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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-05-18
首字母是 D 的詞組共 362 個
  · 大案要案 major cases
  · 打白條 issue IOU
  · 大包大攬 take on all things
  · 打包貸款 packing credit
  · 打包兒 use doggy bags to take food home
  · 大包干 all-round responsibility system
  · 打保票 vouch for somebody; guarantee something
  · 達標活動 target hitting activities
  · 大病統(tǒng)籌 comprehensive arrangement for serious disease
  · 大撤把 totally laissez-faire
  · 大包大攬 belly-worship
  · 大酬賓 give a large discount to one’s customers or guests
  · 打出王牌 play one’s trump card
  · 大出血 make a big markdown
  · 搭錯車 follow a wrong train; join in a wrong group; follow a wrong example; wrong act because of wrong judgement or rash imitation
  · 大而全 large and comprehensive; large and all-inclusive
  · 打翻身戰(zhàn) fight to change for the better
  · 打工 do work for others
  · 大規(guī)模殺傷性武器 weapons of mass destruction
  · 大鍋飯 egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same big pot
  · 打黑 crack down on evil forces
  · 大轟動 blockbuster
  · 大環(huán)境 the social, political and economic environment; the overall situation
  · 大換血 an overall renewal of the membership of an organization
  · 打擊報復 conduct reprisals; retaliate
  · 打擊非法投機活動 strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation
  · 打假 crack down on fake products
  · 打假辦 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
  · 大檢察官 principal public procurator
  · 大減價 markdown sales
  · 大賤賣 big offering
  · 大獎賽 prize-giving competition
  · 打卡機 punch machine
  · 打開天窗說亮話 put all cards on the table; speak frankly; let’s not mince matters
  · 大開眼界 open one’s eyes; broaden one’s horizons; be an eye-opener
  · 打口碟 cracked CD
  · 大款 tycoon
  · 大力扣殺 hammer
  · 大齡青年 single youngsters who have exveeded the lawful marriage age (In China the age atatus of this group of people is around thirty in age. To be a short term, it is also called overage youth)
  · 大路貨 1.cheap goods; 2. popular goods of fine quality
  · 大滿貫 grand slam
  · 大排檔 large stall; sidewalk snack booth
  · 打破僵局 break the deadlock
  · 打破壟斷 breakup of monopoly
  · 打破“三鐵” break the Three Irons: iron armchairs(life-time posts), iron rice bowl(life-time employment) and iron wages (guaranteed pay)
  · 大氣候 state policies and priciples; overall atmosphere
  · 大人物 great man; big potato; very important person (VIP)
  · 大撒把 totally laissez-faire
  · 大勝 white wash
  · 大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
  · 搭售 conditional sale; tie-in sale
  · 打順手 “find one’s touch, get into gear, settle into a groove“
  · 打私 combat smuggling
  · 搭送 額外奉送 throw in
  · 大腕 top notch, big shot
  · 大碗茶 stall tea
  · 大衛(wèi)教 ranch Davidian
  · 打問號 have some question or doubt
  · 打小報告 secretly report on a colleague; rat on a fellow worker
  · 打小報告的人 squealer
  · 答謝宴會 return banquet
  · 大型電視系列片,長篇電視連續(xù)劇 maxi-series
  · 大型廉價商店 warehouse store
  · 大學生創(chuàng)業(yè) university students’ innovative undertaking
  · 大要案 major and serious criminal cases
  · 打游擊 work in unfixed places; work as a seasonal laborer
  · 大藏經(jīng) Tripitaka
  · 大昭寺 Jokhang Temple.
  · 大眾傳媒 mass media (of communications)
  · 大專生 junior college student
  · 大專文憑 associate degree
  · 大做文章 make a big fuss about something
  · 打補。娔X) patch installing
  · 達成共識 reach a consensus
  · 大法官 chief justice
  · 大會特邀代表 specially-invited delegate to the congress
  · 待崗 “await job assignment, post-waiting“
  · 代溝 generation gap
  · 代理服務 agency service
  · 代碼 code
  · 代培 train on contract; train special personnel for other work units in return for payment guaranteed by a contract
  · 代銷 market on commission
  · 代銷店 commission agent
  · 帶薪產(chǎn)假 paid maternity leave
  · 帶薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
  · 帶薪假期 paid holiday
  · 貸學金(助學貸款) student loan
  · 待業(yè) job-waiting
  · 待業(yè)人員 job-waiting people
  · 呆帳 dead account
  · 代職 function in an acting capacity
  · 逮捕證 arrest warrant
  · 蛋白質(zhì)工程 protein engineering
  · 單邊主義 unilateralism
  · 彈道導彈 ballistic missile
  · 單刀赴會 start a solo run
  · 單方面撕毀協(xié)定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty
  · 淡季 dead or slack season
  · 單親 single parent
  · 單身貴族 the single
  · 單親家庭 single-parent family
  · 淡水惡化 freshwater degradation
  · 單挑;單干 do something by oneself; work on one’s own
  · 單向收費 One-way charge system
  · 單循環(huán)制 single round-robin system
  · 單一經(jīng)濟 one sided economy; single product economy
  · 單一種植 single cropping
  · 黨代會 congress of party representatives
  · 黨風 Party style
  · 黨風建設(shè) construction of the Party conduct
  · 擋箭牌 excuse; pretext
  · 當前用戶 active user
  · 黨群關(guān)系 Party-masses relationship
  · 黨外人士 non-Party personage; public figure outside the Party
  · 黨性 Party spirit
  · 黨政機關(guān) Party and government organizations
  · 黨總支 Party general branch
  · 當作耳旁風 turn a deaf ear to something
  · 盜版VCD pirated VCD
  · 導播 instructor in broadcasting
  · 倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring
  · 盜打 (電話) free call on somebody else’s expense through illegal means
  · 導彈發(fā)射場 missile launching site; missile site
  · 導彈護衛(wèi)艦 (guided) missile destroyer
  · 道德法庭 court of ethics
  · 倒掛銷售 sell at a price lower than the purchasing price
  · 倒匯 speculate in foreign currency
  · 倒計時 countdown
  · 搗漿糊 give the runaround; run wild; act restlessly
  · 倒買倒賣 profiteering
  · 倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
  · 倒爺 profiteer
  · 盜用公款 embezzlement
  · 道路交通安全法 the law on road traffic safety
  · 德才兼?zhèn)?have both political integrity and ability; people who possess both political integrity and professional ability
  · 德高望重 be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige
  · 德智體美勞 “all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education “
  · 等額選舉 single-candidate election
  · 登革熱 Dengue Fever
  · 等價交換 equal-value exchange
  · 等距離外交 equidistant diplomacy
  · 等外品 “off-grade goods, rejects“
  · 鄧小平理論 Deng Xiaoping Theory
  · 鄧小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts
  · 登月艙 lunar module
  · 登記失業(yè)率 registered jobless rate
  · 地磁暴 geomagnetic storm (caused by the activities of the sunspot)
  · 低調(diào) low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach)
  · 地對地導彈 surface-to-surface ballistic missile
  · 地對空導彈 surface-to-air ballistic missile
  · 敵對勢力 hostile forces
  · 第二產(chǎn)業(yè) secondary industry
  · 第二課堂 the second classroom; practical training besides lecturing in the classroom
  · 第二上市 secondary listing
  · 第二學位 second Bachelor’s degree
  · 地方保護主義 regional protectionism
  · 地方財政包干制 system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
  · 地方財政 finance of local administration; local public finance; local finance
  · 低谷 all-time low; at a low ebb
  · 低級市 prefecture-level city
  · 地級市 prefecture-level city
  · 低價住房 low-cost housing
  · 抵抗全球經(jīng)濟衰退 combat the global economic slump
  · 低空飛行 low-altitude flying
  · 底夸克 bottom quark
  · 第六感覺 the sixth sence
  · 抵免 offset
  · 地勤人員 ground crew
  · 地球村 global village
  · 地球末日 geocide
  · 地球日 Earth Day (April 22)
  · 地球資源衛(wèi)星 earth resources satellite
  · 地區(qū)霸權(quán)主義 regional hegemonism
  · 地區(qū)差異 regional disparity
  · 地熱資源 geothermal resources
  · 滴入式經(jīng)濟 trickle-down economy
  · 第三產(chǎn)業(yè) tertiary industry; service sector
  · 第三代移動電話(3G手機) third-generation mobile; 3G mobile
  · 地市級城市 prefecture-level city
  · 低水平重復建設(shè) low-level redundant development
  · 第四產(chǎn)業(yè) the fourth industry
  · 迪斯尼樂園 Disney Land
  · 地下出版物 underground publications
  · 地下核試驗 underground nuclear test
  · 地下經(jīng)濟 underground economy
  · 地下錢莊 illegal private bank
  · 地效飛機 land-effect plane
  · 第一發(fā)球權(quán) first inning
  · 第一發(fā)球員 first server
  · 第一輪投票 first round of voting
  · 第一生產(chǎn)力 primary productive force
  · 第一手材料 material at first hand; first-hand material
  · 第一雙打 first pair
  · 地震 earthquak, quake
  · 地震棚 earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
  · 點播 request the broadcasting (or telecasting)
  · 點播節(jié)目 phone-in program
  · 電大 college courses broadcast on television
  · 墊付 “advancement, payment on account“
  · 電話號碼升位 upgrade telephone number
  · 電話會議 teleconference
  · 電話會議呼叫 Conference calling
  · 電話留言機 answering machine
  · 電老虎 electricity guzzler; big power consumer
  · 點面結(jié)合 integrate point and sphere
  · 點名冊 roll book
  · 電腦病毒 computer virus
  · 電腦犯罪 computer crime
  · 電腦校對機 electronic-brain collator
  · 電腦空間 cyberspace
  · 電腦聊天 cyberchat
  · 電腦盲 computer illiterate
  · 電腦迷 mouse potato
  · 點球 penalty kick
  · 電視發(fā)射臺 television transmitting station
  · 電視會議 video conference
  · 電視迷 couch potato
  · 電視網(wǎng) television network
  · 電視直銷 TV home shopping
  · 電信運營商 telecom operators
  · 電源電網(wǎng) power generating facilities and power grids
  · 電子報刊 electronic press
  · 電子寵物 electronic pet
  · 電子出版 electronic publishing
  · 電子詞典 electronic dictionary
  · 電子耳 electronic ears
  · 點子公司 consulting company
  · 電子公告牌 Bulletin Board System (BBS)
  · 電子貨幣 electronic currency; electronic money
  · 電子商務認證 e-business certification
  · 電子商務平臺 e-commerce platform
  · 電子商務 electronic commerce; e-business; e-commerce
  · 電子數(shù)據(jù)交換業(yè)務 electronic data interchange service
  · 電子物流配送 e-distribution
  · 電子銀行 electronic bank
  · 電子郵件 e-mail
  · 電子政務 e-government
  · (解決爭端)調(diào)查結(jié)果 findings
  · 吊帶衫 sun-top, tank-top
  · 掉價 fall in price; degrade oneself
  · 吊球 drop shot
  · 吊胃口 tempt (someone with something); stimulate someone’s desire
  · 吊銷執(zhí)照 revoke one’s license
  · 釣魚工程 angling engineering projects
  · 釣魚臺國賓館 Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
  · 調(diào)動一切積極因素 mobilize all positive factors
  · 釣魚島 Diaoyu Islands
  · 低調(diào)處理 downplay
  · 跌幅 range of a price drop
  · 跌眼鏡 have people drop glasses (make unexpected mistakes so as to shock people with wonder and have them drop their glasses)
  · 低密度住宅 low-density residential buildings
  · 定編 personnel allocation
  · 定調(diào)子 set the tone
  · 定額計酬 quota remuneration
  · 定崗 determine posts
  · 丁克一族 DINKS (Double Income No Kids)
  · 頂梁柱 backbone; main support
  · 定期存款 time deposit; fixed deposit; fixed account
  · 定向培訓 target training; job-oriented training
  · 定向生 targeted-area student
  · 定向增發(fā) additional stock issue tailed for...
  · 定向招生 enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas
  · 定心丸 mind relief
  · 釘子戶 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project
  · 丟車保帥 give up a pawn to save a chariot; sacrifice something minor to save something major
  · 第一產(chǎn)業(yè) primary industry
  · 東道國 host country
  · 動感 dynamic
  · 動感電影,多維電影 multidimensional movie (3D or 4D etc.)
  · 東盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  · 東盟地區(qū)論壇 ASEAN Regional Forum
  · 東盟自由貿(mào)易區(qū) ASEAN Free Trade Area
  · 東南亞國家聯(lián)盟 ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)
  · 動遷戶 households to be relocated
  · 董事會 board of directors
  · “東突“恐怖分子 East Turkistan terrorist
  · “東突”恐怖分子 “Eastern Turkistan” terrorist
  · “東突”恐怖組織 “Eastern Turkistan” terrorist organization
  · 東西對話 East-West dialogue
  · 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project
  · 豆腐腦 jellied bean curd
  · 獨家代理 exclusive agency
  · 渡假外交 holiday-making diplomacy
  · 獨家新聞 scoop
  · 獨立董事 independent director
  · 獨立關(guān)稅區(qū) separate customs territory
  · 獨立國家聯(lián)合體(獨聯(lián)體) the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  · 獨立核算工業(yè)企業(yè) independent accounting enterprise
  · 獨立自主自辦的原則 principle of independence and self-governance
  · 杜魯門主義 Truman Doctrine
  · 獨苗 the only son or daughter; the only child
  · 獨生子女 the only child in one’s family
  · 毒梟 drug trafficker
  · 獨資經(jīng)營 single-investor enterprise; sole proprietorship enterprise; sole investment enterprise
  · 斷檔 severed shelf; sold out
  · 斷交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)
  · 斷碼 short in size
  · 短期放款 money at call and short notice
  · 短期債務 floating debt
  · 端午節(jié) the Dragon Boat Festival
  · 短線產(chǎn)品 products in short supply; goods in short supply
  · 短信 short messages; text messages
  · 斷章取義 quote one’s words out of context
  · 對沖基金 hedge fund
  · 對等開放 reciprocal opening
  · 對方付費電話 collect call
  · 對...毫無顧忌 make no bones about ...
  · 對話和合作 dialogue and co-operation
  · 對獎活動 raffle
  · 對講機 talkie and walkie
  · 對抗性矛盾 antagonistic contradiction
  · 對口味 suit one’s taste
  · 對內(nèi)搞活,對外開放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world
  · 對牛彈琴 play the harp( (lute) to a cow; cast pearls before a swine
  · 對外經(jīng)濟技術(shù)交流 economic and technological exchanges with the outside world
  · 對外招商 attract foreign investment
  · 兌現(xiàn)承諾 make good on the promise
  · 隊長袖標(足球) skipper’s armband
  · 對種糧農(nóng)民實行直接補貼 directly subsidize grain producers
  · 對中西部地區(qū)適當傾斜 appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the country
  · 對抗或強制 confrontation or coercion
  · 對人民幣重新估值 revaluation of the Renminbi
  · 獨立董事制度 the independent director system
  · 蹲點 (of cadres) stay at a selected grass-roots spot (for investigation and study)
  · 蹲點跑面 gain experience in selected spots and then spread it over the whole area
  · 敦煌石窟 Dunhuang Grottoes
  · 多邊貿(mào)易談判 multilateral trade negotiation
  · 多邊貿(mào)易談判 multilateral trade talks
  · 多邊貿(mào)易體制 the multilateral trading system
  · 多邊政策 multilateralism
  · 奪標 win the championship
  · 多層次資本市場體系 the multi-layer capital market system
  · 多重國籍 plural nationality; multiple nationality
  · 多黨合作制 multi-party cooperation in exercising state power
  · 多黨合作和政治協(xié)商制度 the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation
  · 多碟DVD multidisc DVD player
  · 多功能汽車 multi-purpose vehicle (MPV)
  · 多功能性(農(nóng)業(yè)) multifunctionality
  · 奪冠 take the crown
  · 多(跨)國公司 multinational companies
  · 多國維持和平部隊 multinational peach-keeping force
  · 多極化 multi-polariation
  · 多極時代 multi-polar times
  · 多極世界 multi-polar world
  · 多極性 multi-polarized
  · 多勞多得 more pay for more work
  · 多媒體 multimedia
  · 多媒體短信服務 MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
  · 多年積累的深層次問題 long-standing and deep-seated prolems
  · 多任務小衛(wèi)星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
  · 多頭市場 bull market
  · 多頭賬戶 long account
  · 多頭執(zhí)法 duplicate law enforcement
  · 多退少補 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficciency
  · 多元化 pluralism
  · 多元社會 pluralistic society
  · 多元文化社會 multi-cultural society
  · 多種經(jīng)濟成分 diverse sectors of the economy
  · 多種經(jīng)營 diversified economy
  · 多邊貿(mào)易 multilateral trade
  · 多種所有制經(jīng)濟共同發(fā)展 allow diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side
  · 瀆職 dereliction of duty
  首字母是 E 的詞組共 24 個:
  · 厄爾尼諾現(xiàn)象 El Nino phenomenon
  · 惡性通貨膨脹 hyperinflation
  · 惡性循環(huán) vicious circle
  · 鱷魚的眼淚 crocodile tears
  · 惡作劇 mischief; leg-pull
  · 恩格爾系數(shù) Engel’s coefficient--the proportion of expense on food to the consumption expense
  · 二把手 second in command
  · 二百五 a stupid person
  · 二板市場 growth enterprise board; second board market; hi-tech board
  · 二傳手 second transmitter
  · 二次創(chuàng)業(yè) start a new undertaking
  · 二次加工能力 the capacity to reprocess
  · 二次能源 secondary energy sources; second energy
  · 二次污染 secondary pollution
  · 二道販子 two-way merchants
  · 二級市場 secondary market
  · 二進宮 “to enter the palace a second time (people with a past criminal record again commits a crime, and is convicted and put into a correctional institution)“
  · 2008夏季奧運會 2008 summer Olympics
  · 二流選手 “scrub, second-rater“
  · (把…當成)耳旁風 Like water off (on) a duck’s back
  · 二手房 second-hand house
  · 兒童不宜片 X-rated movie; R-rated film (violence and adult content)
  · 兒童心理學 kidology
  · 二元經(jīng)濟 dual economy
  首字母是 F 的詞組:
  · 翻版 reprint; reproduction; mirror image
  · 反補貼稅,反傾銷稅 countervailing duty
  · 反不正當競爭法 Law of the People’s Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
  · 反彈道導彈條約 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)
  · 反彈道導彈體系 anti-ballistic missile system
  · 販毒集團 drug cartel
  · 反對黨 opposotion party
  · 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government
  · 翻蓋式移動電話 flip phone
  · 返回式衛(wèi)星 return satellite
  · 翻建 renovate; rebuild on an old foundation
  · 反垃圾郵件業(yè) anti-spam industry
  · 翻老帳 bring up old scores again
  · 翻兩番 quadruple
  · 翻牌公司 government-body-turned company
  · 反聘 rehire after retirement
  · 反傾銷措施 anti-dumping measures
  · 反傾銷調(diào)查 anti-dumping investigations
  · 汎士通輪胎 Firestone tires
  · 繁體字 complex characters
  · 防暴槍 baton gun
  · 防抱死系統(tǒng) ABS (anti-lock braking system)
  · 方便食品 instant food; convenience food
  · 防病毒軟件 anti-virus software
  · 房產(chǎn)估價師 real estate evaluator
  · 房產(chǎn)證 property ownership certificate
  · 房產(chǎn)置換 buy or exchange houses
  · 房蟲兒 real estate speculator
  · 防彈背心 bulletproof vest
  · 防盜門 burglarproof door; antitheft door
  · 房改 housing system reform
  · 放高球 lob
  · 房管 real estate management
  · 防洪工程 flood-prevention project; flood control project
  · 防護林 shelter forest belt; shelter forest
  · 防護林帶 shelter belts
  · 防滑剎車系統(tǒng) anti-skid brake system (ABS)
  · 防火墻 firewall
  · 防空部隊 air defense force
  · 放款 extend loan
  · 放療 radiation treatment
  · 仿冒 counterfeit
  · 防竊聽電話 eavesdropping proof telephone
  · 房權(quán)證 property right certificate
  · 放射性污染 radioactive contamination
  · 防身術(shù) personal defense skill
  · 防守反擊(足球用語) counterattack
  · 訪談 interview and discuss
  · 訪談式競選 (候選人在電視訪談節(jié)目中亮相進行的競選) talk-show campaign
  · 防偽標志 anti-fake label
  · 防衛(wèi)作戰(zhàn)能力 defense capabilities and combat effectiveness
  · 防偽標志 fake-proof mark; counter-forgery mark
  · 訪問學者 visiting scholar
  · 放下架子 get off one’s high horse; throw off one’s airs
  · 放心店 trustworthy shop
  · 放心肉 quality-assured meat
  · 放行單 release permit
  · 防汛抗旱 flood control and drought relief
  · 放眼全球 expand one’s horizons to include the whole world
  · 仿真機 replicating machine
  · 房地產(chǎn)市場 real estate market
  · 防范和化解金融風險 take precautions against and reduce financial risks
  · 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate
  · 返回艙 re-entry module
  · 返回式科學與技術(shù)試驗衛(wèi)星 recoverable experimental science satellite
  · 反恐軍事演習 anti-terrorism military exercise
  · 反傾銷訴訟 anti-dumping charge
  · 非常規(guī)能源 non-conventional energy
  · 非常設(shè)機構(gòu) ad hoc organizations
  · 廢除領(lǐng)導干部終身制 abolish de facto life-long tenure of leading cadres
  · 非黨人士 non-Party personage
  · 非典病例 SARS case
  · 廢電池 used batteries
  · 非典定點醫(yī)院 SARS-designated hospital
  · 非典型性肺炎(嚴重急性呼吸道綜合癥 ) atypical pneumonia; severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  · 非典疫區(qū) SARS-affected area
  · 非對稱數(shù)字用戶環(huán)路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
  · 非法拘留 unwarranted custody; unlawful detention
  · 非法貿(mào)易 illicit trading
  · 費改稅 tax-for-fee
  · 費改稅改革 tax-for-fees reform
  · 非公有制經(jīng)濟 the non-public sectors of the economy
  · 非關(guān)稅貿(mào)易壁壘 non-tariff trade barriers
  · 非國有工業(yè)企業(yè) non-state industrial enterprises
  · 非婚生子女 love child; illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock
  · 非軍事區(qū) demilitarized zone (DMZ)
  · 非勞動收入 income not from work; passive income
  · 非流通股份 non-tradable stocks
  · 飛毛腿(導彈) Scud missile
  · 非貿(mào)易收匯 foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels
  · 非配額產(chǎn)品 quota-free products
  · 非商標(非專利)產(chǎn)品 generic products
  · 飛天獎 Flying Goddess Award—a kind of award for excellent Chinese TV programs
  · 廢物的循環(huán)使用 recycling of waste
  · 飛行藥檢 spot check
  · 非銀行金融機構(gòu) non-bank financial institutions
  · 非銀行金融機構(gòu) non-bank financial institutions
  · 非再生資源 non-renewable resources
  · 非洲、加勒比和太平洋國家集團(洛美協(xié)定) ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group)
  · 非主流 alternative
  · (經(jīng)濟中的)非公有制成分 non-public sector of the economy
  · 廢止妨礙市場公平競爭和排斥外地產(chǎn)品和服務的各種規(guī)定 eliminate all such regulations obstructing fair market competition and external goods and services
  · 非職務發(fā)明 non-service invention
  · 分包商 subcontractor
  · 分餐制 individual serving (portion)
  · 分拆上市 a subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
  · 分紅 distribute dividends; receive dividends
  · 份禮 apportioned gift
  · 分裂主義 splittism; separatism
  · 粉領(lǐng) Pink-collar (源于美國,最先見于《時代周刊》,一般指從事于教育、文書、售貨等行業(yè)的女性。在中國,也有人用粉領(lǐng)代表全職的優(yōu)越家庭環(huán)境內(nèi)的家庭主婦。)
  · 粉領(lǐng)族 “pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc)“
  · 分流 reposition of redundant personnel
  · 分期付款 installment payment
  · 分歧和矛盾 differences and contradictions
  · 分散主義 decentralism
  · 分數(shù)線 grade cut-off point; minimum passing score; borderline
  · 分稅制 tax distribution system
  · (產(chǎn)品)分銷 “subunderwriting, distribution“
  · 分銷 subunderwriting; distribution
  · 分業(yè)經(jīng)營 divided operation; divided management
  · 封閉式基金 close-ended fund
  · 封頂 seal the top; sealing-top
  · 豐富民主形式 Develop diverse forms of democracy
  · 奉公守法 abide by the law and social discipline
  · 鋒利扣殺 razor-sharp smash
  · 瘋牛病 mad cow disease; bovine spongiform enceohalopathy (BSE)
  · 封殺出局 force out
  · 封圣 canonization of Saints
  · 豐收工程 Good Harvest Program
  · 封鎖禁運 blockade and embargo
  · 封鎖消息 block the passage of information; news embargo; news blackout
  · 風險防范機制 a risk prevention mechanism
  · 風險基金 VC funds
  · 風險投資 venture capital; risk investment
  · 風險意識 risk awareness
  · 風險準備金 loan loss provision, provisions of risk
  · 風險投資機制 the mechanism for venture capital investments
  · 佛經(jīng) Buddhist scriptures
  · 扶持政策 supportive policy
  · 浮動工資 floating wages; fluctuating wages
  · 浮動價格 floating price
  · 復讀機 repeater
  · 復讀生 return students--students reattending classes after failing the college entrance examination
  · 覆蓋率 coverage rate
  · 復關(guān) rejoin the GATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)
  · 富貴病 rich man’s disease (which calls for a long period of rest and expensive diet)
  · 復合型人才 interdisciplinary talent
  · 附加稅 extra duties; surtax; supertax; tax surcharge
  · 附加意外險 supplemental accident insurance
  · 附加值 added value
  · 附加值高、創(chuàng)匯高、技術(shù)含量高、能源和原材料消耗低的產(chǎn)品 product that yields high added value, earns foreign exchange and is produced with advanced technology and an efficient use of energy and materials
  · 副檢察長 deputy chief procurator
  · 福利彩票 welfare lottery
  · 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
  · 福利院 welfare house; charity house
  · 富民政策 policy to enrich people
  · 父母之命, 媒妁之言 dictates of parents and words of matchmakers
  · 婦女聯(lián)合會 women’s federation
  · 扶貧 poverty alleviation
  · 扶貧辦公室 Poverty Relief Office
  · 扶貧攻堅計劃 poverty-relief program
  · 扶貧基金 relief subsidies
  · 輻射防護 radiation protection
  · 《浮士德》 Faust
  · 復式計帳 duplex apartment; compound apartment
  · 復式住宅 duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)
  · 附屬中學 attached middle school
  · 浮屠 stupa; pagoda
  · 服務行業(yè) catering industry
  · 服務器 server
  · 服務特色;賣點 selling point
  · 婦幼保健院 maternal and child care service centre
  · 負隅頑抗 put up a last-ditch resistance
  · 復員 be discharged from active military service
  · 負增長 negative growth
  · 負債經(jīng)營 managing an enterprise with a loan
  · 父子黨 father-son party
  · 浮動匯率 floating exchange rate
關(guān)鍵詞: 常用 經(jīng)濟 導彈 電話 電視


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