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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-10-23
核心提示:臘肉荷蘭豆 Preserved Meat and Garden Pea 苦瓜燉雪耳 Stewed White Fungus with Bitter Melon 銀窩金豆盞 Mashed Tato and Fish Glue Cake with Salted Yolk 海帶蘿卜湯 Turnip Soup with Kelp 竹筍銀耳湯 Bamboo Shoots Soup with White Fungus 蝦仁豆腐湯 Bean Cur

臘肉荷蘭豆 Preserved Meat and Garden Pea

苦瓜燉雪耳 Stewed White Fungus with Bitter Melon

銀窩金豆盞 Mashed Tato and Fish Glue Cake with Salted Yolk

海帶蘿卜湯 Turnip Soup with Kelp

竹筍銀耳湯 Bamboo Shoots Soup with White Fungus

蝦仁豆腐湯 Bean Curd Soup with Shrimps

苦瓜赤小豆排骨湯 Chop Soup with Bitter Melon and Red Bean

苦瓜豆腐瘦肉湯 Bean Curd Soup with Bitter Melon and Muscle

姜蔥炒肉蟹 Fried Crab Meat with Ginger and Shallot

家釀辣椒醬 Hot Chili Paste

杭椒燒蹄筋 Braised Pork Tendons with Hot Chili

麻辣蹄筋豆花 Braised Pork Tendons and Bean Curd with hot Sauce

鐵板三菇蹄筋 Three Mushrooms and Tendons in Hot Iron Plate

奶油蹄筋燉柿子 Braised Tomato with Tendons and Butter

蹄筋燜雪豆 Braised Civet Bean with Tendons

蹄筋燒肚條 Braised Pig Tripe with Tendons

豉油皇乳鴿 Braised Young Pegion with Oyster Sauce

西芹牛柳 Sauted Beef Fillet with Celery

沙鍋魚翅 Stewed Fin in Terrine

紅燒;食 Braised Fin with Crab Yolk

紅燉魚翅 Stewed Fin with Brown Sauce

胡蘆桔翅 Braised Fin like Peel of Botle Gourd

蟹黃魚翅羹 Crab Yolk and Fin Soup

白扒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw with White Sauce

人參扒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw with Gensing

火腿扒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw with Ham

參茸熊掌湯 Bear’Paw Soup with Gensing and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum

清燉熊掌 Stewed Bear’Paw

熊掌豆腐 Braised Bear’Paw with Bean Curd

紅燒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw with Brown Sauce

猴頭扒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw with Mushroom

扒熊掌 Braised Bear’Paw

炒駝峰 Fried Hump

紅燒駝峰 Braised Hump with Brown Sauce

炸鹿尾 Fried Pork like Deer Tail

人參鹿尾湯 Stewed Deer Tail with Gensing

清湯鹿尾 Stewed Deer Tail

口蘑燉鹿尾 Stewed Deer Tail with Mushroom

靈芝燉鹿尾 Stewed Deer Tail with Glossy Ganoderma

金城八寶瓜雕 Jincheng Watermelon

五味牛肉 Five Flavor Beef

花椒魚片 Chinese Red Pepper and Fish Slices

檸檬雞球 Lemon Chicken

涼瓜炒肝尖 Fried Liver with Bitter Melon

桂棗山藥湯 Yam Soup with Date and Longan

香菇蝦仁豆腐羹 Bean Curd with Mushroom and Shrimps

椒鹽八寶雞 Spicy Chicken with Eight-Treasures

雞腿菇咸肉 Chicken Leg Mushroom and Salted Meat

菠蘿炒雞片 Fried Shredded Chicken with Pineapple

功德豆腐 Gongde Bean Curd

冬菇豆腐 Snake Butter Bean Curd

生炒海蚌 Fried Sea Clam

羅漢上素 Arhat Vegetarian dish

清蒸冬瓜盅 Steamed White Gourd Bowl

清湯蘿卜燕 Turnip in Clear Soup

龍眼蝦仁 Longan Shrimp

干燒冬筍 Dry Beef with Bamboo Shoots

雞蛋花湯 Egg Soup

海鮮豆腐羹 Seafood Bean Curd Soup

關鍵詞: 菜系 菜名 列表


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