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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-01-23

味噌烤肉醬 Fish Bone and Grilled Meat Sauce

土豆奶汁烤菜 Grilled Potato with Milk

土豆可樂餅 Minced Potato Shortcake

什錦壽司卷 Assorted Sushi Roll

生火腿干酪卷色拉 Ham and Cheese Salad

燒竹簡及鴨片伴壽司 Roated Sushi and Duck Meat in Bamboo Slip

羊羹 Agar Thick Soup

蟹柳扒鮮草菇 Braised Button Mushroom with Crab Sticks

茶巾壽司 Sushi Rice Packaged in Egg Pancake

大福袋 Bean Curd Bag

豆腐皮壽司 Beancurd Sheet Sushi

鮭魚生魚片沙拉 Salmon Salad

海鰻雞骨湯(日本) Conger Eel and Chicken Soup

海鮮小火鍋 Seafood Chaffy Dish

荷蘭豆燒麥 Garden Pea Shaomai(Dumplings)

金槍魚調(diào)味醬 Tunny Sauce

麻婆鍋 Mapo Pot

面豉燒龍蝦生豪伴海膽 Prawn and Oyster with Flour Sauce

漆匠蘿卜 Boiled Radish Strips

菜肉卷天婦羅 Vegetable and Pork Roll

蕃茄肉餅 Tomato and Meat Pie

茄子肉餅 Eggplant and Meat Pie

青椒肉餅 Green Pepper and Meat Pie

生拌金槍魚肉 Mixed Fresh Tunny Meat

和風(fēng)海鮮沙律 Seafood Salad

漢堡扒 Hamburg Beef

海鮮刺身 Seafood and Radish

鍋塌明蝦 Prawns Baked in A Pan

冰鎮(zhèn)芥藍(lán) Broccoli on Ice

茶壺蒸海鮮 Steamed Seafood in Teapot

和風(fēng)星鰻散壽司 Sushi with Eel

芥藍(lán)炒咸雞 Fried Salted Chicken with Broccoli

紫蘇天婦羅 Deep Fried Vegetables

竹莢魚塊壽司 Scad Shusi

魚卵小壽 Fried Bean Sprout with Preserved Vegetable

味噌湯 Fish Bone Soup

土豆蟹魚糕 Potato Crab and Fish Cake

勝井 Braised Pork with Sauce

炸豬排 Fried Pork

炸豆腐 Fried Bean Curd

海帶燒排骨 Braised Chop with Kelp

關(guān)鍵詞: 日本菜


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