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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-12
核心提示:safe custody business 保管業(yè)務 safe custody fee 保管費 safe deposit box rental received 保管箱租項收入 safeguarding assets 保障資產 safety factor 安全系數(shù) safety margin of profitability 盈利能力的安全界限 Sakura Bank, Limited 櫻花銀行 salaried emplo

safe custody business 保管業(yè)務
safe custody fee 保管費
safe deposit box rental received 保管箱租項收入
safeguarding assets 保障資產
safety factor 安全系數(shù)
safety margin of profitability 盈利能力的安全界限
Sakura Bank, Limited 櫻花銀行
salaried employee 受薪雇員
salaried office 受薪職位
salaries tax 薪俸稅
salaries tax assessment 薪俸稅評稅
salaries tax borne by the employer 由雇主代付的薪俸稅
salaries tax payable 應繳的薪俸稅
salaries tax payer 繳交薪俸稅人士
salaries tax return 薪俸稅報稅表
salaries tax threshold 薪俸稅的免繳稅入息額
salary 薪金;薪俸
salary adjustment 薪金調整
salary earner 受薪人士
salary rate index 薪金率指數(shù)
salary statement 薪俸結算書
sale and purchase agreement 買賣協(xié)議
sale by auction 拍賣
sale by private treaty 以私人協(xié)約形式售賣
sale by public auction 公開拍賣
sale by tender 招標出售
sale of assets 售賣資產
sale proceeds 售賣得益;銷售收入
sales account 銷貨帳
sales commission 銷售傭金
sales counter 銷售柜臺
sales price index 銷售價格指數(shù)
sales tax 銷售稅
sampling frame 抽樣范圍
sampling theory 抽樣理論
samurai bond 武士債券;外國日元債券
sanction 認許;制裁
Sanwa Bank, Limited 三和銀行
Sanwa International Finance Limited 三和國際財務有限公司
satisfaction 清償
savings 儲蓄;節(jié)省款項;節(jié)省開支額
savings account 儲蓄賬戶
savings deposit 儲蓄存款
savings rate 儲蓄率;儲蓄存款利率
scale of brokerages 經紀傭金收費表
scale of fees 收費率;收費表
schedule 清單;一覽表;細目單;附表
schedule of charges 費用表
schedule of dealing 交易清單
schedule of property 財產清單
schedule of proportion 比例表
Schedule of Rates 標準收費表
scheme of arrangement 債務償還安排
Scheme of Control 管制計劃
Scheme of Control Agreement [SCA] 《管制計劃協(xié)議》
Schengen Agreement 《神根協(xié)議》
Schroders Asia Limited 寶源亞洲有限公司
scrip 臨時股票
scrip dividend 以股代息
scrip dividend scheme 以股代息計劃
scrip issue 紅股發(fā)行
scripless dealing of shares 無單股份交易
SEANZA forum of bank supervisors 東南亞、新西蘭與澳洲銀行業(yè)監(jiān)理組織
search fee 查冊費
seasonal adjustment 季節(jié)性調整
seasonal deficit 季節(jié)性赤字
seasonal fluctuation 季節(jié)性波動
seasoned securities 優(yōu)質證券;價格穩(wěn)定的證券
second and third liner 二三線股
second board 第二板市場
second calculation 第二計算法
second line stock 二線股票
second mortgage 第二按揭;第二抵押權
second participant 第二參與者
Second Quarter Economic Report 19XX 《一九XX年第二季經濟報告》
secondary insider 次要的內幕人士
secondary listing 第二上市
secondary market 二級市場;次級市場;第二市場
secondary mortgage market 第二按揭市場
secondary production 第二級生產;第二產業(yè)
Secretary for Economic Services 經濟局局長
Secretary for Financial Services 財經事務局局長
Secretary for the Treasury 庫務局局長
sectional group 個別利益集團
sector 界別;行業(yè);機構
sectorial index 分類指數(shù)
secular trend 長期趨勢
secure 擔保;抵押
secured bond 有擔保債券
secured creditor 有抵押債權人
secured loan 擔保貸款;有抵押貸款
securing debenture 擔保債權證
securities 證券
Securities Advisory Council 證券事務咨詢委員會
securities analyst 證券分析員
Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] [Taiwan, United States] 證券管理委員會〔證管會〕〔臺灣〕;證券交易委員會〔美國〕
Securities and Futures Appeals Panel [Securities and Futures Commission] 證券及期貨事務上訴委員會〔證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會〕
Securities and Futures Commission [SFC] 證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會〔證監(jiān)會〕
Securities and Investment Board [SIB] [United Kingdom] 證券及投資管理局〔英國〕
securities borrowing 證券借用
securities business 證券買賣業(yè)務
Securities Commission [presently known as Securities and Futures Commission] 證券事務監(jiān)察委員會〔現(xiàn)稱證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會〕
Securities Compensation Fund 證券賠償基金
Securities Compensation Fund Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 證券賠償基金委員會〔證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會〕
securities dealer 證券交易商
Securities Dealers' Deposit Fund 證券交易商按金基金
Securities Exchange of Thailand 泰國證券交易所
securities for money 貸款抵押物
Securities Foundation 證券業(yè)培訓基金
Securities Institute of Australia 澳大利亞證券學會
securities introducing broker 證券介紹經紀
securities investment adviser 證券投資顧問
Securities Journal, The 《證券月刊》
Securities Law 《證券法》
securities lending 證券借貸
securities market 證券市場
Securities Officer 證券主任
securities payable to bearer 須付款予持有人的證券
securities register system 證券登記系統(tǒng)
Securities Review Committee 證券業(yè)檢討委員會
Securities Review Committee Report 《證券業(yè)檢討委員會報告書》
Securities Section [Financial Services Bureau] 證券組〔財經事務局〕
securities underwriter 證券包銷商
securitization of debt 債務證券化
security 抵押品;保證金;保證
security account 保付戶口
security by bond 擔保契據(jù)形式的保證
security features [bank notes] 防偽特色〔銀行紙幣〕
security for note issue 發(fā)行紙幣的保證物
security instrument 保證文書
security interest 擔保權益
security to the payment of money 付款保證
seed capital 種子資本
segregated account 獨立賬戶;獨立戶口
segregated trust account 獨立信托賬戶
SEHK Options Clearing House Limited [SEOCH] 聯(lián)交所期權結算所有限公司
SEHK traded option 在聯(lián)交所買賣的期權
seizure 檢;扣押
selective allowance 選擇性免稅額
selective marketing basis 選擇性銷售方式
selective tender 選擇性投標;選擇性招標
self-assessment 自我評稅
self-clearing member [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 自行結算會員〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
self-correcting mechanism 自動調節(jié)機制
self-financing 財政自給;自籌資金
self-liquidating project 自動還本工程
self-regulation 自律;自行規(guī)管;自行監(jiān)管
sell 賣出
sell off 拋售;沽盤
sell order 賣盤
sell short 賣空;沽空;拋空
seller's price 賣價;賣方價格
selling dealer 賣方交易商
selling hedge 沽空對沖
selling pressure 沽售壓力
selling price 售價
senior securities 優(yōu)先證券
separate assessment 夫婦分別評稅
separate client account 獨立客戶帳目
separate debt 獨有的債項;各別的債項
separate estate 各別產業(yè)
separate estates account 各別產業(yè)的帳目
separate instrument 獨立文書
separate listing 獨立上市
separate property 各別的財產
separate share trading account 獨立股票交易賬戶
separate taxation for married couples 夫婦分開評稅
sequestration 暫押;扣押
serial bond 分期還本債券
series of transactions 連串交易
service-led economy 以服務業(yè)為主導的經濟
set-off 抵銷;對銷
set-off and transfer report 比對轉帳報告
set-off of the property tax 豁免物業(yè)稅
settled property 預先分配的財產
settlement 交收;結算;交割;清償;授產安排
settlement backlog 積壓交收
settlement bank 結算銀行
settlement cap 交收限價
settlement date 交收日期
settlement of debts 清償債務;償還債務
settlement of physical shares 股份實物交收
settlement period 交收期限;結算期
settlement price 結算價格;平倉價格
settlement risk 結算風險;交收風險
settlement system 交收制度;結算系統(tǒng)
settlor 財產授予人
seven-year Exchange Fund note 七年期外匯基金債券
Sewage Services Trading Fund 污水處理服務營運基金
Shacom Finance Limited 上商財務有限公司
shadow director 影子董事;幕后董事
Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. 上海商業(yè)銀行
Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation 上海證券中央登記結算公司
Shanghai Stock Exchange 上海證券交易所
share 股份;股票;份額
share beneficially owned 實益股份;實益擁有股份
share capital 股本
share certificate 股票
share dealing 股票交易;股票買賣
share in issue 已發(fā)行股份;已發(fā)行股票
share investment 股份投資
share margin lending “按倉”貸款
share market 股票市場
share of a business 生意股份
share of mutual fund 互惠基金股份
share of profit 利潤份額
share on local register 當?shù)氐怯泝运d的股份
share option 股票期權;認股權;股份認購權
share pending listing 等候上市股份
share premium account 股份溢價賬戶
share price 股票價格
share registrar 股票過戶登記處;過戶處;股份登記員
share repurchase 股份購回;股份回購
share rights 股權
share split 股份拆細;拆股
share transfer 股票過戶
share warrant 認股權證
share warrant to bearer 不記名認股權證
shareholder 股東
shareholders' fund 股東資金
shareholding 持有股份
sharp increase 急劇上升;暴升;飛漲
shell company 空殼公司
shell reactivation “借殼”上市;“買殼”上市;空殼公司重新活動
Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre 深圳外匯交易中心
Shenzhen Securities Registration Company Limited 深圳證券登記公司
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 深圳證券交易所
Shinhan Finance Limited 新韓金融有限公司
Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. 靜岡銀行
short 空頭;空倉;淡倉;賣空;超賣
short call 認購期權淡倉
short covering 補倉;補空倉;空頭補進
short futures contract 淡倉期貨合約
short notice 短期通知書
short notice and time deposit 短期通知及定期存款
short of liquidity 資金緊絀
short position 空倉;淡倉;空頭;短盤
short sell securities 賣空證券
short selling 賣空;沽空;拋空
short selling system 證券沽空制度
short-dated securities 短期證券
shortfall 差額;不足之數(shù)
shortfall in expenditure 實際開支低于原來預算
short-term deposit 短期存款
short-term indicator of economic condition 短期經濟指標
short-term interest rate 短期利率
short-term paper 短期票據(jù)
short-term rating 短期評級
shroff account number 收款賬號
Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited 匯商銀行
significant shareholder 持有大量股票的股東;重要股東
silent partner 只擁有股權而不參與業(yè)務的合伙人;隱名合伙人
silver 銀
silver currency 銀制流通貨幣
silver standard 銀本位;銀本位制
Simple Guide to Bankruptcy, A 《破產案簡介》
Simple Guide to Compulsory Winding-up of Companies, A 《強制公司清盤案簡介》
simple interest 單利;以單息計算的利息
simple portfolio 簡單的投資組合
simultaneous econometric model 聯(lián)立計量經濟模式
simultaneous equation model 聯(lián)立方程模式
Sin Hua Bank Limited 新華銀行
Sin Hua Finance Company Limited 新華財務有限公司
Singapore Dollar [SGD] 新加坡元
Singapore International Monetary Exchange 新加坡國際金融交易所
Singapore Stock Exchange 新加坡證券交易所
Singapore Strait Times Index 《新加坡海峽時報》指數(shù)
single assessment 單一評稅
single entry system 單式簿記制度
single equation model 單方程模式
single fund 單一基金
single market, the [Europe] 單一市場〔歐洲〕
single parent allowance 單親免稅額
single premium 整付保費
single premium policy 整付保費保單
single tender 單一投標
sinking fund 償債基金
size criterion [banking] 資產限額準則〔銀行業(yè)〕
size of issue 發(fā)行量
size of the economy 經濟規(guī)模
slacken 放緩;呆滯
slow down 減慢;放緩;退減
slow trading 交投呆滯
sluggish 市勢疲弱;市況呆滯
sluggish turnover 交投呆滯
slump 急跌;下挫
small and medium enterprise [SME] 中小型企業(yè)
Small and Medium Enterprises Committee 中小型企業(yè)委員會
small bankruptcy 小額破產案
small business 小型企業(yè)
Small Claims Tribunal 小額錢債審裁處
Small Claims Tribunal Suitors Fund Account 小額錢債審裁處訴訟人儲存金賬戶
small depositor 小額存戶
small economy 小規(guī)模經濟體系
small estate 小額遺產
smart card 智能卡;聰明卡
snake 蛇形浮動;蛇形浮動匯率制
soaring market 旺市;好市;暴漲的市況
Social Security Assistance Index of Prices 社會保障援助價格指數(shù)
social welfare expenditure 社會福利開支
Societe de Compensation des Marches Conditionels 巴黎期權市場結算所
Societe Generale 法國興業(yè)銀行
Societe Generale Asia Limited 法國興業(yè)亞洲有限公司
Society of Actuaries of the United States of America 美國精算師公會
Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors 華人會計師公會
Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication [SWIFT] 環(huán)球銀行財務電訊協(xié)會
socio-economic infrastructure 社會經濟基礎建設
soft currency 軟貨幣;弱勢貨幣
soft dollar practice 收取非金錢利益的做法
soft market 市況疲軟
sole executor 唯一的遺囑執(zhí)行人
sole proprietor 獨資經營者
sole proprietorship 獨資經營
sole trustee 單一受托人
soliciting business 招攬生意
solid growth 穩(wěn)健增長
solvency 償債能力;償付能力
Solvency Fund 無償付能力賠償基金
source of additional revenue 額外收入來源
source of fund 資金來源
South Sea Bubble “南海泡影”;南海泡沫事件
South-East Asian Central Banks [SEACEN] 東南亞中央銀行組織
sovereign risk 政治風險;主權風險
soyabean futures 大豆期貨;期豆
SPC Credit Limited 美國太平洋信貸有限公司
special cash bonus 特別現(xiàn)金紅利
Special Coin Suspense Account 特別硬幣暫記帳
special crossed cheque 特別劃線支票
special crossing 特別劃線
special debt securities 特別債務證券
special drawing right [SDR] 特別提款權
special economic zone 經濟特區(qū)
special endorsement 記名背書
special expenditure 特別開支
special fund 特別基金
special grant 特別補助金
special levy 特別征費〔證券〕;特別附加費
Special Levy Fund 特別征費基金
special manager 特別經理人
special payment 特別付款
special proxy 特別委托書
special rates grant 特別差餉補助金
special surplus 特別盈余
Special Suspense Account 特別暫記帳
special trust 特別信托
special warrant 特別撥款令;特別支款授權書
specific charge 特定押記
specific deduction 特定扣稅項目
specific duty 從量稅
specific duty rate 從量稅率
specific relief 特定寬免
specific sum 指明款項
specified rate rules 指定利率規(guī)則
specified tax 指明稅項
speculation 投機
speculative activity 投機活動
speculative attack 投機沖擊
speculative position 投機盤
speculative pressure 投機壓力
spending guideline 開支指引;開支預算的指引
spending pattern 開支模式;消費模式
spending power 消費力
split 拆細;拆股
split share 已拆細股份;已分割股份
split trust 分類信托
spoiled stamp 損壞的印花
spot 即期;現(xiàn)貨
spot assets 現(xiàn)金資產;現(xiàn)金存款
spot contract 現(xiàn)貨合約
spot exchange rate 即期匯率;現(xiàn)貨兌換率
spot foreign currency assets 即期外幣資產
spot foreign currency liabilities 即期外幣負債
spot index 現(xiàn)貨指數(shù)
spot market 現(xiàn)貨市場
spot month 現(xiàn)貨月份
spot month trading 現(xiàn)貨月份交易
spot price 現(xiàn)貨價格
spot rate 即期匯率;現(xiàn)貨匯率;現(xiàn)貨價
spot settlement 即場成交;現(xiàn)場交易
spot trading 現(xiàn)貨交易
spot transaction 現(xiàn)貨交易;現(xiàn)匯交易
spread 差價;利率差距;利潤幅度;價位
spread back 撥回有關年度評稅
spread margin 跨期保證金;跨期按金
spread option 復式期權;取差期權
spread table 價位表
spread trading 跨期買賣;跨價買賣
spreading 跨期買賣;跨價買賣
square position 平倉;軋平差額
squeeze “迫倉”;“夾倉”;緊縮
stabilization fund 穩(wěn)定金
staff on-cost 職員附加費用;員工間接費用
staff-related expenses 與職員有關的費用;與員工有關連的開支
stag 投機認股者;“炒”新股者;新股套利者
stakeholder 保證金保存人
stale cheque 過期支票
stamp 印花
stamp duty 印花稅;厘印費
stamp duty on contract note 成交單據(jù)印花稅
stamp duty on conveyance of land 土地轉讓印花稅
stamp duty on conveyance of properties 物業(yè)轉讓印花稅
stamp duty on property transactions 物業(yè)交易印花稅
stamp duty on stock transfers 股票交易印花稅
stamp duty rate 印花稅稅率
stamp duty relief 印花稅寬免
Stamp Office [Inland Revenue Department] 印花稅署〔稅務局〕
standard amount [taxation] 標準免稅額
Standard and Poor's 500 Index 標準普爾500指數(shù)
Standard and Poor's Corporation 標準普爾公司
Standard and Poor's Rating 標準普爾評級
Standard Chartered Bank 渣打銀行
standard conversion rate 劃一兌換率;劃一折合率
Standard London (Asia) Limited 英國標旗(亞洲)有限公司
standard of accounting and auditing practices 會計及核數(shù)執(zhí)業(yè)準則
standard of disclosure 披露標準
standard rate 標準稅率;標準收費率
standard rate zone 標準稅率范圍
standard share 標準定額股;標準股票
standard valuation method 標準估價方法
standby credit 備用信貸
standby facility 備用貸款
Standing Accounting Instructions 《常務會計指令》
Standing Committee on Company Law Reform 公司法改革常務委員會
standing offer 有效要約
Standing Order Form for Tax Reserve Certificate 長期委購儲稅券通知書
stand-over order 暫緩繳稅令
Star Chamber 高層資源會議
Star Chamber Action Group 高層資源會議策動小組
Star Chamber review 高層資源會議總結;高層資源會議檢討
start-up cost 開辦成本;籌備費用
start-up grant 成立初期補助金
State Administration of Exchange Control [China] 國家外匯管理局〔中國〕
State Bank of India 印度國家銀行
statement 結算書;報表;說明書
statement in lieu of prospectus 代替招股章程陳述書
statement of account 帳目報表
statement of adjustment 調整說明書
statement of affairs 資產負債狀況說明書
statement of annual account 周年帳目報表
statement of assets and liabilities 資產負債表
statement of calculation 計算說明
statement of income and expenditure 收支報告;收支結算表
statement of loss 虧損表
statement of loss and gain 損益計算表
statement of profit and loss 損益計算表
statement of receipts and payments by the Government 政府收支總表
Statement of Standard Accounting Practice [SSAP] 《會計實務準則》
Statements of Insurance Practice 《保險業(yè)業(yè)務慣例聲明》
state-owned enterprise 國營企業(yè)
statistical analysis and modelling 統(tǒng)計分析及編制統(tǒng)計模型
statistical indicator 統(tǒng)計指標
statistical summary 統(tǒng)計摘要;統(tǒng)計概要
Statistical Yearbook 《統(tǒng)計年報》
statute-barred debt 已逾時效的債項
Statutes of Distribution 《遺產分配法規(guī)》
statutory business 法定業(yè)務
statutory charge 法定收費
statutory compensation 法定補償金
statutory corporation 法定公司
statutory debt 法定債項
statutory declaration 法定聲明
statutory trust 法定信托
stay buoyant 保持暢旺
steady growth 穩(wěn)步增長
steep rise 急升
sterling area 英鎊區(qū)
Sterling Guarantee Agreement 《英鎊保證協(xié)議》
stock 證券;股票;股額;公債;存貨
stock adjustment 存貨調整
stock balance summary 股票往來報告表
stock book 存貨簿
stock borrowing and lending agreement 證券借用及借出協(xié)議
stock broker 股票經紀
stock certificate 股票;股票證書
Stock Clearing Corporation [Philadelphia] 股票結算公司〔費城〕
stock control account 存貨總帳;存貨控制帳
stock control report 股票存量報告表
stock deposit and withdrawal 股票存取
stock exchange 證券交易所
Stock Exchange Automated Quotation System [SEAQ System] [United Kingdom] 證券交易所自動報價系統(tǒng)〔英國〕
stock exchange company 證券交易所
Stock Exchange Information Services Limited [SEIS] 香港聯(lián)合交易所信息服務有限公司
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited [SEHK] [formerly known as the Unified Exchange] 香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〔聯(lián)交所〕〔前稱聯(lián)合交易所〕
Stock Exchange of Singapore 新加坡證券交易所
stock fund account 存貨基金帳
stock futures 股票期貨
stock index futures 股市指數(shù)期貨
stock index futures market 股市指數(shù)期貨市場
stock index option 股市指數(shù)期權
stock list 存貨表;存貨單;股市行情表
stock market 證券市場;股票市場
stock option 股票期權
stock options market 股票期權市場
stock portfolio 股票投資組合
stock sheet 存貨表
stock split 股票拆細;拆股
stock unit 股份
stock warrant 認股證;認股權證
stock watering 股票攙水
stockbroker 股票經紀
stockbroking business 股票經紀業(yè)務
stockholder 證券持有人;股東;股份持有人;股額持有人
Stockholm Options Market 斯德哥爾摩期權市場
Stockholm Stock Exchange 斯德哥爾摩證券交易所
stock-in-trade 存貨
stocks and shares 股額及股份
stop limit order 限價盤;停止限價指令
stop loss order 止蝕盤;止蝕指令
stop order 止蝕盤;止蝕指令
stop payment 止付
stop-go policy 應變經濟政策;經濟膨脹和緊縮交替運用的政策
storage fee 倉費
straddle trading 套盤;跨期買賣;跨價買賣
straight bond 傳統(tǒng)債券;純粹債券
straight letter of credit 直接信用證
straight-line depreciation method 直線折舊法
straight-line fixed repayment 直線固定還款
street shareholder 場外股東
Strengthening of Currency Board Arrangements in Hong Kong [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 《鞏固香港的貨幣發(fā)行局制度》〔香港金融管理局〕
strike price 行使價;敲價
strong demand 殷切需求
strong growth 強勁增長
Structural Analysis Section [Financial Services Bureau] 經濟結構分析組〔財經事務局〕
structural ratio 結構比率
structural transformation of the economy 經濟結構轉型
structure of assets and liabilities 資產負債結構
struggle between bulls and bears 好淡爭持
Student Loan Fund 學生貸款基金
sub-agent 分銷代理商
sub-contract 分包合約
sub-contractor 次承判商;“二判”
sub-fund 成分基金
subhead 分目;開支分目
subhead of expenditure 開支分目
sub-index 分類指數(shù)
subject to a trust 受信托規(guī)限
subject to tax 須課稅
subordinated debt 后償債項
subordinated deposit 無優(yōu)先權存款
subordinated loan 附屬貸款
subordinated loan stock 后償債權股額
sub-purchaser 轉購人
subscriber 認購人;認購者
subscription 認購;認股;會費
subscription list 認購名單
subscription price 認購價格
subscription rate 認購率
subsequent allowance 以后免稅額
subsidiary 附屬公司
subsidiary business 副業(yè);附屬業(yè)務
subsidiary company 附屬公司;子公司
subsidiary ledger 明細分類帳;輔助分類帳
Subsidiary Note Security Fund 輔助紙幣保證基金
subsidy 津貼;補貼
subsidy code 補貼守則
subsistence allowance 生活津貼;膳食津貼;膳宿津貼
substandard loan 次級貸款
substantial appreciation of prices 價格大幅上揚;價格飆升
substantial benefit 實質利益
substantial savings 巨額儲蓄
substantial shareholder 大股東
substantial transaction 重大交易
sub-subsidiary company 再附屬公司
sub-total 小計
sub-transferee 次承讓人
sub-transferor 次出讓人
sub-underwrite 分包銷
sub-underwriter 分包銷商
sub-underwriting commission 分包銷傭金
sub-underwriting contract 分包銷合約
subvention 資助金
subvention system 補助制度;資助制度
Subventions and Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee 津貼及獎券基金咨詢委員會
successful tenderer 中標者
succession 繼承
successor 繼承人
sugar futures 期糖
sum assured 保額
sum invested 投資款項
sum payable 應付的款項
Sumitomo Bank Ltd. 株式會社住友銀行
Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co. Ltd. 住友信托銀行
Sumitomo Trust Finance (H.K.) Limited 住友信托財務(香港)有限公司
summary liquidation case 簡易程序清盤案
summary of receipts and payments as trustee 受托人的收支撮要
sumptuary taxation 寓禁于征的稅項
sundry creditor 雜項債權人;其它債權人
sundry debtor 雜項債務人;其它債務人
superannuation 離職金
superannuation allowance 離職津貼
Superintendent of Stamp Office 印花稅署總監(jiān)
supernational credit rating 跨國信貸評級
supervening contract 附加合約
supervision fee 監(jiān)管費
Supervision of Markets Division [Securities and Futures Commission] 市場監(jiān)察部〔證券及期貨事務監(jiān)察委員會〕
supervisory authority 監(jiān)管當局;監(jiān)理當局
supervisory regime 監(jiān)管架構
supervisory system 監(jiān)管制度
supplementary appropriation 追加撥款
supplementary budget 追加預算
supplementary capital 附加資本
Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance) 《〈適當人選的準則〉補充附注》(適用于根據(jù)《杠桿式外匯買賣條例》申請牌照的申請人)
supplementary provision 追加撥款;追加備付款項
supplementary warrant 追加備付款項令
supplies contract 物料供應合約
supply-side economics 供應學派經濟學;供應經濟學
Support Services Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 輔助服務處〔香港金融管理局〕
suppress inflation 遏止通貨膨脹
suppression factor 限制因素
surcharge 附加費
Surcharge Notice 繳納附加費通知書
surety 保證人;擔保人;擔保
surety bond 擔保債券;銀行保證書
surge 銳升;激增;飆升
surplus 盈余
surplus and deficit account 盈余虧損帳
surplus assets 剩余資產
surplus funding 剩余資金
surplus income 收益盈余
surplus on recurrent account 經常帳盈余
surrender 放棄;退回;退回書;退保
surrender of benefits 放棄利益
surveillance programme 監(jiān)察計劃
surviving joint owner 尚存的聯(lián)名擁有人
surviving partner 尚存的合伙人
surviving trustee 尚存受托人
suspend payment 暫停付款
suspense account 暫記帳
suspension 暫時吊銷
suspension of trading 停牌;暫停買賣
sustained economic growth 經濟持續(xù)增長
sustained growth 持續(xù)增長
swap adjustment centre 掉期調劑中心
swap deposit 掉期存款;“假美金”
swap market 外匯掉期市場
swap transaction 掉期交易;互惠信貸交易
Swedish Krona [SEK] 瑞典克郎
Swiss Federal Banking Commission 瑞士聯(lián)邦銀行監(jiān)理委員會
Swiss Franc [CHF] 瑞士法郎
Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange AG 瑞士期權及金融期貨交易所有限公司
Swiss Reinsurance Company, Zurich 蘇黎世瑞士再保險公司
switching 轉換;掉期買賣
Sydney Futures Exchange Ltd. 悉尼期貨交易所有限公司
syndic 經理人
syndicated loan 銀團貸款;集團放款;財團放款
syndication centre 財團中心
synthetic call option 合成認購期權
synthetic stock 合成股票
synthetics 合成工具
system of cartelized rates 聯(lián)營式利率制度
system of financial administration 財政管理制度
System of National Accounts [SNA] 國民賬戶體系;國民經濟核算體系
systematic bias 系統(tǒng)性偏差
systematic risk 系統(tǒng)性風險
關鍵詞: 財經 詞匯


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