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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-25
核心提示:加熱器具 heating apparatus 加熱器具 heating appliance 加熱時間 heating time 加深框 upset 加炭機 stoker 加壓處理器 autoclave 加壓冒口 pressure feeder 加壓模鑄法 pressure die casting 加重檢驗 increased inspection 加裝砂心 embedded core 夾板,撐條 batt

加熱器具 heating apparatus
加熱器具 heating appliance
加熱時間 heating time
加深框 upset
加炭機 stoker
加壓處理器 autoclave
加壓冒口 pressure feeder
加壓模鑄法 pressure die casting
加重檢驗 increased inspection
加裝砂心 embedded core
夾板,撐條 batten
夾層處理法 sandwich method
夾出式坩堝爐 liftout crucible type furnace
夾桿 clamping bar
夾合 clamping
夾模板(壓鑄) clamping plate
夾器,鉗 cramp
夾鉗 pick up tongs
夾鉗 tongs
夾砂(鑄疵) sand hopper
夾頭,卡盤 chuck
夾雜物 inclusion
夾渣 dirt inclusion
夾渣 slag entrapment
夾渣(鑄疵) slag inclusion
夾子(抗拉試驗),制動裝置 gripping device
袷度 allowance
鉀(K) potassium
架 rack
假模箱 false part
假上模箱 false cope
稼(Ga) gallium
尖底搗錘 peen
尖底搗錘 tamping rod
尖底搗錘,尖底舂 peen rammer
尖端,傾斜,傾卸 tip
尖峰負(fù)荷 peak load
堅韌(材料) tenacity
間接電弧爐 indirect arc furnace
間接搖動電弧爐 indirect arc rocking furnace
間歇出鐵 intermittent tapping
監(jiān)浴 salt bath
監(jiān)浴淬火 salt bath quench
剪,剪刀,剪機 shear
剪機 shearing machine
剪片層 sheet clippings
剪切,剪割 shearing
減壓鑄造 suction casting
減震式震動壓擠造模機 shockless jolt-squeeze machine
減震式震動造模機 shockless anvil-jolter
減震式震動造模機 shockless jolter
減震砧臺式搖震造模機 cushioned anvil-type jolter
檢校分析 check analysis
檢驗 inspection
堿度 absicity
堿度(爐渣) degree of basicity
堿度指數(shù) index of basicity
堿金屬 alkali metal
堿土金屬 alkaline earth metals
堿性柏思麥轉(zhuǎn)爐 basic Bessemer converter
堿性柏思麥轉(zhuǎn)爐法 basic Bessemer process
堿性柏思麥轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼 basic Bessemer steel
堿性材料 basic materials
堿性櫬 basic lining
堿性電弧爐 basic electric arc furnace
堿性電弧爐鋼 basic electric steel
堿性鋼 basic steel
堿性爐 basic furnace
堿性耐火材料 basic refractory materials
堿性平爐 basic open-hearth furnace
堿性熔鐵爐 basic cupola
堿性熔渣 basic slag
堿性生鐵 basic pig iron
堿性氧化物 basic oxide
堿性氧氣吹煉法 basic oxygen process
堿性造渣法 basic slag practice
堿性磚 basic brick
漸進(jìn)時效 progressive aging
鍵形進(jìn)? key gate
濺鐵 iron spillage
僵土 dead clay
漿 slurry
降伏點,屈服點 yield point
降伏強度 yield strength
交流電精密儀器接機 alternate current welder
交替浸漬試驗 alternate immersion test
焦[炭]頭 ashy top
焦塊粒度 coke size
焦炭比,煤焦比 coke ratio
焦炭粉,煤焦粉 coke powder
焦炭爐,煤焦?fàn)t coke furnace
焦炭生鐵,煤焦生鐵 coke pig iron
焦油 tar
焦油白云石磚 tar dolomite brick
澆杯 pouring cup
澆池 pouring basin
澆出嘴(斗、桶、堝、爐) pouring lip
澆道 pouring gate
澆道棒 runner stick
澆道比 runner ratio
澆道廢料 runner scrap
澆道接種法 mold inoculation
澆道系連結(jié)模型 pattern incorporating the runner system
澆道磚 cluster bottom mold,runner core
澆斗,糊料 ladle cement
澆斗,澆桶,盛桶 ladle
澆斗柄,澆斗抬架 shank
澆斗車 ladle car
澆斗車 ladle on wheels
澆斗抬架 ladle carrier
澆斗嘴 lip
澆斗,澆桶 pouring ladle
澆斗覆蓋?草灰 limmer
澆斗瞬間接種法 instantaneous ladle inoculation
澆口,進(jìn)模口 gate
澆口棒 gate stick
澆口杯 sprue cup
澆口發(fā)熱劑 pouring gate feeding compound
澆口剖面積,進(jìn)模口剖面積 gate area
澆口切斷 gate cutting
澆口切斷 sprne shearing
澆口切斷機 gate cutter
澆口切斷機 gate cutting machine
澆口套筒(壓鑄) sprue bush
澆口箱 runner box
澆流系方案 gating system plan
澆流系統(tǒng) gating system
澆滿 gating with run-of
澆冒口布置 running and feeding layout
澆冒口方案(美) gating and risering(US)
澆冒口方案(英) gating and feeding(GB)
澆冒口切斷機 sprue cutter
澆冒口系統(tǒng) running and feeding system
澆皿,澆碟 pouring dish
澆套,澆杯 pouring bush
澆桶 foundry ladle
澆桶(半)取樣 ladle sampling
澆桶(斗)車 ladle bogie
澆桶(斗)掛起梁 ladle bail
澆桶(斗)架 ladle chair"
澆桶(斗)澆完時間 ladle emptying time
澆桶(斗)澆完時間 ladle pouring time
澆桶(斗)取樣分析 ladle analysis
澆桶(斗)容量 ladle capacity
澆桶(斗)剩料 ladle residues
澆桶(斗)試驗 ladle ttest
澆桶(斗)抬架 ladle shank
澆桶(斗)液面遮蓋 ladle covering compound
澆桶(斗)預(yù)熱器 ladle preheater
澆桶(斗)嘴 ladle lip
澆桶粑 skull
澆桶吊車 ladle crane
澆桶接種法,澆斗接種法,取熇接種法吊 ladle inoculation
澆桶抬架 carrying tongs
澆桶置沖法 open ladle method
澆桶磚 ladle brick
澆桶轉(zhuǎn)澆 reladle
澆鑄(澆鋼錠) teeming
澆鑄,澆注 pouring
澆鑄不到(鑄疵) short run
澆鑄不足(鑄疵) poured short
澆鑄不足(鑄疵) short pours
澆鑄操作 pouring operation
澆鑄過程 casting cycle
澆鑄區(qū) casting area
澆鑄區(qū) casting bay
澆鑄設(shè)備 casting equipment
澆鑄時間 casting time
澆鑄時間 pouring time
澆鑄速率 casting rate


關(guān)鍵詞: 鑄造學(xué) 詞匯


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