystitis?

  膽囊造口術(shù), cholecystostomy?

  膽囊造影術(shù), cholecystography?

  膽囊周圍膿腫, pericholecystic abscess?

  膽石性腸梗阻, gallstone ileus?

  膽石癥, cholelithiasis?

  膽小管炎, cholangiolitis

  膽血癥, cholemia?

  膽胰管匯合異常, choledochopancreatic junction anomaly?

  膽汁反流性胃炎, bile reflux gastritis?

  膽汁尿, choleuria, choluria?

  膽汁濃縮綜合征, inspissated bile syndrome?

  膽汁性腹膜炎, biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum?

  膽汁性肝硬化, biliary cirrhosis?

  膽汁胸, cholothorax?

  膽汁引流, biliary drainage?

  膽汁淤積, cholestasis??

  膽汁粘稠綜合征, biliary hyperviscosity syndrome?

  膽總管端端吻合術(shù), choledochocholedochostomy?

  膽總管梗阻, obstruction of common bile duct?

  膽總管結(jié)石, calculus of common bile duct, choledocholith?

  膽總管結(jié)石病, choledocholithiasis?

  膽總管空腸Roux-en-Y形吻合術(shù), choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y?

  膽總管擴(kuò)張, choledochectasia?

  膽總管囊腫, choledochal cyst?

  膽總管囊腫切除術(shù), choledochocystectomy?

  膽總管切開術(shù), choledochotomy?

  膽總管十二指腸吻合術(shù), choledochoduodenostomy?

  膽總管狹窄, stricture of common bile duct?

  膽總管炎, choledochitis?

  膽總管造口術(shù), choledochostomy?

  彈性假黃色瘤, pseudoxanthoma elasticum?

  蛋白丟失性腸病, protein-losing enteropathy?

  Devine結(jié)腸造口術(shù), Devine colostomy?

  電子內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], electronic endoscopy, videoendoscopy

  淀粉酶-肌酸酐清除率之比, amylase-creatinine clearance ratio?

  淀粉酶清除率, clearance of amylase?

  丁型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type D,delta hepatitis

  動(dòng)脈膽道瘺, arteriobiliary fistula

  痘瘡樣胃炎, gastritis varioliformis?

  Dubin-Johnson綜合征, Dubin-Johnson syndrome?

  端側(cè)吻合[術(shù)], end-to-side anastomosis?

  端端吻合[術(shù)], end-to-end anastomosis?

  端式結(jié)腸造口術(shù), terminal colostomy?

  短腸, short gut?

  短腸綜合征, short-bowel syndrone?

  多發(fā)性靜脈擴(kuò)張, multiple phlebectasia, ?

  多極電凝[術(shù)], multipolar electrocoagulation?

  多囊肝, polycystic liver?

  二期小腸移植, two-stage intestine transplantation?

  翻出型肛門外吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù), Swenson procedure?

  翻轉(zhuǎn)法內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], reverse method of endoscopy?

  反流性食管炎, reflux esophagitis?

  反跳痛, rebound tenderness?

  反胃, regurgitation?

  放大腹腔鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying laparoscopy?

  放大內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying endoscopy?

  放射性結(jié)腸炎, radiation colitis?

  放射性小腸炎, radiation enteritis?

  非閉塞性腸梗死, nonocclusive intestinal infarction?

  肥厚性胃炎, hypertrophic gastritis?

  肥厚性幽門狹窄, hypertrophic pylorostenosis?

  肥皂性結(jié)腸炎, soap colitis?

  糞便嵌塞, fecal impaction?

  糞瘺, fecal fistula?

  蜂窩織炎性闌尾炎, phlegmonous appendicitis?

  蜂窩織炎性胃炎, phlegmonous gastritis?

  縫線肉芽腫, suture granuloma?

  弗納-莫里森綜合征, Verner-Morrison syndrome?

  輔助性肝移植, auxiliary liver transplantation?

  腐蝕性食管狹窄, caustic stricture of esophagus?

  腐蝕性胃炎, corrosivegastritis

  復(fù)發(fā)性膽總管結(jié)石病, recurrent choledocholithiasis?

  復(fù)發(fā)性潰瘍, recurrent ulcer?

  復(fù)發(fā)性闌尾炎, recurrent appendicitis?

  復(fù)合性胃和十二指腸潰瘍, combined gastric and duodenal ulcers?

  腹部結(jié)核, abdominal tuberculosis?

  腹鳴, borborygmus?

  腹膜刺激征, peritoneal irritation sign?

  腹膜炎, peritonitis?

  腹膜粘連, peritoneal adhesion?

  腹腔穿刺[術(shù)], peritoneocentesis, abdominal paracentesis?

  腹腔動(dòng)脈壓迫綜合征, celiac artery compression syndrome?

  腹腔灌洗, peritoneal lavage?

  腹腔積血, hemoperitoneum?

  腹腔鏡膽囊切除[術(shù)], laparoscopic cholecystectomy?

  腹腔鏡檢查[術(shù)], laparoscopy

  腹腔鏡治療[術(shù)], therapeutic laparoscopy

  腹腔內(nèi)引流式胰腺移植, free-drainage intraperitoneal pancreas transplantation

  腹腔膿腫, peritoneal abscess?

  腹水, ascites?

  腹主動(dòng)脈瘤, abdominal aortic aneurysm?

  改良的黑勒賁門肌切開術(shù), modified Heller operation?

  鈣乳膽汁, milk of calcium bile

  干嘔, retch?

  肝[性]昏迷, hepatic coma?

  肝[性]昏迷前期, hepatic precoma?

  肝被膜下出血, subcapsular hemorrhage of liver?

  肝病性口臭, fetor hepaticus?

  肝腸聯(lián)合移植, combined liver and intestine transplantation?

  肝大, hepatomegaly?

  肝淀粉樣變性, amyloidosis of liver?

  肝動(dòng)脈造影[術(shù)], hepatic arteriography?

  肝梗死, infarction of liver?

  肝結(jié)核, tuberculosis of liver?

  肝靜脈梗阻, hepatic venous obstruction?

  肝慢性阻性充血, chronic passive congestion of liver?

  肝毛細(xì)線蟲病, capillariasis hepatica

  肝門腸吻合術(shù), portoenterostomy, Kasai procedure?

  肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石, calculus of intrahepatic duct?

  肝內(nèi)膽管結(jié)石病, hepatolithiasis?

  肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積, intrahepatic cholestasis?

  肝膿腫, liver abscess

  肝脾大, hepatosplenomegaly?

  肝片吸蟲病,  fascioliasis hepatica??

  肝腎聯(lián)合移植, combined liver and kidney transplantation?

  肝腎綜合征, hepatorenal syndrome?

  肝素輔因子, heparin co-factor?

  肝素化, heparinization?

  肝素化逆轉(zhuǎn), heparinization reversal?

  肝細(xì)胞移植, hepatocyte transplantation?

  肝下垂, hepatoptosis?

  肝纖維化, hepatic fibrosis?

  肝心聯(lián)合移植, combined liver and heart transplantation?

  肝性昏迷, hepatic coma?

  肝性腦病, hepatic encephalopathy?

  肝炎后肝硬化, posthepatitic cirrhosis?

  肝胰聯(lián)合移植, combined liver and pancreas transplantation?

  肝移植, liver transplantation?

  肝硬化, cirrhosis of liver

  肝周炎, perihepatitis?

  感染性腹瀉, infectious diarrhea?

  感染性胃炎, infectious gastritis?

  肛管癌, cancer of anal canal?

  肛裂, anal fissure, ?

  肛門閉鎖會(huì)陰瘺, anal atresia with perineal fistula?

  肛門閉鎖尿道瘺, anal atresia with urethral fistula?

  肛門閉鎖前庭瘺, anal atresia with vestibular fistula?

  肛門閉鎖陰道瘺, anal atresia with vaginal fistula?

  肛門鏡, anoscope?

  肛門鏡檢查[術(shù)], anoscopy?

  肛門潰瘍, anal ulcer?

  肛門瘙癢[癥], pruritus ani?

  肛門狹窄, anal stenosis?

  肛門直腸瘺, anorectal fistula?

  肛門直腸膿腫, anorectal abscess?

  肛乳頭炎, anal papillitis

  肛周膿腫, perianal abscess?

  高膽紅素血[癥], hyperbilirubinemia?

  高淀粉酶血[癥], hyperamylasemia?

  高峰酸排出量, peak acid output

  Grey Turner征, Grey Turner sign?

  膈膨升, eventration of diaphragm?

  膈疝, diaphragmatic hernia?

  膈下膿腫, subphrenic abscess?

  梗阻性闌尾炎, obstructive appendicitis?

  孤立性非特異性潰瘍, isolated nonspecific ulcer?

  骨盆直腸窩膿腫, pelvirectal abscess

  管探查[術(shù)], exploration of common bile duct?

  光動(dòng)力學(xué)治療[術(shù)], photodynamic therapy?

  光凝固[術(shù)], photocoagulation?

  果糖不耐受[癥], fructose intolerance?

  黑糞, melena?

  黑勒賁門肌切開術(shù), heller operation,

  橫結(jié)腸造口術(shù), transverse colostomy?

  呼氣試驗(yàn)breath test?

  糊狀便, mushy stool?

  滑動(dòng)性食管裂孔疝, sliding hiatus hernia?

  滑管, sliding tube?

  化膿性腹膜炎, purulent peritonitis?

  化膿性闌尾炎, suppurative appendicitis?

  化膿性胰腺炎, purulent pancreatitis?

  化生性息肉, metaplastic polyp?

  化學(xué)性腹膜炎, chemical peritonitis?

  壞疽性膽囊炎, gangrenous cholecystitis?

  壞疽性闌尾炎, gangrenous appendicitis?

  壞死后肝硬化, postnecrotic cirrhosis?

  壞死性胰腺炎, necrotizing pancreatitis?

  環(huán)狀胰腺, annular pancreas?

  黃疸, jaundice, icterus?

  黃色肉芽腫性膽囊炎, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis?

  磺溴酞鈉試驗(yàn), bromsulphalein test?

  回腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù), ileum augmentation cystoplasty, ileocystoplasty?

  回腸膀胱尿流改道術(shù), ileal conduit diversion?

  回腸膀胱術(shù), ileal conduit, Bricker operation?

  回腸肛管吻合術(shù), ileoanal anastomosis?

  回腸橫結(jié)腸吻合術(shù), ileotransversostomy?

  回腸憩室, ileal diverticulum?

  回腸造口術(shù), ileostomy?

  回盲部結(jié)核, ileocecal tuberculosis?

  Whipple病, Whipple disease ?

  混合性結(jié)石, mixed stone, mixed calculus?

  混合性毛細(xì)血管-海綿狀血管瘤, mixed capillary-cavernous hemangioma?

  活動(dòng)性肝炎, active hepatitis?

  活體部分肝移植, partial living liver transplantation?

  獲得性巨結(jié)腸, acquired megacolon

  機(jī)械性腸梗阻, mechanical intestinal obstruction, mechanical ileus?

  基礎(chǔ)酸排出量, basal acid output?

  Killian憩室, Killian diverticulum

關(guān)鍵詞: 消化 名詞


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