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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-22
核心提示:rollette 羅蘭特細(xì)亞麻布 rolling and stretching machine for band saw blade 鋸條輥壓機(jī) rolling ball planimeter 轉(zhuǎn)球求積儀 rolling bearing 滾動(dòng)軸承 rolling belt type surface treatment machine 滾帶式表面處理機(jī) rolling cone 滾錐 rolling disc planimeter

rollette 羅蘭特細(xì)亞麻布
rolling and stretching machine for band saw blade 鋸條輥壓機(jī)
rolling ball planimeter 轉(zhuǎn)球求積儀
rolling bearing 滾動(dòng)軸承
rolling belt type surface treatment machine 滾帶式表面處理機(jī)
rolling cone 滾錐
rolling disc planimeter 轉(zhuǎn)盤求面積儀
rolling drum 滾筒
rolling forming machine 滾壓機(jī)
rolling head 滾壓頭
rolling liquid sealing apparatus 滾動(dòng)式液膜密封裝置
rolling machine for counter 鞋后幫滾軋機(jī)
rolling machine 揉茶機(jī)
rolling mill stand 軋機(jī)機(jī)架
rolling mill 軋機(jī)
rolling millmotor 滾軋電動(dòng)機(jī)
rolling needle 滾針
rolling pin 搟面杖
rolling piston compressor 旋轉(zhuǎn)活塞式壓縮機(jī)
rolling press 滾筒印刷機(jī)
rolling rotor compressor 滾動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)子式壓縮機(jī)
rolling shaft 滾軸
rolling shear 滾剪機(jī)
rolling shed loom 滾動(dòng)梭口織機(jī)
rolling stock and rolling stock accessories 車輛及配件
rolling stock 車輛
rolling-ball viscometer 滾球式粘度計(jì)
rolling-ball viscosimeter 滾球粘度計(jì)
rolling-wheel taker 滾輪取料機(jī)
Rolls-Royce 羅爾斯-羅伊斯牌汽車
rolodine 羅咯啶
roly-poly 不倒翁
Roma pewter 羅馬鉛錫合金
romain 羅曼緞
romaine crepe 羅馬縐
romal handkerchief 洛美格子麻紗手帕
romal 洛美塔夫綢
Roman brass 羅曼含錫黃銅
Roman bronze 羅曼錫青銅
Roman candle 古色蠟燭
Roman carpet 羅馬雙面地毯
Roman cement 天然水泥
Roman cut work 羅馬雕繡
Roman duck 羅馬畫布
roman sandals 羅馬式無面鞋
Roman stripes 羅馬橫條緞
Roman 羅曼牌重型自卸汽車
Romanium 羅馬尼姆鋁基合金
Rome Beauty 瑞光蘋果
rompers 背心連褲童裝外衣
Ronda 龍達(dá)牌汽車
rondolette 龍多萊綢
rongalite 雕白塊
rongeur forceps 骨鉗
rongomy 龍戈米棉
ronidazole 羅硝唑
ronifibrate 氯煙貝特
ronnel 皮蠅磷
Ronoaks cotton 羅諾克斯棉
Ronrico 郎利哥郎姆酒
Ronson 朗生牌打火機(jī)
Ronstar 惡草靈
roof bolting jumbo 頂板栓錨眼用鉆車
roof condenser 頂式冷凝器
roof paint 屋頂漆
roof tile 屋頂瓦
roof-bolt drill 頂板錨栓鉆機(jī)
roof-temperatrue controller 爐頂溫度調(diào)節(jié)器
roof-temperatrue indicator 爐頂溫度計(jì)
roofing felt 屋頂油毛氈
roofing filter 修平濾波器
roofing hammer with tubular handle 管式柄獨(dú)角錘
roofing hammer 獨(dú)角錘
roofing nail 瓦楞釘
roofing paper 油氈
roofing tile 瓦
Roofloy 魯夫洛伊耐蝕鉛合金
room air conditioner 室內(nèi)空調(diào)器
room dryer 室內(nèi)干燥器
room socks 室內(nèi)短襪
room thermostat 室內(nèi)恒溫器
room-size rug 全室地毯
room-temperature laser 室溫激光器
rooster 1號(hào)成熟公雞
Rooster 魯斯特牌手表
root brier 樹根煙斗
root carving 根雕
root cutter with cleaning cage 帶清理滾籠的切根機(jī)
root drill 塊根作物條播機(jī)
root elevator 塊根升運(yùn)器
root extractor 拔樹根器
root of American ginseng 西洋參
root of balloonflower 桔梗
root of Chinese slender-leaved polygala 遠(yuǎn)志
root of Chinese trichosanthes 天花粉
root of common fig 無花果根
root of glutinous rice 糯稻根
root of herbaceous peony with bark 赤芍
root of herbaceous peony without bark 白芍
root of herbaceous peony 白芍
root of hollyhock 蜀葵根
root of iris lactea 馬蓮根
root of Japanese banana 芭蕉根
root of kudzuvine 葛根
root of largeleaf gentian 秦艽
root of lilac daphne 芫花根
root of loquat 枇杷根
root of pseudo-ginseng 三七
root of purple flowered peucedanum 前胡
root of ramie 苧麻根
root of red rooted salvia 丹參
root of rehmannia 生地
root of straight ladybell 沙參
root of subprostrate sophora 廣豆根
root of the narrow-leaved polygala 遠(yuǎn)志
root of three-nerved spicebush 烏藥
root of {Gansu} euphovbia 甘遂
root of {Zhejiang} figwort 玄參
root peeler 去根機(jī)
root picker 掘根機(jī)
root plugger 根管充填器
root rotary pump 魯特旋轉(zhuǎn)泵
root washer 塊根洗滌機(jī)
Root's blower 羅茨鼓風(fēng)機(jī)
root-bark of Chinese silkvine 五加皮
root-bark of Chinese wolfberry 地骨皮
root-bark of ditlany 白鮮皮
root-bark of mysorethorn 云實(shí)皮
root-bark of peony 牡丹皮
root-bark of the Chinese sumac 鹽膚子根皮
root-bark of tree peony 丹皮
root-bark of white mulberry 桑白皮
root-canal plugger 根管充填器
root-tuber of aromatic turmeric 郁金
rootdozer 除根機(jī)
rooter plough 掘根犁
rooter plow 除根犁
rooter 除根機(jī)
rooting machine 除根機(jī)
Rootone 萘乙酸
Roots type supercharger 羅氏增壓器
rope bag paper 麻漿紙袋紙
rope bleaching machine 繩狀漂白機(jī)
rope braiding machine 編繩機(jī)
rope brown paper 棕繩紙
rope clips 抱索器
rope dyeing machine 繩狀染色機(jī)
rope form scouring and bleaching range 繩狀練漂機(jī)
rope hoist 鋼繩絞車
rope ladder 繩梯
rope laying machine 搓繩機(jī)
rope machine 制繩機(jī)
rope Manila sand paper 馬尼拉麻漿砂紙
rope paper 繩紙
rope silk 弱捻多股刺繡絲線
rope souring machine 漂酸機(jī)
rope transfer 鋼絲繩移送機(jī)
rope washing machine 洗繩機(jī)
rope winch 鋼絲繩絞車
rope wire 鋼絲繩用鋼絲
rope wool 繩狀原毛
rope yarn 繩索用紗
rope 繩索
rope-edge bowl 繩邊碗
rope-form scouring and bleaching machine 繩狀練漂機(jī)
rope-lay cable 扭絞式電纜
rope-pulley hoist 索滑輪提升機(jī)
ropitoin 羅匹妥英
ropizine 羅匹嗪
rorifone 旱菜素
Rosa 玫瑰牌汽車
rosalin 結(jié)晶玫瑰
rosaprostol 羅沙前列醇
Rosar 羅沙牌手表
rosaramicin 羅沙米星
rose alicanta 珊瑚紅石
rose arena 粉紅麻石
rose aurora 黃玉石
rose bengal sodium 放射性玫瑰紅鈉
rose bit 擴(kuò)孔錐
rose black tea 玫瑰紅茶
rose cream roll 玫瑰奶油蛋卷
rose drill 梅花鉆
rose essence 玫瑰精
rose hip 剌玫果
rose in syrup 玫瑰糖漿
rose nail 圓花釘
rose net 蜂窩形網(wǎng)眼紗
rose Norwegian 挪威紅石
rose oil 玫瑰油
rose olive 玫瑰欖球
rose paprica 尖頭紅辣椒
rose perfume compound 玫瑰香精
rose porcelain 粉彩瓷
rose quartz 薔薇石英
rose sandal amber 玫瑰檀香琥珀
rose sandal savona 檀香玫瑰
rose savona 紅玫瑰
rose soap 玫瑰香皂
rose supreme 玫瑰
rose syrup 玫瑰露
rose taste salted turnip 玫瑰大頭菜
rose tea 玫瑰花茶
rose tobacco flavour 玫瑰煙草香精
rose type laundry soap 玫瑰型洗衣皂
rose water 玫瑰水
rose white 白玫瑰
rose wine carignan 桃紅葡萄酒
rose wood 黃花梨木
rose {gongfu} tea 玫瑰功夫茶
rose 玫瑰花
rose's alloy 羅斯軟焊料合金
rose-ambrein sandal perfume compound 玫瑰龍涎檀香香精
rose-flavoured fried flour 玫瑰油茶面
rose-flavoured salted mustard 玫瑰大頭萊
rose-flavoured salted turnip 玫瑰大頭菜
roseate moon cake 玫瑰月餅
roseberry 雜色橫條子布
rosebud print knit rayon panty 針織人造絲玫瑰芯印花內(nèi)短褲
rosecran 亞麻平布
rosehip oil 薔薇油
rosehip without seed 無籽玫瑰果
Rosein  羅澤茵鎳基合金
Roseley 羅賽利牌照相機(jī)
rosemusk 玫瑰麝香
Rosenhain's etchant 羅森海因浸蝕劑
Roseum cotton 羅森棉
rosewood arm-chair 紫檀扶手椅
rosewood cabinet with bamboo design 有竹子圖案的檀木柜
rosewood cabinet with dragon design 雕龍?zhí)茨竟?br />rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design 帶桃花喜雀圖案的檀木柜
rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl 鑲嵌珍珠母雕龍?zhí)茨疽?br />rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl 鑲嵌珍珠母的檀木床
rosewood couch 檀木床
rosewood desk inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木桌
rosewood desk with movable surface 花梨木活面寫字臺(tái)
rosewood floor screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木屏風(fēng)
rosewood furniture inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木家具
rosewood furniture 檀木家具
rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top 花梨木石面荷茜六角鼓凳
rosewood lantern stand 花梨木燈柱
rosewood low table inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木炕幾
rosewood shelf 花梨木架子
rosewood square stand 花梨木四方幾
rosewood stand 花梨木幾
rosewood stool inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木凳
rosewood table with stone top 花梨木石面桌
rosewood table with wood top 花梨木木面桌
rosewood telephone cabinet with stool 花梨木帶凳電話間
rosewood triangular cabinet 花梨木三角柜
rosewood wall hanging screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木掛屏
rosewood wood carving 花梨木木刻
roshanara 羅紗納拉綢
rosin amine 松香胺
rosin anti-fouling paint 松香防污漆
rosin core 松香硬心焊錫
rosin denatured phenolic resin 松香改性酚醛樹脂
rosin emulsifying agent 松香乳化劑
rosin modified phenolic resin 松香改性酚醛樹脂
rosin nitrile 松香腈
rosin oil 松香油
rosin solder wire 松香焊錫絲
rosin tree 松香樹
rosin water 松香水
rosin 松香
rosin-coumarone 松香古馬隆
rosin-free oil 無松香油
Rosina 羅西那牌手表
Roskopf 羅斯科夫牌手表
rosolic acid 薔薇色酸
rosone 結(jié)晶玫瑰
rosoxacin 羅索沙新
Rospin 丙酯殺螨醇
ross quartz 芙蓉石
rosso rubino 再造皇妃紅麻石
rostano 羅斯塔諾織錦
rotabobbin spinning machine 筒管紡絲機(jī)
rotameter 旋轉(zhuǎn)計(jì)量?jī)x
rotaplane 旋翼飛機(jī)
rotary  shears 圓盤剪
rotary accelerator 回旋加速器
rotary agitator 旋轉(zhuǎn)式攪拌機(jī)
rotary air drill 回轉(zhuǎn)式風(fēng)鉆
rotary air pump 回轉(zhuǎn)式空氣泵
rotary amplifier 旋轉(zhuǎn)放大器
rotary attenuator 旋轉(zhuǎn)式衰減器
rotary axial plunger motor 旋轉(zhuǎn)軸向柱塞馬達(dá)
rotary bench 卷筒式拉絲機(jī)
rotary bit 旋轉(zhuǎn)鉆
rotary blade cutter 轉(zhuǎn)刀切割機(jī)
rotary blade mower 旋轉(zhuǎn)刀片割草機(jī)
rotary blade vacuum pump for medical use 醫(yī)用旋片式真空泵
rotary blower type supercharger 旋轉(zhuǎn)鼓風(fēng)式增壓器
rotary blower 旋轉(zhuǎn)鼓風(fēng)機(jī)
rotary blowing machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸呢機(jī)
rotary board cutter 旋轉(zhuǎn)紙板裁切機(jī)
rotary bottle filler 回轉(zhuǎn)式灌瓶機(jī)
rotary broom 旋轉(zhuǎn)路帚
rotary brush damper 回轉(zhuǎn)刷潤濕機(jī)
rotary brush 旋轉(zhuǎn)電刷
rotary bucket-type flowmeter 旋轉(zhuǎn)葉片式流量計(jì)
rotary buckle 旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件
rotary cam type automatic voltage regulator 旋轉(zhuǎn)凸輪式自動(dòng)電壓調(diào)整器
rotary can filler 回轉(zhuǎn)式裝罐機(jī)
rotary capacitor 可變電容器
rotary capping machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式壓蓋機(jī)
rotary carbon spotlamp 炭精照射燈
rotary charger 旋轉(zhuǎn)式裝料機(jī)
rotary chuck 回轉(zhuǎn)卡盤
rotary classifier 螺旋分級(jí)機(jī)
rotary clippers 滾切鉗
rotary coating machine 轉(zhuǎn)筒式涂布機(jī)
rotary cobalt-60 therapy unit 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鈷60治療機(jī)
rotary compressor 回轉(zhuǎn)式壓縮機(jī)
rotary condenser 旋轉(zhuǎn)電容器
rotary cone crusher 圓錐破碎機(jī)
rotary continuous filter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式連續(xù)過濾機(jī)
rotary continuous sterilizer 回轉(zhuǎn)式連續(xù)殺菌機(jī)
rotary converter 旋轉(zhuǎn)變流器
rotary conveyor 回轉(zhuǎn)式運(yùn)輸機(jī)
rotary counter-pressure filling machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式反壓灌裝機(jī)
rotary coupler 旋轉(zhuǎn)耦合器
rotary crane 旋轉(zhuǎn)式起重機(jī)
rotary crusher 旋轉(zhuǎn)式碎石機(jī)
rotary cultivator 回轉(zhuǎn)中耕機(jī)
rotary cup atomizer 轉(zhuǎn)杯霧化器
rotary cutter 旋切機(jī)
rotary cutting and bending machine 對(duì)開滾線機(jī)
rotary cutting machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式裁切機(jī)
rotary DC arc welder 旋轉(zhuǎn)直流弧焊機(jī)
rotary dewaterer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式脫水機(jī)
rotary die head 旋轉(zhuǎn)式夾模器
rotary diesel engine 轉(zhuǎn)子柴油機(jī)
rotary digester 回轉(zhuǎn)式蒸煮器
rotary disc feeder 圓盤喂料機(jī)
rotary disc filter 轉(zhuǎn)盤過濾器
rotary disc meter 轉(zhuǎn)盤式流量計(jì)
rotary disc valve 轉(zhuǎn)盤閥
rotary discharger 旋轉(zhuǎn)放電器
rotary disk driller 轉(zhuǎn)盤鉆機(jī)
rotary disk filter 轉(zhuǎn)盤過濾器
rotary disk press 轉(zhuǎn)盤式壓機(jī)
rotary displacement gas meter 旋轉(zhuǎn)位移式煤氣表
rotary displacement pump 回轉(zhuǎn)式排量泵
rotary distributor 旋轉(zhuǎn)式分配機(jī)
rotary ditcher 旋轉(zhuǎn)挖溝機(jī)
rotary drier 回轉(zhuǎn)干燥器
rotary drill for shaft sinking 鑿豎井用回式鉆機(jī)
rotary drill jumbo 回轉(zhuǎn)式鉆車
rotary drill with oil pressure 油壓轉(zhuǎn)盤鉆機(jī)
rotary drill 回轉(zhuǎn)式鑿巖機(jī)
rotary drilling machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式鉆床
rotary drilling rig 旋轉(zhuǎn)鉆機(jī)
rotary drilling swivel 旋轉(zhuǎn)鉆井水龍頭
rotary drive guard 轉(zhuǎn)盤鏈條罩
rotary drum dough mixer 轉(zhuǎn)鼓式和面機(jī)
rotary drum drier 轉(zhuǎn)筒式干燥機(jī)
rotary drum filter 轉(zhuǎn)筒式過濾器
rotary drum grader 滾筒分級(jí)機(jī)
rotary drum mixer 圓筒混合機(jī)
rotary drum regenerator 轉(zhuǎn)鼓式回?zé)崞?br />rotary drum type flying crop shears 轉(zhuǎn)鼓式端頭飛剪
rotary drum vacuum filter 轉(zhuǎn)鼓真空過濾機(jī)
rotary drum washer 滾筒式清洗機(jī)
rotary dry vacuum pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式真空干燥泵
rotary dryer 回轉(zhuǎn)干燥器
rotary drying drum 旋轉(zhuǎn)干燥筒
rotary encoder 回轉(zhuǎn)式譯碼器
rotary end-sealing machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式封底機(jī)
rotary engine 轉(zhuǎn)缸發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
rotary evaporator 旋轉(zhuǎn)式蒸發(fā)器
rotary excavator 旋轉(zhuǎn)式挖掘機(jī)
rotary exhaust valve 回轉(zhuǎn)式排氣閥
rotary eyelet punch press 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鞋眼沖壓機(jī)
rotary fan 旋轉(zhuǎn)式風(fēng)扇
rotary fettling table 旋轉(zhuǎn)式清砂臺(tái)
rotary file assortment set 成套圓頭尖頭旋轉(zhuǎn)銼
rotary filter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式過濾機(jī)
rotary flanging machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式翻邊機(jī)
rotary flash lamp 回轉(zhuǎn)閃光燈
rotary flying crop shears 滾筒式切頭飛剪
rotary flying hot saw 回轉(zhuǎn)式熱飛鋸
rotary flying shears 滾筒式飛剪
rotary forced-air cooler 鼓風(fēng)環(huán)式冷卻機(jī)
rotary forging machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式鍛造機(jī)
rotary forging mill 周期式軋管機(jī)
rotary frit furnace 回轉(zhuǎn)熔塊爐
rotary fulling mill 滾筒式縮呢機(jī)
rotary furnace 旋轉(zhuǎn)爐
rotary gage 旋轉(zhuǎn)液面計(jì)
rotary garden duster 園地旋轉(zhuǎn)吹塵器
rotary gas meter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式氣體流量計(jì)
rotary gear shaving cutter 盤形剃齒刀
rotary gear type oil transfer pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)齒輪式輸油泵
rotary gill roving frame 轉(zhuǎn)針粗紡機(jī)
rotary grain grader 滾筒式谷粒分選機(jī)
rotary grate gas producer 轉(zhuǎn)蓖式煤氣發(fā)生爐
rotary hammer 電錘
rotary hand drill 手搖鉆
rotary harrow 旋轉(zhuǎn)耙
rotary head milling machine 轉(zhuǎn)頭銑床
rotary head type universal milling machine 萬能回轉(zhuǎn)頭銑床
rotary heat exchanger 旋轉(zhuǎn)式熱交換器
rotary helical screw compressor 回轉(zhuǎn)式螺桿壓縮機(jī)
rotary high speed glue dryer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式高速膠水烘干機(jī)
rotary hoe 旋轉(zhuǎn)鋤
rotary hook 大鉤
rotary hose 水龍帶
rotary hydraulic motor 旋轉(zhuǎn)式液壓馬達(dá)
rotary impeller exhauster 葉輪式排氣機(jī)
rotary index machine 多工位轉(zhuǎn)臺(tái)式機(jī)床
rotary injection and foam moulder 轉(zhuǎn)盤發(fā)泡式注塑機(jī)
rotary interrupter relay 旋轉(zhuǎn)斷續(xù)繼電器
rotary interrupter spring 旋轉(zhuǎn)斷續(xù)彈簧
rotary interrupter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式斷續(xù)器
rotary jaw plunger 回轉(zhuǎn)爪柱塞
rotary kiln 回轉(zhuǎn)窯
rotary letterpress ink 凸版輪轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)印刷油墨
rotary letterpress machine 凸版輪轉(zhuǎn)印刷機(jī)
rotary letterpress 凸版輪轉(zhuǎn)印刷機(jī)
rotary line switch 旋轉(zhuǎn)式尋線機(jī)
rotary mercury pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式水銀泵
rotary microtome 旋轉(zhuǎn)切片機(jī)
rotary milling machine 滾筒式縮絨機(jī)
rotary mixer 回轉(zhuǎn)式攪拌機(jī)
rotary moulder 旋轉(zhuǎn)注模機(jī)
rotary mower with swather 輪轉(zhuǎn)式條鋪割草機(jī)
rotary mud screen 轉(zhuǎn)筒泥泵篩
rotary multivane compressor 多葉回轉(zhuǎn)式壓縮機(jī)
rotary newsprint 卷筒新聞紙
rotary off-normal spring 旋轉(zhuǎn)離位彈簧
rotary offset machine 輪轉(zhuǎn)膠印機(jī)
rotary oil pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式油泵
rotary oiler 旋轉(zhuǎn)加油器
rotary oven 旋轉(zhuǎn)爐
rotary pawl guide 回轉(zhuǎn)爪導(dǎo)桿
rotary pawl 回轉(zhuǎn)爪
rotary peeler 坯料剝皮車床
rotary pelleting machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)壓片機(jī)
rotary phase converter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式相位變換器
rotary phase modifier 旋轉(zhuǎn)式調(diào)相機(jī)
rotary photogravure press 輪轉(zhuǎn)凹印機(jī)
rotary piercing mill 回轉(zhuǎn)式火力穿孔機(jī)
rotary pilot valve 回轉(zhuǎn)式控制閥
rotary piston engine 旋轉(zhuǎn)活塞式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
rotary piston gas meter 旋轉(zhuǎn)活塞式氣表
rotary piston meter 旋擺式活塞流量計(jì)
rotary piston pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)活塞泵
rotary planer 旋轉(zhuǎn)刨
rotary plate 轉(zhuǎn)盤
rotary plough 旋轉(zhuǎn)犁
rotary plunger pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)柱塞泵
rotary pocket feeder 星輪式給料器
rotary power broom 旋轉(zhuǎn)式動(dòng)力掃路機(jī)
rotary press 旋轉(zhuǎn)式壓機(jī)
rotary printer 旋轉(zhuǎn)印花機(jī)
rotary printing ink 輪轉(zhuǎn)印刷油墨
rotary printing machine 滾筒印花機(jī)
rotary pump with liquid piston 液體活塞回轉(zhuǎn)泵
rotary pump 回轉(zhuǎn)泵
rotary rectifier 旋轉(zhuǎn)整流器
rotary retort type electric resistance furnace 滾筒式電阻爐
rotary retort 旋轉(zhuǎn)式干餾爐
rotary rheometer 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)流變儀
rotary rheostat 轉(zhuǎn)式變阻器
rotary ringing generator 旋轉(zhuǎn)鈴流機(jī)
rotary rock drill 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鉆巖機(jī)
rotary saw 盤鋸
rotary scavenging valve 旋轉(zhuǎn)式換氣閥
rotary scraper 旋轉(zhuǎn)式刮土機(jī)
rotary screen press 旋轉(zhuǎn)絲網(wǎng)印刷機(jī)
rotary screen printed fabric with wide width 寬幅圓網(wǎng)印花布
rotary screen printed shirting 圓網(wǎng)印花布
rotary screen printing machine 圓網(wǎng)印花機(jī)
rotary screen printing range 圓網(wǎng)印花機(jī)
rotary screen roller printing machine 圓網(wǎng)輥筒印花機(jī)
rotary screen 旋轉(zhuǎn)篩
rotary scythe grass cutter 旋轉(zhuǎn)鐮刀式割草機(jī)
rotary seeder 旋轉(zhuǎn)播種機(jī)
rotary selector 旋轉(zhuǎn)式選擇器
rotary servo valve 旋轉(zhuǎn)伺服閥
rotary sewing machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式縫紉機(jī)
rotary shaving machine 旋刨機(jī)
rotary shear mixer 旋轉(zhuǎn)剪切混合器
rotary shears 旋轉(zhuǎn)剪切機(jī)
rotary shell core machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)殼芯機(jī)
rotary shot rig 旋轉(zhuǎn)式炮眼鉆
rotary shunt meter 轉(zhuǎn)子分流流量計(jì)
rotary side trimming shears 圓盤式切邊剪
rotary sidewall coring tool 鉆進(jìn)式井壁取芯器
rotary single-vane compressor 單葉回轉(zhuǎn)式壓縮機(jī)
rotary sleeve valve 轉(zhuǎn)筒閥
rotary slicer with sharpener 旋轉(zhuǎn)切片器附磨刀器
rotary slide valve 回轉(zhuǎn)滑閥
rotary sliding vane compressor 旋轉(zhuǎn)式滑葉壓縮機(jī)
rotary slitting machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)分切機(jī)
rotary slurry distributor 回轉(zhuǎn)料漿配給機(jī)
rotary snow plough 旋轉(zhuǎn)式除雪機(jī)
rotary speed indicater 轉(zhuǎn)盤轉(zhuǎn)速指示器
rotary speed mixer 轉(zhuǎn)筒式快速拌和機(jī)
rotary squeezer 回轉(zhuǎn)壓榨機(jī)
rotary stacker 旋轉(zhuǎn)式堆料機(jī)
rotary stamping machine 回轉(zhuǎn)打印機(jī)
rotary starting air distributor 回轉(zhuǎn)式起動(dòng)空氣分配閥
rotary stock washer 圓筒洗漿機(jī)
rotary straightener 旋轉(zhuǎn)矯直機(jī)
rotary strainer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式粗濾機(jī)
rotary surface grinding machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)平面磨床
rotary swaging machine 旋鍛機(jī)
rotary swather 旋轉(zhuǎn)式割曬機(jī)
rotary sweeper 旋轉(zhuǎn)式掃路機(jī)
rotary switch precision resistance box 旋轉(zhuǎn)式精密電阻箱
rotary switch 旋轉(zhuǎn)開關(guān)
rotary synchronizer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式同步器
rotary synchroscope 旋轉(zhuǎn)式同步示波器
rotary table feeder 轉(zhuǎn)盤加料機(jī)
rotary table milling machine 圓工作臺(tái)銑床
rotary table sand blasting machine 回轉(zhuǎn)臺(tái)式噴砂機(jī)
rotary table shot blasting machine 轉(zhuǎn)臺(tái)拋丸清理強(qiáng)化機(jī)
rotary table type surface treatment machine 回轉(zhuǎn)盤式表面處理機(jī)
rotary table 轉(zhuǎn)盤
rotary tablet press 旋轉(zhuǎn)式壓片機(jī)
rotary tableting press 旋轉(zhuǎn)壓片機(jī)
rotary tedder 旋轉(zhuǎn)攤草機(jī)
rotary thread rolling machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)卷絲機(jī)
rotary throttle valve 回轉(zhuǎn)節(jié)流閥
rotary throttle 回轉(zhuǎn)節(jié)流閥
rotary throw-over switch 交換開關(guān)
rotary tile press 回轉(zhuǎn)壓瓦機(jī)
rotary tiller 旋轉(zhuǎn)耕耘機(jī)
rotary tippler 回轉(zhuǎn)振動(dòng)式翻車機(jī)
rotary tobacco cutting machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式切煙機(jī)
rotary tower crane 塔式旋臂起重機(jī)
rotary transfer machine 轉(zhuǎn)盤式輸送機(jī)
rotary transformer 旋轉(zhuǎn)變壓器
rotary trimming shears 圓盤式切邊剪
rotary trunk-layer stripping machine without clamper 無卡軸旋切機(jī)
rotary tube expanding machine 斜軋式擴(kuò)管機(jī)
rotary tube straightener 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鋼管矯直機(jī)
rotary type side core barrel 旋轉(zhuǎn)型井壁取芯筒
rotary vacuum filler 回轉(zhuǎn)式真空灌裝機(jī)
rotary vacuum pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式真空泵
rotary vacuum quick-freezing shaping machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式真空急速冷凍定型機(jī)
rotary vacuum string discharge filter 線排料回轉(zhuǎn)真空過濾機(jī)
rotary valve spring 旋轉(zhuǎn)閥彈簧
rotary valve stem gasket 旋轉(zhuǎn)閥桿墊
rotary valve 回轉(zhuǎn)閥
rotary vane mechanical pump 旋片式機(jī)械泵
rotary vane meter 旋翼式流量計(jì)
rotary vane motor 旋翼式電動(dòng)機(jī)
rotary vane type pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式葉片泵
rotary variable attenuator 旋轉(zhuǎn)式可變衰減器
rotary varnishing machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)上光機(jī)
rotary veneer lathe 旋板機(jī)
rotary viscosimeter 回轉(zhuǎn)式粘度計(jì)
rotary vise 旋轉(zhuǎn)虎鉗
rotary washer 轉(zhuǎn)鼓式洗滌機(jī)
rotary waveguide variable attenuator 旋轉(zhuǎn)波導(dǎo)可變衰減器
rotary web press 卷筒紙印刷機(jī)
rotary weed cutter 旋轉(zhuǎn)割草器
rotary weeder 旋轉(zhuǎn)式除草機(jī)
rotary welding machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式焊機(jī)
rotary wool cloth shear 旋轉(zhuǎn)式剪毛呢機(jī)
rotary working-table 回轉(zhuǎn)工作臺(tái)
Rotary 羅塔里牌手表
rotary-combustion engine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式內(nèi)燃機(jī)
rotary-displacement compressor 回轉(zhuǎn)置換壓縮機(jī)
rotary-ferrograph 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鐵譜儀
rotary-head thinner 旋轉(zhuǎn)刀盤式間苗機(jī)
rotary-hearth type furnace 旋轉(zhuǎn)爐床式電爐
rotary-kiln dryer 回轉(zhuǎn)窯式干燥機(jī)
rotary-percussion drill jumbo 回轉(zhuǎn)沖擊式鉆車
rotary-percussive drill 旋轉(zhuǎn)沖擊式鉆機(jī)
rotary-rolling mill 蘑菇形軋輥的穿孔機(jī)
rotary-scanning spectroscope 旋轉(zhuǎn)掃描分光鏡
rotary-screw compressor 旋轉(zhuǎn)螺旋壓縮機(jī)
rotary-type cam-driven tableting press 旋轉(zhuǎn)式凸輪驅(qū)動(dòng)壓片機(jī)
rotary-type cooler 環(huán)式冷卻機(jī)
rotary-type flash trimmer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式焊縫清理機(jī)
rotary-type gasoline mower 旋轉(zhuǎn)式汽油動(dòng)力割草機(jī)
rotary-type mixer 轉(zhuǎn)軸式拌和機(jī)
rotary-type pneumatic tool 回轉(zhuǎn)式風(fēng)動(dòng)工具
rotary-vane compressor 葉輪式壓縮機(jī)
rotary-vane feeder 星式加料機(jī)
rotary-vane vacuum pump 旋翼式真空泵
rotatable coil 可轉(zhuǎn)線圈
rotatable transformer 可轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)變壓器
rotating amplifier 旋轉(zhuǎn)放大器
rotating annular cooler 環(huán)式冷卻機(jī)
rotating anode tube 旋轉(zhuǎn)陽極管
rotating antenna 旋轉(zhuǎn)天線
rotating arm crane 旋臂式起重機(jī)
rotating ball viscometer 轉(zhuǎn)球式粘度計(jì)
rotating beam ceilometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)射束云高計(jì)
rotating beam fatigue testing machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)梁式疲勞試驗(yàn)機(jī)
rotating beam transmitter 旋轉(zhuǎn)波束發(fā)射機(jī)
rotating bending fatigue machine 回轉(zhuǎn)彎曲疲勞試驗(yàn)機(jī)
rotating blade stabilizer 旋轉(zhuǎn)葉片型穩(wěn)定器
rotating blade 回轉(zhuǎn)葉片
rotating bottle cleaning machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式洗瓶機(jī)
rotating broom 旋轉(zhuǎn)路刷
rotating cantilever beam type machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)懸臂梁式試驗(yàn)機(jī)
rotating casing pump 回轉(zhuǎn)殼體泵
rotating choke 旋轉(zhuǎn)扼流圈
rotating compressor 旋轉(zhuǎn)式壓縮機(jī)
rotating contactor 旋轉(zhuǎn)接觸器
rotating crane 旋轉(zhuǎn)吊車
rotating cylinder viscometer 轉(zhuǎn)筒式粘度計(jì)
rotating direction finder 旋轉(zhuǎn)測(cè)向儀
rotating disc contactor 轉(zhuǎn)盤接觸器
rotating disc filter 轉(zhuǎn)盤過濾機(jī)
rotating disintegrator 旋轉(zhuǎn)粉碎機(jī)
rotating disk atomizer 轉(zhuǎn)盤霧化器
rotating disk drier 轉(zhuǎn)盤式干燥機(jī)
rotating disperser 旋轉(zhuǎn)式彌散器
rotating drum mixer 轉(zhuǎn)筒混合機(jī)
rotating drum multistage crystallizer 轉(zhuǎn)筒式多級(jí)結(jié)晶器
rotating drum shears 滾筒式剪切機(jī)
rotating drum type drier 轉(zhuǎn)筒式干燥機(jī)
rotating dryer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式干燥機(jī)
rotating elastoviscometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)粘彈性計(jì)
rotating engine 旋轉(zhuǎn)式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
rotating field exciter 旋轉(zhuǎn)磁場(chǎng)勵(lì)磁機(jī)
rotating fly-bar 旋轉(zhuǎn)飛刀
rotating front louvres fan 轉(zhuǎn)頁式電扇
rotating furnace 轉(zhuǎn)爐
rotating impeller 回轉(zhuǎn)葉輪
rotating magnetometer 回旋式磁力儀
rotating mirror 旋轉(zhuǎn)鏡
rotating mixer 轉(zhuǎn)筒式拌和機(jī)
rotating multitarget stereotactic apparatus 轉(zhuǎn)盤式多靶點(diǎn)立體導(dǎo)向器
rotating pan mixer 轉(zhuǎn)鍋式拌和機(jī)
rotating plunger pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)式柱塞泵
rotating potentiometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)電位計(jì)
rotating pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)泵
rotating seal ring 旋轉(zhuǎn)密封環(huán)
rotating shaft 回轉(zhuǎn)軸
rotating sleeve 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)套
rotating speed adjustor 轉(zhuǎn)速調(diào)節(jié)器
rotating speed monitored transducer 轉(zhuǎn)速監(jiān)控傳感器
rotating sphere elastoviscometer 轉(zhuǎn)球式粘彈性計(jì)
rotating spiral heater 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)螺旋形加熱器
rotating table press 轉(zhuǎn)臺(tái)式壓機(jī)
rotating transformer 旋轉(zhuǎn)變壓器
rotating valve 回轉(zhuǎn)閥
rotating vane-type flowmeter 旋轉(zhuǎn)葉片式流量計(jì)
rotating vibrator 旋轉(zhuǎn)振動(dòng)器
rotating viscometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式粘度計(jì)
rotating watch-testing machine for automatic watch 自動(dòng)表旋轉(zhuǎn)測(cè)試儀
rotating wedge range finder 旋轉(zhuǎn)光楔測(cè)距儀
rotating wheel 轉(zhuǎn)輪
rotating wire rope 旋轉(zhuǎn)鋼絲繩
rotating-coil indicator 旋轉(zhuǎn)線圈指示器
rotating-coil magnetometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)線圈式磁強(qiáng)計(jì)
rotating-iron type overcurrent relay 旋轉(zhuǎn)銜鐵式過流繼電器
rotating-iron type overvoltage relay 旋轉(zhuǎn)銜鐵式過壓繼電器
rotating-iron type undervoltage relay 旋轉(zhuǎn)銜鐵式欠壓繼電器
rotation concentratometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)濃度計(jì)
rotation inductor 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)感應(yīng)儀
rotation mixer 行星擺轉(zhuǎn)混砂機(jī)
rotation platform with ladder 帶扶梯回轉(zhuǎn)平臺(tái)
rotation sensor 旋轉(zhuǎn)傳感器
rotational doll 旋轉(zhuǎn)娃娃
rotational gravity gradiometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)式重力梯度儀
rotational lathehead 回轉(zhuǎn)式車床頭
rotational level 回轉(zhuǎn)水準(zhǔn)儀
rotational viscosimeter 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)粘度計(jì)
rotative direct injection machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)直接注射機(jī)
rotative machine 旋轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)
rotator wet type cooling water meter 旋翼濕式冷水水表
rotator 旋轉(zhuǎn)閥反射爐
rotatory bauxite 轉(zhuǎn)爐礬土
rotatory drier 旋轉(zhuǎn)干燥器
rotatory machine 六角網(wǎng)眼紗織機(jī)
rotatory pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)泵
Rotenoid 魚藤酮
rotenone 魚藤酮
Roter tablet 樂得胃片
Roter 樂得胃片
Rothemuhle regenerative air preheater 風(fēng)罩再生式空氣預(yù)熱器
Rothmans 樂富門牌香煙
rotisserie 便攜式旋轉(zhuǎn)烤肉器
Roto 羅托牌照相機(jī)
roto-sifter 回轉(zhuǎn)篩
rotocleaner 滾筒式清選器
rotoclone collector 旋風(fēng)收塵器
rotodynamic pump 轉(zhuǎn)子動(dòng)力泵
rotofilter 旋轉(zhuǎn)過濾器
rotogravure press 輪轉(zhuǎn)凹印機(jī)
rotogravure printing ink 影印油墨
rotogravure 轉(zhuǎn)輪凹版印刷機(jī)
rotoil sand mixer 立式葉片混砂機(jī)
rotometer 旋轉(zhuǎn)流量計(jì)
rotopiston pump 旋轉(zhuǎn)活塞泵
rotor and blade-disk for steam turbine 汽輪機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)子及葉輪
rotor axle 轉(zhuǎn)子軸
rotor blade 轉(zhuǎn)子葉片
rotor compressor 轉(zhuǎn)子壓縮機(jī)
rotor drum 轉(zhuǎn)鼓
rotor fan blade 轉(zhuǎn)子扇翼
rotor grinding machine 轉(zhuǎn)子磨床
rotor housing 轉(zhuǎn)子發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)外殼
rotor pressure casting machine 轉(zhuǎn)子壓鑄機(jī)
rotor pump 轉(zhuǎn)子泵
rotor shaft 轉(zhuǎn)子軸
rotor slot milling machine 轉(zhuǎn)子槽銑床
rotor spider 轉(zhuǎn)子輻臂
rotor spinner 轉(zhuǎn)子紡紗機(jī)
rotor starter 轉(zhuǎn)子起動(dòng)器
rotor tiller 轉(zhuǎn)軸式松土機(jī)
rotor type open-end spinning machine 轉(zhuǎn)子型開口紡紗機(jī)
rotor type relay 轉(zhuǎn)子式繼電器
rotor water gauge 旋翼式水表
rotor winding 轉(zhuǎn)子繞組
rotor 轉(zhuǎn)子
rotorcraft 旋翼飛機(jī)
rototrol 旋轉(zhuǎn)式自動(dòng)調(diào)整器
rototrowel 旋轉(zhuǎn)式鏝漿機(jī)
rotovator 旋軸式松土拌和機(jī)
Rotox 溴甲烷混劑
rotoxamine 羅托沙敏
rottor 定向干擾自動(dòng)發(fā)射機(jī)
rotundine 羅通定
Rotwyla 羅特維拉粘膠纖維
rouane 家用漂白亞麻平布
Rouedor 魯多牌手表
rouge box 胭脂盒
rouge cake 胭脂塊
rouge cream 胭脂膏
rouge gel 胭脂膠
rouge glaze vase with concave lines 凹道亮光胭脂瓶
rouge lotion 胭脂水
rouge 胭脂
rough board 粗木板
rough cast glass 澆注玻璃毛坯
rough crepe 粗縐面綢
rough cut stone chisel 粗石鑿
rough file 粗紋銼
rough gentian 龍膽草
rough grinding machine 粗磨床
rough matte paper 粗絨面紙
rough mill 粗軋機(jī)
rough pad 草稿簿
rough plane 粗刨
rough porcelain 糙瓷
rough roller mill 粗輥軋機(jī)
rough service lamp bulb 耐用燈泡
rough spanner 粗大螺絲扳手
rough steel 生鋼
rough surface grinding machine 表面粗磨機(jī)
rough surface paper 無光澤紙
rough tap 粗牙線螺絲攻
rough teeth taper shank vertical milling cutter 粗齒錐柄立銑刀
rough terrain self-propelled crane 越野自動(dòng)起重機(jī)
rough terrain wheeled crane 越野輪胎起重機(jī)
rough towel 毛巾織物浴巾
rough washer 粗制墊圈
rough wear 粗布服裝
rough wood 帶皮原木
rough yarn 羽毛紗
rough-cut file 粗齒銼
rough-pile moquette 粗絨頭地毯
rougher cell 粗選機(jī)
rougher mill 粗軋機(jī)
roughers 呢坯
roughing end mill with waveform teeth 粗加工波形刃立銑刀
roughing machine 粗化機(jī)
roughing planing tool 粗刨刀
roughing roller 糙面滾筒
roughing tool 粗車刀
roughness integrator 粗糙度測(cè)定器
roughness tester 粗糙度測(cè)試儀
roughometer 粗糙度測(cè)定儀
rouleau necktie 圓筒形領(lǐng)帶
roulette 滾花刀
round  paper-case speaker 圓形紙盒揚(yáng)聲器
round abrasive sheet 圓片砂紙
round bamboo comb 竹抓癢撓
round bar 圓鋼條
round billed cutting machine 圓坯切斷機(jī)
round black lead pencil 圓桿黑鉛筆
round bottomed flask 圓底燒瓶
round broach 圓拉刀
round brush machine 圓型毛刷機(jī)
round brush 圓形毛筆
round can end curler 圓蓋壓邊機(jī)
round cap 圓帽
round ceramic indexable insert 圓形陶瓷可轉(zhuǎn)位刀片
round chart recorder 圓盤記錄儀
round chisel 圓鑿
round collar machine 圓領(lǐng)機(jī)
round collar pyramid coat 角錐形圓領(lǐng)大衣
round comb 抓癢耙
round concrete bar 混凝土用圓鋼
round console typewriter 圓形控制臺(tái)打字機(jī)
round counter-top vanity basin 圓臺(tái)面洗臉盆
round cutter sheet shearing combined machine 圓刀切板聯(lián)合機(jī)
round die for straight pipe threading 圓柱管螺紋圓板牙
round die 圓板牙
round doily 圓盤墊
round edge sharpening stone 圓邊油石
round edge slip sharpening stone 圓邊油石
round elastic washer with internal tooth 內(nèi)齒彈性圓墊圈
round electric connector 圓形電連接器
round electromagnetic oven 圓形電磁爐
round face hammer 圓頭錘
round face refrigerator 圓弧門電冰箱
round fan 團(tuán)扇
round file 圓銼
round flange 法蘭盤
round flask 圓形燒瓶
round fuse wire 圓保險(xiǎn)絲
round hand mirror 圓形手鏡
round hardwood clothes pin 圓硬木衣夾
round head bolt 圓頭螺栓
round head button bolt 圓頭螺栓
round head countersunk rivet 埋頭圓頂鉚釘
round head grooved bolt 圓頭開槽螺栓
round head machine screw 圓頭機(jī)器螺絲
round head nail 圓頭釘
round head nailing machine 圓頭打釘機(jī)
round head plane iron 圓頭刨刀
round head rivet 圓頭鉚釘
round head screw 圓頭螺釘
round head square-neck bolt 圓頭方頸螺栓
round head wood screw 圓頭木螺釘
round hook without barb 無倒刺圓形鉤
round HSS tool bit 圓形高速鋼車刀條
round ingot 圓鋼錠
round iron bar 圓鐵條
round knitting frame 圓型針織機(jī)
round mat 草圓墊
round mild steel bar 圓條軟鋼
round mirror with handle and stand 帶架圓鏡
round mirror 圓鏡
round nail 圓釘
round neck mirror 頸箍鏡
round neck shirt 圓領(lǐng)衫
round neckline lace trim gown 花邊圓領(lǐng)口長(zhǎng)衫
round neckline slip 大圓領(lǐng)襯裙
round nose chisel 圓口鑿
round nose pliers 圓嘴鉗
round nose shovel 尖頭鏟
round nosed tongs 圓嘴火鉗
round nut box spanner 圓螺帽套筒扳手
round nut with grooves 帶槽圓螺母
round nut with lock channel 帶鎖緊槽圓螺母
round nut 圓螺母
round optical fiber 圓光纖
round pan automatic platform scale 圓盤自動(dòng)案秤
round pin plug 圓腳插頭
round pin receptacle 圓孔插座
round pin 圓銷
round plane 圓線刨
round plastic comb 塑料抓癢耙
round plate 圓盤
round pliers 圓鉗子
round point shovel 圓頭鏟
round processing machine 圓面加工機(jī)
round propelling pencil 圓桿活動(dòng)鉛筆
round push broach 圓推刀
round rivet 圓頭鉚釘
round scraper 圓刮刀
round screw die 圓螺絲板牙
round screw 圓頭螺釘
round set-hammer 圓錘
round shoulder carpenter's pincers 圓肩木工鉗
round shoulder shovel 圓平鍬
round shovel 圓鏟
round sintering machine 圓盤燒結(jié)機(jī)
round slate pencil 圓桿滑石筆
round smooth file 細(xì)圓銼
round snap washer 圓形開口墊圈
round spade 圓頭鍬
round spring 圓彈簧
round steel bar 圓鋼條
round steel 圓鋼
round stool 圓凳
round table cloth 圓桌布
round table 圓桌
round tea table 小圓桌
round thread linen 抽花或刺繡用亞麻布
round toe shoes 圓頭鞋
round top cooking cap 圓頂炊事帽
round top 圓絨頭燈芯絨
round tray cloth 圓盤布
round tray 圓茶盤
round type zinc-manganese dioxide dry cell 圓形鋅-錳干電池
round valve 圓閥
round wash tub 圓洗衣盆
round wire processing machine 圓塑線加工機(jī)
round-angle loose pin hinge 圓角抽芯鉸鏈
round-arc bit 圓弧形鉆頭
round-bar iron 圓鋼
round-bottomed flask with long neck 長(zhǎng)頸圓底燒瓶
round-bowl soup spoon 圓形湯匙
round-corner aluminum mess tin 圓角鋁飯盒
round-edge meat plate 圓口平盤
round-edge soup plate 圓口湯盤
round-headed bolt 圓頭螺栓
round-slice porcelain capacitor 圓片型瓷介電容器
round-slice sealed porcelain condenser 圓片包封瓷介電容器
round-wire carpet 鋼絲地毯
rounded hammer 圓頭錘
rounder 搓圓機(jī)
rounding bending machine 扒圓機(jī)
roundness measuring instrument 圓度測(cè)量?jī)x
roundsoft waveguide 圓軟波導(dǎo)管
Roundup 毒滴混劑
rouse ultrasonic viscometer 振子式超聲波粘度計(jì)
rousted  勞斯泰特粗呢
route surveillance radar 航線監(jiān)視雷達(dá)
router plane 開槽刨
router 路由器
routing connector 路由選擇連接器
routing cutter 油溝銑刀
routing machine 鉆板機(jī)
Routup 鈣殺畏
Rovac 羅娃克牌手表
rove 粗紗
Rovematic 羅維馬蒂克粗紗機(jī)
rover Vanden Plas 羅弗-范登普拉斯牌汽車
Rover Vitesse 羅弗-維蒂斯牌汽車
Rover 羅弗牌汽車
roving frame 粗紗機(jī)
roving machine 粗紗機(jī)
roving waste opener 打粗紗頭機(jī)
roving winder 粗紗卷纏機(jī)
row oscillation coil 行振蕩線圈
row planter 行播機(jī)
row-crop sprayer 中耕作物噴粉機(jī)
row-crop tractor 中耕拖拉機(jī)
row-seeder 行播器
Rowa 羅娃牌手表
rowboat 劃艇
Rowell 羅威爾牌手表
rowing box 滾桶
rowlock 槳架
Rowmate 抑草靈
Rowtate 65W+Lasso 完草混劑
Rowtate 65W+ramrod 完安混劑
Rowtate 樂草完
roxana 充雙縐
roxano 棱紋縐布
roxarsone 羅沙胂
Roxion 樂果
Roy Bell 羅貝爾聚丙烯腈短纖維
royal armure 狹幅縐綢
Royal Axminster carpet 高級(jí)阿克明斯特地毯
royal blue cloth 寶藍(lán)色布
royal cashmere 高級(jí)薄呢
Royal Crown Cola 皇冠可樂清涼飲料
royal flour products 宮廷面食制品
royal jelly capsule 蜂乳膠囊
royal jelly cream 蜂皇美容霜
royal jelly dried powder 蜂王漿干粉
royal jelly drop 蜂王糖
royal jelly fatting babies juice 蜂王肥仔汁
royal jelly fruit juice drop 果汁蜂王糖
royal jelly liquid 蜂王漿口服液
royal jelly natural pollen 蜂王天然花粉
royal jelly of angelica polymorpha & hoantchy 歸芪蜂王漿
royal jelly powder 王漿粉
royal jelly sugar-coated table 蜂王漿糖衣片
royal jelly 蜂王精
Royal MH30 抑芽丹
royal noodle 宮面
royal rib 雙經(jīng)直棱平布
royal satin 皇家緞
royal twill 高級(jí)斜紋綢
Royal Wilton carpet 高級(jí)威爾頓機(jī)織絨頭地毯
royal 雙經(jīng)領(lǐng)帶綢
royale 羅亞爾綢
royalette 五綜棉毛緞紋呢
Royaltac 正癸醇
roybon 洛埃蓬仿開士米薄呢
royce 羅伊斯牌手表
Roytac 吸枝克
rozelle hemp 玫瑰茄韌皮纖維
Rozol 氯鼠酮
rubbed pitched kraft paper 柏油紙
rubber & latex products 橡膠及乳膠制品
rubber abrasion tester 橡膠磨損測(cè)試儀
rubber accelerator 橡膠促進(jìn)劑
rubber aging inhibitor 橡膠防老劑
rubber air mattress 橡膠氣墊
rubber air pillow 橡膠氣枕
rubber and latex catheter 橡膠和乳膠導(dǎo)管
rubber and plastics insulated control cable 橡皮和塑料絕緣控制電纜
rubber and plastics making machine 橡膠及塑料加工機(jī)械
rubber and plastics tester 橡膠和塑料試驗(yàn)機(jī)
rubber anti-ageing agent 橡膠防老化劑
rubber antioxidant 橡膠防氧化劑
rubber antirot paint 橡膠防腐漆
rubber articles 橡膠件
rubber asbestos plate 橡膠石棉板
rubber bag 橡皮袋
rubber ball for children 兒童膠球
rubber ball 橡皮球
rubber band sealed outer housing 橡膠圈密封外殼
rubber band 橡皮圈
rubber bandage 橡皮繃帶
rubber basketball 橡膠籃球
rubber beach sandals 膠拖鞋
rubber belt conveyor 橡膠帶輸送機(jī)
rubber belt 橡膠帶
rubber belting 橡膠帶
rubber biscuit 生膠塊
rubber bladder 球膽
rubber blade 橡膠刀
rubber blanket cylinder 橡皮滾筒
rubber blanket 橡膠墊
rubber block 生膠塊
rubber bonded grinding wheel 橡膠結(jié)合劑砂輪
rubber boots 橡膠靴
rubber brick 膠塊
rubber buffer 橡膠緩沖器
rubber bulb syringe 橡膠球注射器
rubber bumper 橡皮緩沖器
rubber cable 橡膠電纜
rubber calender 橡膠壓延機(jī)
rubber cap 橡皮帽
rubber catheter and drainage tube 橡膠導(dǎo)管和引流管
rubber catheter 橡皮導(dǎo)管
rubber cloth 防水布
rubber coating machine 涂膠機(jī)
rubber column 橡膠柱
rubber conveyor belt 橡膠運(yùn)輸帶
rubber cover 橡膠保護(hù)層
rubber crusher 破膠機(jī)
rubber crushing mill 破膠機(jī)
rubber cuff 橡皮封套
rubber cushion assembly 橡皮減震器
rubber cushion 橡皮墊
rubber cutter 橡膠裁刀
rubber cutting machine 切膠機(jī)
rubber date stamp 橡皮日戳
rubber diaphragm 橡膠膜
rubber dinghy 橡皮艇
rubber dip machine 浸膠機(jī)
rubber disc shock absorber 橡皮盤減震器
rubber drainage tube 引流管
rubber dress boots 橡膠套靴
rubber duck 橡膠帆布
rubber eraser 橡皮
rubber examination gloves 乳膠檢查手套
rubber extruder 橡膠擠出機(jī)
rubber fender 橡膠翼子板
rubber fibre 橡膠纖維
rubber filament 橡膠長(zhǎng)絲
rubber file 樹膠銼
rubber filter 濾膠機(jī)
rubber finger cot 膠指套
rubber fining mixer 煉膠機(jī)
rubber flat plate 橡膠平板
rubber flexible cord 膠皮軟線
rubber footwear 橡筋襪
rubber force cup 通塞器
rubber forming machine 橡膠成型機(jī)
rubber friction draft gear 橡膠摩擦式緩沖器
rubber friction tape 橡膠摩擦帶
rubber gasket of application valve 應(yīng)用閥膠墊
rubber gasket of feed valve 供給閥膠墊
rubber gasket 橡膠墊
rubber gauntlet gloves 長(zhǎng)筒橡皮手套
rubber gloves 橡膠手套
rubber grip claw hammer with tubular handle 皮管型手柄橡皮羊角錘
rubber guide belt for printing flower 印花用橡膠導(dǎo)帶
rubber hammer with handle 帶柄橡皮錘
rubber hardness tester 橡膠硬度測(cè)試儀
rubber health hammer 橡膠健身槌
rubber health ring 橡膠健身環(huán)
rubber health slippers 橡膠健身鞋
rubber hi-cut boots 高統(tǒng)膠靴
rubber hollow weather strip 擋雨空心橡帶
rubber hose braided with cotton wire 棉編膠管
rubber hose braided with steel wire 鋼編膠管
rubber hose connecter 膠管接頭
rubber hose washer 橡皮管襯墊
rubber hose 橡皮軟管
rubber ice bag 橡皮冰袋
rubber irregular curve 橡皮彎曲板
rubber joint 橡膠接頭
rubber knee boots 長(zhǎng)至膝膠靴
rubber knitting machine 橡筋線針織機(jī)
rubber latex mixer machine 膠乳攪拌機(jī)
rubber latex 膠乳
rubber leather 搓條皮圈
rubber liner 橡皮襯墊
rubber link mat 橡膠鏈節(jié)墊
rubber mallet 橡皮錘
rubber massage brush 橡膠按摩刷
rubber mat 膠地席
rubber matting 橡膠地氈
rubber membrane 橡皮膜
rubber mixing machine 煉膠機(jī)
rubber mixing mill 煉膠機(jī)
rubber molder 橡膠成型機(jī)
rubber neck 橡皮套管
rubber nipple 橡膠接頭
rubber numbering stamp 橡皮號(hào)碼機(jī)
rubber oil plug 橡膠油塞
rubber oil seal 橡膠油封
rubber operating gloves 手術(shù)膠手套
rubber packing 橡膠填料
rubber pad 橡皮墊
rubber panty 橡膠短褲
rubber pipe and hose 橡膠管
rubber plate 橡膠板
rubber plug 橡皮塞
rubber pressure air hose 耐壓膠管
rubber pressurized and extruded die 壓膠擠膠模
rubber processing machinery 橡膠加工機(jī)械
rubber products 橡膠制品
rubber rain boots 橡膠雨靴
rubber rain jack boots 長(zhǎng)筒雨靴
rubber rain shoes 橡膠雨鞋
rubber refining machine 煉膠機(jī)
rubber refining mill 橡膠精煉機(jī)
rubber repair solution 橡膠修補(bǔ)液
rubber ring cutter 橡皮圈割刀
rubber ring 橡膠墊圈
rubber roll grinder 橡皮輥磨床
rubber roller for hulling rice 礱谷膠輥
rubber roller for rice huller 礱谷機(jī)用膠輥
rubber roller 橡膠輥筒
rubber roller-head extruder 橡膠擠出壓片機(jī)
rubber rolling mill 輾膠機(jī)
rubber rope 橡膠繩
rubber rug anchor 橡膠襯墊固定器
rubber sac 膠管
rubber sack 橡皮袋
rubber sanding block 橡膠磨塊
rubber scissors 橡膠剪刀
rubber seal ring 膠質(zhì)密封環(huán)
rubber seed oil 橡膠籽油
rubber seed 橡膠籽
rubber sheet press 橡膠壓片機(jī)
rubber sheet 橡膠板
rubber sheeting machine 壓片機(jī)
rubber sheeting 橡皮布
rubber shim 橡皮嵌條
rubber shoes with cloth upper 布膠鞋
rubber shoes 膠鞋
rubber silk 涂膠綢
rubber sleeve cable 橡套電纜
rubber sleeve 膠皮套
rubber snow boots 橡膠防雪套靴
rubber sole auto hydraulic press 橡膠鞋底自動(dòng)液壓機(jī)
rubber sole cutting machine 橡膠鞋底裁切機(jī)
rubber soled canvas shoes 帆布膠底鞋
rubber soled footwear 膠底鞋類
rubber soled shoes 膠底鞋
rubber soled suede shoes 橡底羊皮鞋
rubber solution 橡膠膠水
rubber stamp 橡皮圖章
rubber steam hose 蒸汽膠管
rubber stencilling brush 油印膠刷
rubber stopper 橡皮塞
rubber stub 橡皮墊
rubber studded tyre 加裝橡皮防滑釘輪胎
rubber tape 橡膠帶
rubber taper 橡皮錐
rubber tapping knife 橡膠刀
rubber thread for textile use 紡織用橡皮線
rubber thread 橡膠線
rubber tile 樹膠階磚
rubber toy 橡皮玩具
rubber tube valve 膠管閥門
rubber tube 橡膠管
rubber tyre 橡膠輪胎
rubber valve 橡膠閥
rubber velvet 防水棉絨
rubber volley-ball 橡膠排球
rubber wares 橡膠雜件
rubber warming mill 橡膠熱煉機(jī)
rubber washer 橡皮墊圈
rubber water hose 輸水膠管
rubber water polo 膠皮水球
rubber weather strip 橡皮防漏墊帶
rubber wedge heel boots 橡膠楔跟靴
rubber wheel 橡膠輪
rubber wood timber 橡膠木
rubber wood 橡膠原木
rubber 橡膠
rubber-belt duck 橡膠傳動(dòng)帶用帆布
rubber-covered wire 膠皮絕緣線
rubber-flat press 橡膠壓片機(jī)
rubber-insulated cable 橡膠絕緣電纜
rubber-insulated copper wire 銅芯橡膠絕緣電線
rubber-insulated flexible cable 橡膠絕緣軟電纜
rubber-insulated gloves 橡皮絕緣手套
rubber-insulated sheathed ordinary flexible cord 橡皮絕緣護(hù)套通用型軟線
rubber-insulated wire 橡絕緣電線
rubber-insulated wire 橡皮絕緣電線
rubber-insulation gloves 橡膠絕緣手套
rubber-internal mixer 密閉式煉膠機(jī)
rubber-plastic obturator 橡膠塑料緊塞具
rubber-roller rice huller 膠輥礱谷機(jī)
rubber-roller rice husker 膠輥礱谷機(jī)
rubber-sheathed cable 橡皮電纜
rubber-sheathed cord 橡皮線
rubber-sheathed wire 橡皮線
rubber-tired compactor 膠輪壓實(shí)機(jī)
rubber-tired drill 膠輪式鉆
rubber-tyred container gantry crane 輪胎式集裝箱龍門起重機(jī)
rubber-tyred power blader 輪胎式自動(dòng)平地機(jī)
rubber-tyred roller 輪胎式壓路機(jī)
rubber-tyred tractor 膠輪拖拉機(jī)
rubbered cloth 涂膠布
rubberized canvas gloves 涂膠帆布手套
rubberized cord 浸膠簾線
rubberized nylon rainsuit 涂膠尼龍雨衣
rubbing brick made of sillicon carbide 碳化硅磨石
rubbing brick 磨石
rubbing frame 搓條粗紗機(jī)
rubbing machine 磨碎機(jī)
rubbing mill 碾壓機(jī)
rubbish bag 垃圾袋
rubella vaccine 風(fēng)疹疫苗
Ruben's valve 羅賓氏閥
rubidium carbonate 碳酸銣
rubidium chloride 氯化銣
rubidium magnetometer 銣磁力儀
rubidium nitrate 硝酸銣
rubidium sulfate flame detector 硫酸銣火焰探測(cè)器
rubidium vapour magnetometer 銣蒸汽地磁儀
rubidium-86 chloride 氯化銣
rubidomycin 紅必霉素
Rubis 魯比斯牌手表
Rubitox 伏殺磷
rubsen oil 菜油
ruby alumina 紅寶石色氧化鋁
ruby continuous laser 紅寶石連續(xù)激光器
ruby disk laser 紅寶石圓盤激光器
ruby glass 紅寶石玻璃
ruby laser microscopic radiation meter 紅寶石激光顯微照射儀
ruby laser range finder 紅寶石激光測(cè)距儀
ruby laser scattering apparatus 紅寶石激光散射儀
ruby laser 紅寶石激光器
Ruby Nourishing Cream 露美營養(yǎng)霜
ruby ranging laser 紅寶石測(cè)距激光器
Ruby Red Blush 紅玉葡萄柚柑桔
ruby star 星彩寶石
ruby throat 紅脖
ruby 紅寶石
rucksack 帆布背包
RUDD-U tablet 立愈胃片
rudder actuator 方向舵?zhèn)鲃?dòng)器
rudder indicator 舵角指示器
rudder 舵
Ruelene 育畜磷
ruffle edge flounce bedskirt 裙飾縐邊床衽
ruffle skirt 皺邊裙
ruffle trimmed print pajamas 荷葉邊印花寬大睡衣褲
ruffled bowtie blouse 荷葉邊蝴蝶領(lǐng)結(jié)上衣
ruffled bowtie scuffs 荷葉邊帶蝴蝶結(jié)睡鞋
ruffled patchprint quilt 波紋堆花被
Ruflex 羅勿萊牌手表
rufocromomycin 絳色霉素
rug blanket 地毯披巾
rug cleaning detergent 洗氈劑
rug cleaning soap 洗氈皂
rug cushion 地氈襯墊
rug made of goat hair 山羊毛地毯
rug shampooing detergent 洗氈劑
rug weaving frame 地毯織機(jī)
rug wool 六股粗絨線
rug 地毯
rug-overtufting machine 地毯簇絨機(jī)
rugby ball 橄欖球
rugby football 橄欖球
rugby 橄欖球
ruggedized cable 加強(qiáng)型電纜
ruggedized computer 耐震計(jì)算機(jī)
ruggedized fiber optic cable 高強(qiáng)度光纜
rugging 厚絨地毯呢
ruisella 呂瑟拉長(zhǎng)毛絨
Ruko 路高牌手表
ruled letter paper 間行信紙
ruled paper 格子紙
ruler 直尺
ruling machine 劃線機(jī)
ruling pen 劃線筆
rully-auto washer 全自動(dòng)洗衣機(jī)
Rum  郎姆酒
rum and butter toffee 含酒太妃
rum 蘭姆酒
rum-swizzle 朗斯威茲原色起絨粗呢
Rumacil 喃啶草
Rumanian embroidery 羅馬尼亞刺繡
rumbrug linen 隆勃拉精細(xì)亞麻布
rumchunder 魯瓊德綢
rumford photometer 倫福德光度計(jì)
Rumix 羅米克司牌手表
rummer 大酒杯
run lace 網(wǎng)眼地針繡花邊
run resistant hosiery 防脫散襪子
run work 網(wǎng)眼繡花
run-down stockings 直統(tǒng)長(zhǎng)襪
run-round plough 單向犁
runabout 輕便小汽車
runner and tackle 配繩絞轆轤
runner inhibitor 纖匐枝抑制劑
runner milling 碾磨機(jī)
running fox 跑狐
running gear 走行裝置
running pants 運(yùn)動(dòng)褲衩
running shirt 無袖低領(lǐng)運(yùn)動(dòng)衫
running shoes 競(jìng)走鞋
running trunks 運(yùn)動(dòng)短褲
running weight type dynamometer 移動(dòng)重式測(cè)力計(jì)
runway light 跑道燈
runway sweeper 跑道清掃車
ruperi 盧伯利銀絲綢
Ruphos 敵殺磷
rupture membrane 防爆膜
rural distribution cable 農(nóng)村電話配線電纜
rural dozer 鄉(xiāng)區(qū)推土機(jī)
ruscogenine 螺可吉寧
rush agate 燈草瑪瑙
rush and willow laundry basket 蒲草洗衣桶
rush carpet 起絨桿機(jī)織地毯
rush floor mat 蒲草地毯
rush mat 蒲席
rush pith 燈心草
rush products 蒲制品
rush shoes 蒲鞋
rush stalk screen 蒲桿簾
rush straw articles 蒲草制品
rush straw hood 蒲草帽坯
rush 燈心草
russel cord 羅塞爾棱紋呢
russell 羅塞爾斜紋細(xì)呢
russet sheepskin 褐色羊皮
Russia sail duck 俄羅斯粗帆布
Russia 俄羅斯牌手表
Russian blanket 俄羅斯毛毯
Russian caviar 俄國魚子醬
Russian cloth 俄羅斯起絨毛織物
Russian cord 俄羅斯凸條布
Russian duck 細(xì)亞麻帆布
Russian embroidery 俄羅斯藝術(shù)刺繡
Russian flax 俄羅斯亞麻
Russian hemp 俄羅斯大麻
Russian leather 俄羅斯小牛皮
Russian rope 俄羅斯大麻繩
Russian sardine 俄國沙丁魚
Russian sausage 俄羅斯腸
Russian serge 俄羅斯厚嗶嘰
Russian sturgeon 俄國鱘
Russian tapestry 俄羅斯掛毯
Russian twill 俄羅斯斜紋呢
Russian typewriter 俄文打字機(jī)
Russian veiling 俄羅斯面紗
Russian velvet 俄羅斯起絨格子薄呢
russienne 魯津斜紋綢
rust colour cloth 鐵繡色布
rust coloured glaze 鐵銹花釉
rust preventive oil 防銹油
rust preventive 防銹劑
rust remover 除銹劑
rust removing preparation 除銹制劑
rust-coloured senshaw 薯莨綢
rust-preventative oil 防銹油
rust-preventing pump 防蝕泵
rust-proof paint 防銹漆
rust-proof paper 防銹紙
rustic brick 毛面磚
rustless steel 不銹鋼
rutamycin 蘆他霉素
Rutander 李將軍葡萄酒
ruthenium alloy 釕合金
ruthenium analyzer 釕含量分析儀
ruthenium trichloride 三氯化釕
rutile porcelain 金紅石瓷
rutile powder 金紅石砂
rutile titanium dioxide 金紅石二氧化鈦
rutile 金紅石
rutin 路丁
rutoside 蘆丁
Ryanicide 魚尼汀
Rycelan 黃草消
rye flour 黑麥粉
rye meal 黑麥粉
rye whisky 裸麥威士忌酒
rye 黑麥
rythmodan capsule 異脈停膠囊
Ryzelan 黃草消
關(guān)鍵詞: 進(jìn)出口 專業(yè) 詞匯(R4)


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