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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-02-25  來源:chinadaily

How to look cool and feel comfy?

(Health 24)

Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body .

These tips will help you stay fashionable and comfortable:

1. Wear high heels, but bring along a pair of flats to change into should your feet start screaming in pain.

2. If shoes are uncomfortable when you stand, they're likely to feel even worse when you walk. The wrong shoes can affect the body's centre of gravity.

3. While sitting for any length of time, take frequent standing breaks to alleviate atrophy of the hamstring muscles.

4. If you like tight clothes, choose items that allow you to perform daily tasks with ease. These days, body-hugging clothes are mostly made of stretch fabric - hooray!

5. When carrying a bag or briefcase, switch sides frequently to avoid placing the bulk of weight on only one side of your body.

6. Empty junk and other unnecessary items - old receipts, business cards, gum wrappers, etc - from your bag to make it lighter.

7. Guys, if you're driving or sitting for long periods, remove your wallet or card holder from your back pocket.





1. 穿高跟鞋時(shí)帶一雙平跟鞋,感到腳痛的時(shí)候換上。

2. 如果穿鞋站著都不舒服,那走起路來會(huì)更難受。穿不舒服的鞋會(huì)影響身體的重心。

3. 坐了一段時(shí)間之后,時(shí)不時(shí)的站起來活動(dòng)一下,可以避免腿部肌肉萎縮。

4. 如果你喜歡穿緊身的衣服,那穿著它干活一定要舒服。值得慶幸的是,如今的緊身衣大多是用彈性面料制成的。

5. 拎手提包或公文包時(shí),兩邊要頻繁的換著拎,避免讓身體的一側(cè)負(fù)擔(dān)過重。

6. 把包里的舊收據(jù)、商務(wù)名片、口香糖包裝紙等垃圾和其他一些不需要的東西清理掉,減輕包的重量。

7. 如果你要長時(shí)間開車或要坐很久,記得把錢包和名片夾從褲子后面的口袋里拿出來。





skin-tight : 緊身的

stretch : made of an elastic material(具有彈性的)



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