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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-05-18
核心提示:止頭痛 把一包冰敷在后腦勺或頭頂會減輕些頭痛,按摩太陽穴和脖子后部也能起到同樣的效果。睡覺---即使只打10分鐘的盹兒---也會對減輕疼痛有所幫助,但這對有些周期性偏頭痛患者會適得其反。試著深呼吸使自己放松:慢慢地、輕輕地將氣吸入胸部和腹部,然后完全呼出、

    止頭痛   把一包冰敷在后腦勺或頭頂會減輕些頭痛,按摩太陽穴和脖子后部也能起到同樣的效果。睡覺---即使只打10分鐘的盹兒---也會對減輕疼痛有所幫助,但這對有些周期性偏頭痛患者會適得其反。試著深呼吸使自己放松:慢慢地、輕輕地將氣吸入胸部和腹部,然后完全呼出、將所吸入的氣完全釋放出來。持續(xù)這樣做直至頭痛減輕。

    減輕嗓子痛  歷經(jīng)時間考驗的老辦法效果最佳。試著每天用溫鹽水漱喉數(shù)次。最好在一杯8盎司的水中放半勺鹽。另外,喝加了少許檸檬的熱茶(任何茶)也會有所幫助。液體和熱氣會減輕嗓子痛,給嗓子提供水份,而檸檬則起到收斂劑的作用,使腫起的組織收縮。如果嗓子痛持續(xù)多日,應(yīng)該去看喉科醫(yī)生治愈這種鏈球菌感染所致的咽喉炎。

    對付感冒癥狀  研究表明維生素C能減輕感冒癥狀。如果感冒初起,立即服2克(2000毫克)維生素C,1小時后再服2克。如果癥狀持續(xù),此后1小時再服1克。鮮美的老雞湯也會減輕感冒癥狀。

    清新你的口腔  香菜是極棒的清新劑。嚼幾片新鮮的薄荷葉也會有同樣的功效。如果你沒有這些東西,就飯后用水漱口,去除口中的食物殘渣,因為這些殘渣會造成難聞的味道。

    消除蟲咬  要減輕蚊蟲或跳蚤的叮咬造成的痛癢,可以敷一塊擰過的濕毛巾或?qū)⒁怀姿腿滋K打制成的糊狀物敷到被叮咬處。若被蜜蜂或螞蜂螯過,可以用一袋冰(把幾塊冰裝入塑料袋中,用干凈的布包起來)敷20分鐘,這可以減輕疼痛,消除腫塊。

    制服腹瀉和便秘  治療偶爾發(fā)作的腹瀉最重要的是補(bǔ)充水分。慢慢呷---大口喝水會造成急性腹痛。遵循BRAT的飲食結(jié)構(gòu)(即:香蕉、米飯、蘋果醬和烤面包),這些食品性溫且有收斂作用。隨著病情的好轉(zhuǎn)慢慢恢復(fù)正常的飲食結(jié)構(gòu)。如果你因腹痛導(dǎo)致發(fā)燒,應(yīng)迅速去看醫(yī)生。


    減輕背疼  第一步:盡量使身體處于舒適的狀態(tài),這可能意味著要躺下來。最初的48到72小時可以用冰塊或所需的冷敷布來減輕疼痛和炎癥。之后,許多人都認(rèn)為熱水袋或電熱墊對減輕疼痛很有效用,用布或毛巾將皮膚隔開以免燙傷。臥床最好不要超過一到兩天,醫(yī)囑除外  原

    Halt a Headache An ice pack applied to the back or top of the head can relieve some headaches,as can massaging the temples and the back of the neck.Sleep--even a 10-minute catnap--can help too,although it may back-fire for some migraine sufferers.Try deep breathing to relax:Slowly,gently inhale to fill your chest and abdomen,then exhale fully,easing out all the air.Continue until your headache eases.

    Soothe a Sore Throat Classic,time-tested remedies work best.Try gargling with warm salt water several times a day.Half a teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of water is recommended.Also drinking hot tea(any type)with a little lemon will help.The liquid and heat soothe and hydrate the throat while the lemon acts as an astringent to shrink swollen tissues.If a sore throat lasts more than a couple of days,see a doctor for a throat culture to rule out strep throat.

    Fight Cold Symptoms Research shows that vitamin C reduces cold symptoms.If a cold is coming on,take two grams (2,000mg )of vitamin C right away,another two grams in an hour.If symptoms persist,another gram an hour after that.Good old chicken soup relieves cold symptoms too.

    Freshen Your Breath Parsley is a terrific breath reviver.Chewing a few fresh peppermint leaves also does the trick.If nothing else,rinse your mouth with water after eating to help remove trapped food particles that can cause bad breath.

    Relieve Bug Bites To soothe the itch of a mosquito or flea bite,apply a wet wrung-out wash cloth or a paste of one teaspoon water and three teaspoons baking soda.Treat a bee or wasp sting with an ice pack(a few cubes in a plastic bag wrapped in a clean cloth)for 20minutes,which will bring down pain and swelling.

    Tame Diarrhea and Constipation For occasional diarrhea the most important thing is rehydration.Sip--gulping can cause cramps.Follow the BRAT diet(bananas,rice,apple-sauce and toast)of mild,binding foods,and ease back into your normal diet as symptoms improve.If you have a fever of severe cramps,see a doctor promptly.

    Don't fret if you don' t have a bowel movement every day--“regular” can range from three times a day to three times a week.Treat mild constipation by eating more fiber(try fresh fruit,vegetables,popcorn),drinking lots of nonalcoholic fluids and taking a b risk 20-minute walk.Watch out for binding foods such as bananas,white rice and cheese.

    Ease Back Pain First step:Get comfortable,which probably means lying down.Apply ice or a cold compress as needed to quell pain and inflammation for the first 48to 72hours.After that,most people find relief from a hot-water bottle or a heating pad;use cloths or towels next to skin to avoid burns.Don't stay in bed longer than a day or two unless your doctor advises it.

關(guān)鍵詞: 家庭 治療法


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