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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-11
核心提示:gain 收益;增益 garnishee order 債權(quán)扣押令 GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融財(cái)務(wù)有限公司 gearing ratio 資本與負(fù)債比率;杠桿比率〔認(rèn)股權(quán)證〕 general acceptance 一般承兌 general account 一般帳目;總帳 general administrator 一般遺產(chǎn)管理人 General Agreem

gain 收益;增益
garnishee order 債權(quán)扣押令
GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融財(cái)務(wù)有限公司
gearing ratio 資本與負(fù)債比率;杠桿比率〔認(rèn)股權(quán)證〕
general acceptance 一般承兌
general account 一般帳目;總帳
general administrator 一般遺產(chǎn)管理人
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] 《關(guān)稅及貿(mào)易總協(xié)議》〔《關(guān)貿(mào)總協(xié)議》〕
General Agreement on Trade in Services [GATS] 《服務(wù)貿(mào)易總協(xié)議》
general apportionment 一般分?jǐn)?br />General Arrangements to Borrow [GAB] 《借款總安排》
general body of shareholders 全體股東
general business 一般業(yè)務(wù)
general capital increase 總增資
general clearing member 一般結(jié)算會(huì)員
General Consumer Price Index [GCPI] 一般消費(fèi)物價(jià)指數(shù)
general crossed cheque 普通劃線支票
general crossing 普通劃線
general expenses 一般開(kāi)支
general fund 普通基金
General Household Survey 綜合住戶統(tǒng)計(jì)調(diào)查
General Insurance Council [Hong Kong Federation of Insurers] 一般保險(xiǎn)總會(huì)〔香港保險(xiǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)會(huì)〕
general ledger 總分類帳
general levy 一般征款
general offer 公開(kāi)要約;全面收購(gòu)建議
general partner 普通合伙人
general partnership 普通合伙
general policy 一般保單
general proxy 一般委托書(shū)
general rates 一般差餉
general reserve 一般儲(chǔ)備金
general revaluation [rates] 全面重估應(yīng)課差餉租值
general revenue 一般收入;政府一般收入
General Revenue Account [GRA] 政府一般收入帳目
General Revenue Account expenditure 政府一般收入帳目開(kāi)支
General Revenue Account revenue 政府一般收入帳目收入
general revenue balance 政府一般收入余額
general support grant 一般經(jīng)費(fèi)補(bǔ)助金
general warrant 普通撥款令
Generale Belgian Bank (also known as Belgian Bank) 華比銀行
generalized system of preference [GSP] 普及特惠制〔普惠制〕
gilt-edged investment 穩(wěn)當(dāng)投資
gilt-edged market 金邊證券市場(chǎng)
gilt-edged securities 金邊證券
Gini Coefficient 基尼系數(shù)
global allocation 總撥款;撥款總額
global costing 整體成本計(jì)算法
go private 私有化;私營(yíng)化
go public 上市
godown warrant 倉(cāng)單
going concern 經(jīng)營(yíng)中的機(jī)構(gòu);持續(xù)經(jīng)營(yíng)
gold 黃金
gold bullion 金條;黃金
gold bullion held on an allocated basis 特別劃分方式持有的黃金
gold bullion market 黃金市場(chǎng)
gold coin 金幣
gold coin certificate 金幣證明書(shū);金幣證
gold coin coupon 金幣配給券
gold exchange standard 黃金匯兌本位制
gold futures 黃金期貨;期金
Gold Identity Marks Registry 黃金標(biāo)記注冊(cè)處
gold market 黃金市場(chǎng)
gold on paper 黃金券;紙黃金
gold, silver and platinum held in physical form 實(shí)金、實(shí)銀及實(shí)白金
gold standard 金本位;金本位制
good book debt 可收回的賬面?zhèn)?xiàng)
good delivery 合格交貨;合格交割
good year 豐年
goods and services 商品及服務(wù);貨物與服務(wù)
goodwill 商譽(yù);信譽(yù)
government bond 政府債券
government consumption expenditure 政府消費(fèi)開(kāi)支
government conveyancing 政府產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)易
Government Economist 政府經(jīng)濟(jì)顧問(wèn)
government expenditure 政府開(kāi)支
government lotteries 政府獎(jiǎng)券
Government Lotteries Management Committee 政府獎(jiǎng)券管理委員會(huì)
government mortgage institution 政府按揭貸款機(jī)構(gòu)
government property 政府財(cái)產(chǎn)
government property assets 政府物業(yè)資產(chǎn)
Government Regulations 《政府規(guī)例》
Government rent 地稅;地租
government reserve 政府儲(chǔ)備
government revenue 政府收入
government securities consultant 政府證券業(yè)顧問(wèn)
government trading department 參與商業(yè)活動(dòng)的政府部門
government utility 政府公用事業(yè)
graduated rate 漸進(jìn)稅率
grant 補(bǔ)助金;撥款
grantor 授予人
gratuitous payment 賞金
gratuity 酬金
gratuity benefit 酬金福利
grey market 暗盤(pán)市場(chǎng);灰市;暗市
grey market trading 暗盤(pán)交易
gross amount 毛額
gross capital formation 資本形成總額
gross claim 申索毛額
gross claim paid 已償付申索毛額
gross commission payable 須付的傭金毛額
gross contract value 合約總值
gross domestic capital formation 本地資本形成總額
gross domestic fixed capital formation 本地固定資本形成總額
gross domestic price capital formation 本地價(jià)格資本形成總額
gross domestic product [GDP] 本地生產(chǎn)總值;國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值
gross domestic product at constant (1980) market price 按固定(一九八零年)市價(jià)計(jì)算的本地生產(chǎn)總值
gross domestic product at factor cost 按生產(chǎn)要素成本計(jì)算的本地生產(chǎn)總值
gross domestic product at market price 按市價(jià)計(jì)算的本地生產(chǎn)總值
gross domestic product by industrial sector 按工業(yè)類別計(jì)算的本地生產(chǎn)總值
gross domestic product component 本地生產(chǎn)總值的組成部分
gross domestic product deflator 本地生產(chǎn)總值平減物價(jià)指數(shù)
gross domestic product estimate 估計(jì)本地生產(chǎn)總值;本地生產(chǎn)總值的估計(jì)數(shù)字
gross domestic product per capita 按人口平均計(jì)算的本地生產(chǎn)總值
gross expenditure 開(kāi)支總額;總支出
gross expenses 開(kāi)支總額;總開(kāi)支
gross income 收入總額;總收益
gross insurance liabilities 毛保險(xiǎn)負(fù)債
gross liabilities 總負(fù)債
gross loss 毛損;虧損總額
gross margin 毛利
gross margining 總額保證金制度
gross national product [GNP] 本地居民生產(chǎn)總值;國(guó)民生產(chǎn)總值
gross output 總產(chǎn)出;總產(chǎn)值;總產(chǎn)量
gross premium 毛保費(fèi);保費(fèi)總額
gross premium income 毛保費(fèi)收入;保費(fèi)收入總額
gross principal value 基本價(jià)值總額
gross proceeds 總收益
gross proceeds from sales 銷售總收入
gross profit 毛利;溢利總額
gross receipt 總收入
gross return 總收益
gross trading income 營(yíng)業(yè)總收入
group account 集團(tuán)帳目
group consolidated balance sheet 集團(tuán)綜合資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表
group loss relief 對(duì)集團(tuán)的虧損給予稅項(xiàng)寬免
Group of Seven [G7] 七大工業(yè)國(guó)
Group of Seven leaders 七大工業(yè)國(guó)元首
Group of Ten [G10] 十國(guó)集團(tuán);十國(guó)財(cái)團(tuán)組織
group tax relief 集團(tuán)稅項(xiàng)寬減
group trading system 集體貿(mào)易制度
grow at a respectable pace 有可觀的增長(zhǎng);有不俗的增長(zhǎng)率
Growth Enterprise Market Department [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 創(chuàng)業(yè)板部〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
growth momentum 增長(zhǎng)勁力
growth movement 增長(zhǎng)趨勢(shì)
growth path 增長(zhǎng)線;增長(zhǎng)途徑
growth rate of domestic export 本地產(chǎn)品出口增長(zhǎng)率
growth with stability 穩(wěn)步增長(zhǎng)
guarantee 擔(dān)保;保證
guarantee company 擔(dān)保公司;保證公司
guarantee corporation 保證法團(tuán)
guarantee deposit and margin paid 繳付的保證按金
guarantee deposit and margin received 存入的保證按金
guarantee fund 保證基金;擔(dān);
Guarantee Law 《擔(dān)保法》
guarantee of bank loan 銀行貸款保證
guarantee of due payment 付款保證書(shū)
Guarantee Scheme [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 擔(dān)保計(jì)劃〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
guaranteed benefit 保證利益
guaranteed debenture 保付債權(quán)證
guaranteed line of credit 保證貸款限額
guaranteed note 保證票據(jù);保證單;擔(dān)保債券
guaranteed surrender value 保證退保現(xiàn)金價(jià)值
guarantor 保證人;擔(dān)保人
guardian 監(jiān)護(hù)人
Guide for Directors of Listed Companies 《上市公司董事指引》
Guide to Applicants [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 《認(rèn)可機(jī)構(gòu)開(kāi)業(yè)與經(jīng)營(yíng)指引》〔香港金融管理局〕
guideline figure 準(zhǔn)則數(shù)字
Guideline on Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading 《杠桿式外匯買賣指引》
Guideline on Minimum Criteria for Authorization 《認(rèn)可的最低準(zhǔn)則的指引》
Guideline on Recognition of Interest [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 《確認(rèn)利息收入指引》〔香港金融管理局〕
guideline ratio 準(zhǔn)則比率
Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈證券(披露權(quán)益)條例〉的指引》
Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Share Repurchase Requirements of S.49BA of the Companies Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈公司條例〉第49BA條股份購(gòu)回規(guī)定的指引》
guiding exchange rate 指導(dǎo)性匯率
Gulf Cooperation Council 海灣合作委員會(huì)
Gunma Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 群馬財(cái)務(wù)(香港)有限公司
關(guān)鍵詞: 財(cái)經(jīng) 詞匯


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