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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-04-10
                                        HOW to write the English summary of Food Scientific Paper
            CHEN De- chang PENG Zeng- qi LI Chang- wen ZHANG Jia- cheng

 Abstract:In this paper,the type,the structure and the content of English summary of food scientific paper were Introduced. The attention for writingEnglish summary was also exPounded.
 Key words :food scientific paper,English summary
0    前言
1  英文摘要的形式
1.l  資料性摘要
   To determine the effects on the structure formation of comminuted meat emulsions and meat products,emulsions made from pork and ham fat were produced incorporating common additives at standard levels: muscle protein(MP); MP+ sodium caseinate;and MP+ blood plasma protein(BPP)-all 3 variants with and without 3% added salt.The control contained MP but no added salt.The emulsions were then canned, pasteurized, and refrigerated for 24h.Analysis of the effects of the treatments on sta-
bility,structural and rheological properties,and texture of the emulsions and end products showed that addition of sodium caseinate and Bpp caused a deterioratlon In tex-tural and structural ProPerties of the MP,leading to prod-ucts with a liquidy,elastic struture and a watery,spongy
and loose texture.
1.2  陳述性摘要
    A total Of 124 bstches Of fresh Autrian lamb was analysed for shlga-toxin producing EScherichia coli
(STEC).None of the batches yielded STEC 0157, but 21 samples harboured none-0157 STEC strains.The predom-inant serotype was 0146(4 isolates of 0146;HNT and 3 of 0146: H21).All isolates contained the enterohaemorrhagic E.coli(EHEC)hly gene and all but one(STEC 015:H-) 
the enterohaemolysin positive phenotype;only one isolate(STEC0146:HNT) contained the eae virulence factor.The health risk from this meat could be regarded as low due to the lack of classical human pathogenic EHEC.
2  英文摘要的結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容
  1、研究目的——陳述研究的宗旨、說明要研究和解決的問題。如:TO determine the effects on the structure formation of comminuted meat emulsions and meat prod-ucts.
   2、研究方法——介紹研究的途徑,采用的材料、模型、實(shí)驗范圍及手段。如:emulsions made from pork and ham fat were produced Incorporating common additives at standard levels.
  3、研究結(jié)果(或結(jié)論)以及意義——實(shí)事求是地報道經(jīng)過試驗和研究所獲得的新資料、新數(shù)據(jù)、新理論、新結(jié)果。如:Analysis of the effects of the treatments on  stability,structural and rheological properties, and texture of the emulsions and end products showed that addition of soldium
caseinate and BPP caused a deterioration in tex-tural and structural properties of the MP,leading to prod-ucts with a liquidy,elastic structure and watery,spongy and loose texture.
3   寫英文摘要時應(yīng)注意的問題
3.1  避免重復(fù)
3.2  篇幅要小
   2、英文摘要應(yīng)寫成一段,不分段落。摘要本身要完整,能獨(dú)立使用,使那些對所論總是有所了解的讀者,即使得不到原文,也能一目了解,獲得明確的概念。因此,摘要應(yīng)用純文敘述,應(yīng)避免使用正文中的縮寫字、圖、表、化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)式、數(shù)學(xué)公式或與角注、插圖、表格、參考文獻(xiàn)等有關(guān)符號。允許使用公知的縮略語,但非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,特別是作者自構(gòu)的縮略語在第一次出現(xiàn)時需加注全稱,如:muscle protein(MP),blood plasma protein(BPP).
3.3 在文字上要遵循一般英語語法
如在A total of 124 batches of fresh Autrian lamb was analysed for shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli(STEC)中,A total of 124 batches of fresh Autrian lamb就是用研究的客體作主語,因而用的是第三人稱,同時語態(tài)也是被動語態(tài)(was),而時態(tài)也很明顯的是用過去時(was)。
4   小結(jié)
  我們在寫英文摘要時要注意文摘的用語、遣語造句以及修辭,既不能寫出大量零碎的短句,也不能寫太長的長句以避免出錯?傊 一篇好的英文科技論文摘要,應(yīng)寫得簡明扼要,有實(shí)際內(nèi)容,合乎英語語法。


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