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“非常, 很, 極其”的26種英文表達法

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-09-11
核心提示:相信大家都會有這樣的經(jīng)歷: 每每用英語表達一些很一般的概念時, 我們總會立刻想起某個表達法. 例如: 想說很時,立刻想到了very或very much; 想說大時, 則用big或large.這樣的一一對應(yīng), 大大減弱了英語寫作的豐富性和生動性. 于是這些最先為我們想到的表達法, 便成了我們

相信大家都會有這樣的經(jīng)歷: 每每用英語表達一些很一般的概念時, 我們總會立刻想起某個表達法. 例如: 想說"很"時,立刻想到了very或very much; 想說"大"時, 則用big或large.這樣的一一對應(yīng), 大大減弱了英語寫作的豐富性和生動性.

于是這些最先為我們想到的表達法, 便成了我們提高英語水平的羈絆. 如果我們能把這些最常用概念的英語表達歸類, 總結(jié), 貧乏的英語表達便會渙然一新.

以下是我在英語學(xué)習(xí)過程中的一篇筆記, 愿與各位分享. 如有遺漏或錯誤, 敬請指正.


在英語中用來表達"極其, 非常, 很"的方式有26種:

1) most

(used for giving force)

a. (to an adjective) very

It really is most annoying.

b.(to an adverb) quite; very

Whatever happens, I shall most certainly attend the meeting.


most只能修飾具有主觀意見或感情色彩的形容詞和副詞, 表示"非常, 很"的概念.我們可以說 most certainly, 但不能說most tall 或 most quick

2) awfully adv.

infml (used to give more force to an expression) very

awfully cold, awfully nice

I am awfully sorry for it.

3) badly adv.

(與"want", "need"連用) a great deal; very much

They want help badly.

He is badly in need of a haircut.

4) more than ...

fml, to a degree at which "..." is no longer a strong enough

or suitable word. 與中文的"無以名狀"差不多

We were more than happy to hear of your escape.

I think his offer is more than fair.

5) ever so/such

infml. esp. BrE very

It's ever so cold.

She's ever such a nice girl.

6) immensely adv.

apprec very much

I enjoyed it immensely.

7) much adv.

to a great degree

I don't much like that idea.

I'm much surprised to hear that.

8) mighty adv.

infml. very

It was a mighty good meal, and everyone enjoyed it.

9) highly adv.

(esp. before adjectives made from verbs) to a high degree; very

highly pleased, highly skilled, highly interesting, highly


This is a highly amusing film.

10) greatly adv.

(with verb forms, esp. the past p.)

to a large degree; very

greatly moved by his kindnes

greatly to be feared

We are greatly obliged to you for your help.

11) mortally adv.

very greatly; deeply

She is mortally afraid of walking home alone on a

dark night.

He is mortally jealous.

12) deeply adv.


We are deeply obliged to you for your help.

13) like anything

very hard; fiercely

When they arrived, the house was burning like anything.

The maid wanted like anything to try on her mistress's clothes.

He is brave like anything.

14) only too


only too happy to come

I am only too glad to go there.

15) a thousand

It is a thouand pity.

A thousand thanks!

16) one hundred percent

I am sure the figure is one hundred percent correct.

17) to the world

He was tired to the world.

18) up to the handle

I am enjoying my trip up to the handle.

19) to a large extent

I agree with what you say to a large extent.

20) not half

BrE infml very

It isn't half windy today!

They didn't half support my proposal.

21) extremely

I am extremely sorry

22) exceedingly adv.

very; to an unusual degree

They were exceedingly kind.

23) terribly adv.

infml. very

I've been terribly worried about you all day.

We were terribly lucky to find you there.

24) quite adv.

more than usually; rather

It's really quite good; much better than we expected.

25) utterly adv.


I found the books utterly charming, instructive, and


26) completely adv

wholly; altogether; in every way; totally

The army made a completely successful attack

on the enemy capital.

關(guān)鍵詞: 非常 極其 表達法


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