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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-09-24
核心提示:P 扒白條 Braised pork slices 扒鮑魚(yú)菜心 Braised abalone and vegetable 扒海羊 Braised lamb chop suey 扒雞 Braised chicken 扒雞腿 Braised chicken leg 扒龍須鮑魚(yú) Brised abalone with asparagus 扒龍須萊心 Braised asparagus with hearts of green vegetable


  扒白條 Braised pork slices

  扒鮑魚(yú)菜心 Braised abalone and vegetable

  扒海羊 Braised lamb chop suey

  扒雞 Braised chicken

  扒雞腿 Braised chicken leg

  扒龍須鮑魚(yú) Brised abalone with asparagus

  扒龍須萊心 Braised asparagus with hearts of green vegetable

  扒龍須香菇 Braised asparagus and mushroom

  扒牛柳白菌 Braised fillet of beef with white mushroom

  扒牛柳蔥 Braised steak with sliced scallion

  扒牛柳雞肝 Braised diced beef and chicken′s liver

  扒牛柳配菜 Braised beef with vegetables

  扒裙邊 Braised“skirt edge”(turtle)

  扒三白 Braised“three whites”:Fish,chicken and bamboo shoot tips

  扒三絲魚(yú)翅 Braised three ingredients and shark′s fin

  扒三樣 Braised three kinds of meat

  扒松子卷 Deep-fried pine nut roll and mushroom

  扒熊掌 Braised bear′s paw

  扒燕菜卷 Braised bird′s nest and vegetable rolls

  扒燕脯 Braised bird′s nest

  扒魚(yú)肚菜心 Braised fish maw with vegetable

  扒魚(yú)牛油酸汁 Braised fillet of grouper in butter sauce

  扒豬排 Braised pork chop

  扒豬排蔥 Crilled pork chop with scallion

  排骨 Barbecued spareribs

  泡菜 Pickled vegetables

  泡蛋清湯 Poached egg in clear soup

  皮脆石斑 Crispy shin grouper

  皮蛋 Preserved duck eggs

  啤酒烤火腿 Roast ham with beer

  琵琶大蝦仁 Pipa king prawns

  片大紅乳豬 Roast suckling pig

  片皮脆烤鵝 Crispy goose

  片皮脆炸雞 Crisp chicken

  片皮脆燒雞 Roast chicken

  拼盤(pán) Hors d′oeuveres

  拼四樣 Hors d′oeuveres( ingredients)

  蘋(píng)果布丁 Apple pudding

  蘋(píng)果排 Apple pie

  蘋(píng)果酥夫利 Apple souffle

  蘋(píng)果陷餅 Apple pie

  蘋(píng)果汁烤火雞 Roast turkey with apple sauce

  葡國(guó)雞 Portuguese chicken

  葡萄干布丁 Raisin pudding

  葡萄魚(yú) “Grape”fish


  七彩冷拼盤(pán) Seven ingredients hors d′oeuvres

  七日鮮 Oriental sole

  麒麟桂魚(yú) “Unicorn”mandarin fish

  氣鼓 Puffs

  氣鍋油雞 Steamed chicken

  掐菜炒牛肉絲 Saute beef shreds with bean sprouts

  掐菜炒肉絲 Saute meat shreds with bean sprouts

  掐菜炒熏雞絲 Saute smoked chicken shreds and bean sprouts

  掐菜烤鴨絲 Saute duck shreds with bean sprouts

  千層餅 “One thousand layer”cake

  千層腐皮 “One thousand layer”bean curd

  千層蔗汁糕 “One thousand layer”sugar cane juice cake

  鉗子米芹菜 Shrimp and celery

  熗蔥爆活蠔 Fried oyster and green onion

  熗蔥焗蟹 Baked crab with ginger and onion

  熗黃瓜皮 Fried cucumber skin

  熗絲田雞 Fried frogs with ginger

  巧克力大蛋糕 Chocolate cake

  切片火腿 Sliced ham

  茄蛋三味夾 Tomato and egg sandwich

  茄椒蔥煎魚(yú) Fried fillet of fish with tomato and pepper,Spanish style

  茄塊火腿 Diced ham with eggplant

  茄泥 Mashed eggplant

  茄汁斑塊 Spotted grouper in tomato sauce

  茄汁根球 “Shokkon”balls in tomato sauce(Guaugdong)

  茄汁滑蝦仁 Fried shrimps in tomato sauce

  茄汁雞脯 Fried chicken in tomato sauce

  茄汁雞絲面 Fried chicken noodles in tomato sauce

  茄汁煎軟鴨 Fried duck in tomato sauce

  茄汁煎蝦碌 Fried whole prawn in tomato sauce

  茄汁牛肉 Fried sliced beef in tomato sauce

  茄汁石斑塊 Deep-fried grouper slices in tomato sauce

  茄汁酥肉脯 Crispy pork and shrimp in tomato sauce

  茄汁蝦球 Fried prawn balls in tomato sauce

  茄汁蝦仁 Fried shrimps in tomato sauce

  茄汁蝦仁鍋粑 Shrimps and crispy rice in tomato sauce

  茄汁魚(yú)塊 Fried fish fillet with tomato sauce

  茄汁魚(yú)片 Fish slices in tomato sauce

  茄汁魚(yú)球 Fried fish balls in tomato sauce

  芹菜奶油湯 Cream of celery soup

  芹菜牛肉面 Minced beef and celery with noodles

  青菜雞塊湯 Consommé with chicken and vegetables

  青菜牛肉塊湯 Consommé with beef and vegetables

  青菜燒豆腐 Stewed bean curd with green vegetable

  青蔥炒雞蛋 Green onion omelette

  青島啤酒 Qingdao beef

  青豆蛋花湯 Egg flower and green pea soup

  青豆雞丁湯 Diced chicken soup with green peas

  青豆牛舌 Ox tongue and green peas

  青豆湯 Green pea soup

  青豆蝦仁 Fried shrimps with green peas

  青瓜片 Cucumber salad

  青椒炒肉丁 Saute pork with green pepper

  青椒雞丁 Diced chicken with green pepper

  青椒牛肉 Beef with green pepper

  青椒牛肉絲 Shredded beef with green pepper


  青椒瓤豬肉 Green pepper stuffed with minced pork

  青椒肉絲 Shredded pork and green pepper

  青梅酒 Plum wine

  青豌豆炒雞丁 Chicken with green peas

  青豌豆肉丁 Diced pork with green peas

  青魚(yú)肚當(dāng) Fish maw of black carp

  青魚(yú)劃水 Tail of black carp in clear soup

  清炒蟶子 Fried razor Clam

  清炒雞蛋 Omelette

  清炒芥蘭 Stir-fried cabbage mustard

  清炒蘭豆 Stir-fried peas

  清炒三絲 Stir-fried three kinds of vegetables

  清炒駝峰絲 Stir-fried sliced camel hump

  清炒蝦仁 Stir-fried shrimp

  清燉北菇 Clear mushroom soup

  清燉黃 Stewed venison

  清燉牛肉茶 Beef tea

  清燉牛肉 Stewed beef

  清燉全雞 Stewed whole chicken

  清燉蹄 Stewed pork rump

  清燉鴨 Stewed duck

  清燉羊肉 Stewed mutton

  清燉魚(yú)唇 Stewed fish lips

  清燉仔雞 Stewed spring chicken

  清雞湯 Clear chicken soup

  清煎雞蛋 Fried eggs

  清煎雞肉餅 Chicken croquette

  清煎鯉魚(yú) Fried carp

  清煎土豆餅 Fried potato cake

  清煎小牛肉餅 Fried veal cutlet

  清煎豬排 Fried pork chop

  清湯 Clear soup,consommé

  清湯八珍 Soup with“eight-delicacies”

  清湯鮑魚(yú) Consommé with abalone

  清湯干糕 Clear soup with dry cakes

  清湯葷三絲 Consommé with three kinds of meat shreds

  清湯雞蛋 Consommé with egg

  清湯雞肉面條 Chicken noodle soup

  清湯雞絲火腿 Chicken consommé with ham

  清湯餃子 Consommé with meat dumplings

  清湯口蘑 Mushroom consommé

  清湯美鮑 American abalone soup

  清湯面條 Noodle soup

  清湯散翅 Clear shark′s fin soup

  清湯蔬菜 Consommé with vegetables

  清湯素三絲 Consommé with“three shreds”

  清湯臥果 Consommé with poached egg

  清湯細(xì)面條 Consommé wih thin noodles

  清湯雪耳 Consommé with white fungus

  清湯燕菜 Bird′s nest consommé

  清湯燕窩 Clear soup with bird′s nest

  清湯銀耳 Consommé with white fungus

  清湯銀耳鵪鶉蛋 Consommé with white fungus and quail eggs

  清湯魚(yú)翅 Shark′s fin in clear soup

  清湯魚(yú)肚 Fish maw in clear soup

  清湯雜拌兒 Clear soup with assorted ingredients

  清湯竹筍 Bamboo shoots clear soup

  清炸里脊 DeeP-fried pork fillet

  清炸鴨肝 Deep-fried pork duck liver

  清炸胗肝 Deep-fried gizzard and liver

  清炸豬肝 Deep-fried pork liver

  清炸豬里脊 Deep-fried pork fillet

  清蒸白魚(yú) Steamed silver carp

  清蒸鳊魚(yú) Steamed bream with scallions and black beans

  清蒸肥鴿 Steamed pigeon

  清蒸桂花魚(yú) Steamed mandarin fish

  清蒸海鮮 Steamed seafood

  清蒸滑雞 Steamed chicken

  清蒸黃河鯉 Steamed Yellow river carp

  清蒸活魚(yú) Steamed live fish

  清蒸鯽魚(yú) Steamed crucian carp

  清蒸鯉魚(yú) Steamed carp

  清蒸鱸魚(yú) Steamed perch with scallion and black beans

  清蒸鱸魚(yú)腩 Steamed perch fillet

  清蒸全雞 Steamed whole chicken

  清蒸全鴨 Steamed whole duck

  清蒸瓤豆腐 Steamed stuffed bean curd

  清蒸瓤餡銀魚(yú) Steamed stuffed silvery curp

  清蒸肉蟹 Steamed crab

  清蒸三夾魚(yú) Steamed layered fish

  清蒸鰣魚(yú) Steamed hilsa herring

  清蒸田雞 Steamed frog

  清蒸蟹鉗 Steamed crab claws

  清蒸魚(yú) Steamed fish

  清蒸魚(yú)塊 Steamed fish fillets

  清蒸元魚(yú) Steamed soft-shelled turtle

  清蒸雜燴 Steamed assorted ingredients

  清蒸糟青魚(yú) Steamed black carp with wine

  全家福 “Family delight”assorted ingredients(savoury)

  全豬燒烤 Barbecued whole pig

  雀巢鵪鶉蛋 Quail eggs in a nest

  雀巢雞丁 Diced chicken in a nest

  雀巢蝦片 Shrimps in a nest


  瓤冬菇盒 Stuffed mushroom

  瓤冬瓜 Stuffed winter melon(white gourd)

  瓤豆腐 Stuffed bean curd

  瓤發(fā)菜湯 Hair like vegetable soup

  瓤黃瓜 Stuffed cucumber

  瓤雞 Stuffed chicken

  瓤筋葉 Stuffed bean curd leaf rolls with minced pork

  瓤青椒 Stuffed green pepper

  瓤柿子椒 Stuffed pepper

  瓤土鯪魚(yú) Stuffed dace

  瓤餡雞 Chicken stuffed with pork

  瓤餡雞蛋 Eggs stuffed with pork

  瓤餡青椒 Green pepper stuffed with pork

  瓤餡西紅柿 Tomato stuffed with pork

  瓤餡小牛胸口 Veal breast stuffed with pork

  瓤餡魚(yú) Fish stuffed with pork

  瓤羊肚菌 Stuff

關(guān)鍵詞: 宴席 菜名


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