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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-10-09
核心提示:小心 Care 勿擲 Dont Cast 易碎 Fragile 小心輕放,小心裝運 Handle With Care 起吊點(此處起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防涇 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture 儲存陰冷處 Keep in a Cool Place 儲存干燥處 Keep in a Dry Place 請勿倒
        小心 Care 勿擲 Don’t Cast
  易碎 Fragile 小心輕放,小心裝運 Handle With Care
  起吊點(此處起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火 Inflammable
  保持干燥,防涇 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture
  儲存陰冷處 Keep in a Cool Place 儲存干燥處 Keep in a Dry Place
  請勿倒置 Keep Upright 請勿傾倒 Not to Be Tipped
  避冷 To be Protected from Cold 避熱 To be Protected from Heat
  在滾子上移動 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up
  由此開啟 Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive
  易燃品 Inflammable 遇水燃燒品 Dangerous When Wet
  有毒品 Poison 無毒品 No Poison
  不可觸摩 Hand off 適合海運包裝 Seaworthy Packing
  毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.) 凈重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt)
  皮重 Tare Weight 包裝嘜頭 Packing Mark
  包裝容積 Packing Capacity 包袋件數(shù) Packing Number
  小心玻璃 Glass 易碎物品 Fragile
  易腐貨物 Perishable 液體貨物 Liquid
  切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet 怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold
  怕熱 To Be Protected from Heat 怕火 Inflammable
  上部,向上 Top 此端向上 This Side Up
  勿用手鉤 Use No Hooks 切勿投擲 No Dumping
  切勿倒置 Keep Upright 切勿傾倒 No Turning Over
  切勿墜落Do Not Drop/No Dropping 切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat
  切勿壓擠 Do Not Crush 勿放頂上 Do Not Stake on Top
  放于涼處Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干處保管Keep in Dry Place
  勿放濕處 Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板裝運 Keep on Deck
  裝于艙內(nèi) Keep in Hold 勿近鍋爐 Stow Away from Boiler
  必須平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光 Keep in Dark Place
  怕壓 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起 Lift Here
  掛繩位置 Sling Here 重心 Centre of Balance
  著力點Point of Strength 用滾子搬運 Use Rollers
  此處打開 Opon Here 暗室開啟 Open in Dark Room
  先開頂部 Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物 Inflammable
  氧化物 Oxidizing Material 腐蝕品 Corrosive
  壓縮氣體Compressed Gas 易燃壓縮氣體Inflammable Compressed Gas
  毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive
  危險品 Hazardous Article 放射性物質(zhì)Material Radioactive
  立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus
  雙菱形 Double Diamond 內(nèi)十字菱形 Gross in Diamond
  四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends
  斜井形 Projecting Diamond 內(nèi)直線菱形 Line in Diamond
  內(nèi)三線突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形 Three Diamond
  附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box
  長方形 Rectangle 梯形 Echelon Formation
  平行四邊形 Parallelogram 井筒形 Intersecting Parallels
  五邊形 Pentagon 六邊形 Hexagon
  長六邊形 Long Hexagon 圓形 Circle/Round
  二等分圓 Bisected Circle 雙環(huán)形 Crossed Circle
  雙圓形 Double Circle 雙帶圓形 Zoned Circle
  長圓形 Long Circle 橢圓形 Oval
  雙缺圓形 Double Indented Circle 圓內(nèi)三角形 Triangle in Circle
  三角形 Triangle 六角星形 Hexangular Star
  二重三角形 Double Triangle 對頂三角形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle
  內(nèi)外三角形 Three Triangle 十字形 Cross
  圓內(nèi)十字形 Cross in Circle 山角形 Angle
  義架形 Crotch 直線 Line
  月牙形 Crescent 心形 Heart
  星形 Star 包裝情況 Packing Condition
  散裝 In Bulk 塊裝 In Block
  條裝 In Spear 片裝 In Slice
  捆(扎)裝 In Bundle 裸裝 In Nude
  裸散裝 Bare in Loose 木托架立裝 Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf
  傳統(tǒng)包裝 Traditional Packing 中性包裝 Neutral Packing
  水密Water Tight 氣密 Air Tight
  不透水包 Water Proof Packing 不透氣包 Air Proof Packing
  薄膜 Film Membrane 透明紙 Transparent Paper
  牛皮紙 Kraft Paper 地瀝青牛皮紙Bituminous Kraft Paper
  臘紙 Waxpaper 厚板紙 Cardboard Paper
  蒲、葦 Bulrush mat 防水紙 Water Proof Paper
  保麗龍(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹條Bamboo Batten
  竹篾 Bamboo Skin 狹木條Batten
  銅絲 Brass Wire 鐵絲 Iron Wire
  鐵條 Iron Rod 扣箍 Buckle
  外捆麻繩Bound with Rope Externally
  外裹蒲包,加捆鐵皮Bale?Matted Iron-band-strapped Outside
  塊裝外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag
  每件外套一塑料袋 Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag
  機器榨包不帶包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper
  機器榨包以鐵皮捆扎 Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale
  用牢固的紙箱裝運 Packed in Strong Carton
  適合于長途海洋運輸 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation
  適合出口海運包裝 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export
  全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube
  每卷用素包聚乙烯袋裝 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag
  混色混碼 With Assorted Colours Sizes
  每隔--碼燙有邊印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards
  用…隔開 Portioned with
  紙屑 Paper Scrap
  紙條 Paper Slip
  紙帶 Paper Tape
  紙層 Paper Wool
  泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics
  泡沫橡膠Foamed Rubber
  帆布袋內(nèi)充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water
  包內(nèi)襯薄紙 Lined with Thin Paper
  內(nèi)襯錫箔袋 Lined with Frescobag#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
  內(nèi)置充氣氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen
  內(nèi)襯牛皮紙 Lined with Kraft Paper
  內(nèi)襯防潮紙、牛皮紙 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper
  鋁箔包裝 In Aluminium Foil Packing
  木箱內(nèi)襯鋁箔紙Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case
  雙層布袋外層上漿 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched
  外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case
  外繞鐵皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally
  膠木蓋Bakelite Cover
  外繞鐵絲二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside
  標(biāo)簽上標(biāo)有:Labels Were Marked with
  紙箱上標(biāo)有Cartons Were Marked with
  包裝合格 Proper Packing
  包裝完整 Packing Intact
  包裝完好 Packing Sound
  正規(guī)出口包裝 Regular Packing for Export
  表面狀況良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition
  包裝不妥 Improper Packing
  包裝不固 Insufficiently Packed
  包裝不良 Negligent Packing
  包裝殘舊玷污 Packing Stained &Old
  箱遭水漬 Cartons Wet &Stained
  外包裝受水濕 With Outer Packing Wet
  包裝形狀改變 Shape of Packing Distorted
  散包 Bales Off
  鐵皮失落 Iron Straps Off
  釘上 Nailed on
  尺寸不符 Off Size
  袋子撕破 Bags Torn
  箱板破 Case Plank Broken
  單層牛皮紙袋內(nèi)襯塑編布包裝,25公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash
  三層牛皮紙袋內(nèi)加一層塑料袋裝,25公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag
  牛皮紙袋內(nèi)壓聚乙烯膜包裝,25公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each
  裝入印刷塑料袋 Packed in Printed Poly Bag
  玻璃紙包裝 Wrapped in Cellophane
  兩端加紙條 With a Paper Band at Both Ends
關(guān)鍵詞: 外貿(mào) 包裝 英語 詞匯


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