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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-10-23
核心提示:紅糟肉 Pork in Wine Sauce 煎鑲香菇 Fried Stuffed Champignons 七彩香菇 Colored Champignons 家常蒸香菇 Steamed Champignons in Home Style 香菇艷影 Steamed Champignons Stuffed with Shrimp Mash 和合香菇 Steamed Champignons Stuffed with Mash 明爐金銀雞卷

紅糟肉 Pork in Wine Sauce

煎鑲香菇 Fried Stuffed Champignons

七彩香菇 Colored Champignons

家常蒸香菇 Steamed Champignons in Home Style

香菇艷影 Steamed Champignons Stuffed with Shrimp Mash

和合香菇 Steamed Champignons Stuffed with Mash

明爐金銀雞卷 Roasted Chicken Roll

明爐燒鴨 Roasted Duck

明爐竹筒魚 Roasted Grass Carp in A Bamboo Tube

生燒方肉 Roasted Square Pork

油爆螺球 Fried Whelk Ball

白切海螺 Boiled Whelk Meat Slices

瓤調(diào)羹螺 Steamed Whelk Meat with chicken and Pork in Spoon and Duck Feet

黃橙香螺 Orange and Fried Whelk

炸豆腐魚 Fried Doufu Fish

炸旗斗鴨 Fried Duck

木瓜醬 Pawpaw Sauce

普寧豆醬骨 Braised Chop with Puning Bean Sauce

鮮果沙拉 Fresh Fruits Salad

鮮菇牛排 Mushroom and Fried Beef Steak

水果羹 Fruits Thick Soup

銀耳羹 White Fungus Thick Soup

蘋果羹 Apple Thick Soup

瓜條蛋花湯 Watermelon Skin and Egg Soup

翠皮里脊 Fried Watermelon Skin with Pork

橙汁蓮藕西瓜皮 Watermelon Skin with Lemon Juice and Lotus Root

清燜筍條 Stewed Bamboo Shoots with Shrimps

螃蟹油菜 Rape and Crab

墨魚黃瓜 Cuttlefish Ball and Cucumber

夜來香墨魚丸 Evening Primrose Cuttlefish Ball

香烤薏米茄子 Grilled Eggplant Stuffed with Seed of Job’s Ears

香嫩芝麻雞塊 Sesame Chicken Appetizer

腌肉烤豆干 Grilled Dried Bean Curd with Preserved Pork

鮮奶炒蝦仁 Fried Shrimps with Milk

西芹泡鳳爪 Chicken Feet Pickled with Celery

西芹燜蘿卜 Stewed Radish with Celery

熏香雞 Smoked Chicken

熏鯧魚 Smoked Pomfret

紅燒豬腩肉 Braised Pork in Preserved Bean Sauce

紅酒鄉(xiāng)村牛肉 Braised Beef with Dry Red Wine

果汁煎豬扒 Braised Pork Chops with Fruit Juice

果律蝦球 Prawn Balls with Salad and Fruit

豆苗蝦仁 Fried Shrimp with Bean-Leaves

脆皮炸豆腐 Fried Bean Curd with Crisp Shin

蔥油淋桂魚 Mandarin Fish with Scallions Sauce

蔥油雞 Fried Chicken and Scallions

參茸兔肉湯 Rabbit Meat Soup with Gensing and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum

如意白菜卷 Pork and Cabbge Roll

開水白菜(閩菜) Braised Cabbge with Chicken Soup

肥腸扒白菜 Braised Cabbge with Fat Intestines

奶汁烤白菜 Grilled Cabbge with Milk

北菇鵝掌 Braised Goose Web with Champignon

瘦肉鮑魚湯 Pig Muscle and Abalone Soup

紅燒鮑魚 Braised Abalone in Brown Sauce

白玉藏其珍 Steamed Scallop and Winter Melon

白果魚丁 Shredded Fish with Gingko

白果雞丁 Shredded Chicken with Gingko

銀杏白玉 Fried Shrimps with Gingko

白果燴雞腰 Fried Chicken Kidney with Gingko

牛奶煮帶子 Boiled Scallop with Milk

紅燒大鮑翅 Fried Ormer Fin in Brown Sauce

佛跳墻 Buddha Skipping Wall

醉排骨 Drunken Chops

雞湯氽海蚌 Braised Sea Clam with Chicken Soup

果汁肉脯 Stewed Shredded Chicken with Fruit Juice #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

東江豆腐煲 Dongjiang Bean Curd

菊花鱸魚 Fried Perch with Chrysanthemum

淡糟香螺片 Sliced Whelk with Weak Wine Sauce

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