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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-27
核心提示:Attitude is foundational to success. A generous person with a positive attitude will thrive. If you change your attitude, you change your perception, change your actions, and change your life. As every life changes, you change the world. Over at Lor

    Attitude is foundational to success. A generous person with a positive attitude will thrive. If you change your attitude, you change your perception, change your actions, and change your life. As every life changes, you change the world. Over at Lorelle On Wordpress she challenges bloggers to create a list of 30 things that can each be done in only 30 seconds. Imagine if millions or billions of people each did one of these-how would the world be different? In keeping with the theme of personal development, I have put together ways to improve yourself or others and create a better you in 30 seconds or less. Imagine if everyone did just a few of these at once? Here is my list.

    態(tài)度是成功的基石。一個(gè)人如果既樂于分享,又態(tài)度積極,則其前途不可限量。如果你改變了你的態(tài)度,就等于改變了你對(duì)事物的理解,改變了你的行動(dòng),隨之將改變你的生活。當(dāng)每一個(gè)人的生命發(fā)生變化時(shí),你就改變了世界。在Wordpress上寫博客的Lorelle挑戰(zhàn)眾博客寫作者們列出一個(gè)包含30件可以在 30秒鐘內(nèi)完成的事情清單。試想一下,如果成百萬甚至上億的人們僅僅做了其中的一件,世界將會(huì)有多么大的不一樣!延續(xù)我的博客推動(dòng)個(gè)人成長的主題,我集中了一些你可以在30秒或更少的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成來完善自己或他人的事情。設(shè)想一下每個(gè)人立刻做了其中的一些事情會(huì)如何。清單如下:

    1. Change your tone of voice.For 30 seconds, speak softer, calmer, or just more pleasantly. You might be surprised at the results. Did you know, for example, that a softer voice giving clear instructions commands more authority with children than a yell? If frustrated in a business dealing, try a more peaceful tone, even if only for 30 seconds, and see if it leads to a quicker resolution.

    1. 改變你的語氣。只用30秒,使用更柔和、更冷靜的語氣,或是任何一種聽上去更舒服的說話方式。你也許會(huì)為所發(fā)生的一切感到驚訝。比如,你是否了解,在孩子們的心目中,用柔和的聲調(diào)給出清楚的指示比大吼大叫更能讓你獲得威嚴(yán)。如果在一次商業(yè)交易中出師不利,可以嘗試在接下來的30秒內(nèi)使用更平和的語調(diào),然后觀察這能否促使事情更快地得到解決。

    2. Choose one idea you gave up and re-visit it. For 30 seconds, consider giving it one more try. Was there an invention, a project, or some task that just seemed too daunting or frustrating? Choose one and decide to try it one more time. Imagine if everyone mustered up the courage to use their God-given ingenuity in whatever their giftings. What new things would the world see created?

    2. 選擇一個(gè)你已經(jīng)放棄的想法,然后重新思考它。用30秒的時(shí)間考慮再試一次。是否曾經(jīng)有一項(xiàng)發(fā)明,一個(gè)項(xiàng)目,或是某些任務(wù)令人望而生畏,或是讓人沮喪?選擇其中一個(gè),然后再次撿起它。想想看,如果每個(gè)人都鼓足勇氣,在自己具備才能的方面充分運(yùn)用了上天賦予的創(chuàng)造力,將會(huì)給這個(gè)世界帶來多少新的東西?

    3. For 30 seconds, give someone another chance. Listen for just one more time, re-evaluate a first impression, or give one more opportunity to see if they have changed. You may be surprised.

    3. 用30秒鐘,給他人一次機(jī)會(huì)。也許只需要再傾聽一遍,重新調(diào)整一下第一印象,或是再用一次機(jī)會(huì)去發(fā)現(xiàn)他們是否已經(jīng)作出改變。你會(huì)感到驚奇的。

    4. Tell your children “I love you” or “I am proud of you”. Make it meaningful, look them in the eye, and show how you value them. It will mean the world. Imagine if every parent said affirming words to every child, for 30 seconds, everyday.

    4. 告訴你的孩子們"我愛你"或"我為你感到驕傲"。讓這樣的表達(dá)成為一次有意義的事件,看著他們的眼睛,讓他們知道他們對(duì)你來說有多么重要。這樣做將意義非凡。想想如果所有的父母每天花30秒的時(shí)間對(duì)他們的孩子們說一些肯定的話,世界將會(huì)如何。

    5. The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification, impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment, give thanks to God for what you already do have for 30 seconds. It may change your attitude.

    5. 下次你再發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在急切等待他人對(duì)你的肯定,而又不可能立即擁有的時(shí)候,用30秒來為你已經(jīng)完成的事情感謝上帝。這能迅速改變你的態(tài)度。

    6. For 30 seconds, stand up straighter and with your head held high. Look others in the eye and walk with confidence. See how great it feels?

    6. 用30秒,站得更直,將你的頭高高抬起。直視他人,自信地行走。有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)這樣感覺非常棒?

    7. Choose one thing you were putting off for another time that could be done today, and decide to do it! It only takes 30 seconds to make a decision to act. Be sure you value keeping your promise to yourself, and then know that this will lead to action.

    7. 選擇一件你一直在拖延著準(zhǔn)備下次再做而今天可以完成的事情,決定完成它!做出一個(gè)行動(dòng)的決定只需要30秒。前提必須是你十分看重對(duì)自己的承諾,并且一旦承諾則意味著付出行動(dòng)。

    8. Clean up someone else's mess.


    9. Compliment someone with a genuine comment on what you appreciate or respect about them.

    9. 對(duì)他人就你一直欣賞或敬重的某一點(diǎn)表示真誠的贊美。

    10. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.

    10. 為你信仰的某人或某事挺身而出。一句簡短的表示支持的話會(huì)帶來奇跡,迅速擴(kuò)大你的影響。 


關(guān)鍵詞: 30秒 改變 世界


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