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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-02-11
核心提示:如果你曾經(jīng)做了什么新年計(jì)劃,恐怕現(xiàn)在就已經(jīng)破功了吧?所以干嘛不重新來(lái)過(guò)?幾乎所有人都會(huì)在新年給自己制定一個(gè)健康計(jì)劃。通常是減肥、多運(yùn)動(dòng)、少喝酒或者戒煙。有的人甚至四項(xiàng)一起來(lái)。不過(guò)別。挑一個(gè)你真正想做的。把它寫(xiě)下來(lái)、制定好計(jì)劃,并且告訴你身邊的人。 1.


    1. Don't bother with detoxing diets or regimes. There is no evidence that any of them work and your body detoxes itself quite well already thanks. Detox diets are usually highly restrictive and very low in calories. There is no magic bullet in dieting. It's all about sensible calorie restriction and exercise. Eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and don't eat because you are anything other than hungry.

    1. 理性減肥很重要--關(guān)于什么排毒減肥餐、排毒養(yǎng)身法的就別管了。根本沒(méi)有證據(jù)表明它們真的有用,而感謝上帝你的身體本身就能很好地排毒。排毒減肥餐通常都異常嚴(yán)格、并且卡路里量極低。要記住在減肥中,沒(méi)有什么速成法。最有用就是理性控制卡路里攝入、多做運(yùn)動(dòng)。每天吃5份蔬果,還有,除非真的餓了,否則別吃東西。

    2. Be altruistic. The positive psychology movement swears that doing good deeds has fabulous mental health benefits. Donate time or money to charity, or just make your colleagues copious cups of tea.

    2. 心理健康同樣重要--在新的一年里放開(kāi)懷、做個(gè)無(wú)私的人。心理學(xué)研究表明,多做好事對(duì)人的心理健康有絕對(duì)的好處。為慈善事業(yè)有錢(qián)出錢(qián)、有力出力、有時(shí)間奉獻(xiàn)時(shí)間吧!或者僅僅是幫你的同事泡一杯好茶,也能讓你身心健康。

    3. Give up smoking. Even if you love it and your grandma smoked and lived to 100, you have to stop. It causes more cancers than there are cigarettes in a packet, it's expensive and you have to do it outside in the cold. Everyone wants you to stop!

    3. 戒煙、一定要戒!--即便你就是愛(ài)死抽煙了,并且你祖母也抽、還活了100歲,你也得戒。它致癌、還貴、還逼得你必須到冷颼颼的室外站著吸。這就是人人都嚷著要你戒煙的原因!

    4. Drink sensibly. You don't need to abstain during January as it has no long-term health benefits. Just don't open a bottle of wine between two of you every evening and decide it's not quite enough. For an evening, (especially a weekday) it really is.

    4. 飲酒要適量--別嚷嚷著完全戒酒,跟著就只堅(jiān)持到1月。不長(zhǎng)期堅(jiān)持真的一點(diǎn)用都沒(méi)有。別一到晚上就開(kāi)酒、喝完一瓶還覺(jué)不夠。一瓶真的夠了,特別是工作日。

    5. Be more active. Unless you already run marathons you can generally benefit from more exercise; do anything that increases your heart rate for 20-30 minutes, four times a week.

    5. 多動(dòng)動(dòng)總是好的--除非你是剛剛跑完了馬拉松,多動(dòng)動(dòng)總是對(duì)你有好處的。任何能提高心率的運(yùn)動(dòng)都好,一次堅(jiān)持20到30分鐘、一周四次。

關(guān)鍵詞: 踏實(shí) 新年 健康 計(jì)劃


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