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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-01-19
核心提示:每個行業(yè)都會有他們的秘密,在你外出吃飯時,有什么潛規(guī)則是餐館小二不會告訴你的呢?為了保證自己點的菜里沒有奇怪的東西、甚至被毒死,大家最好還是來了解一下這13件事兒 小二絕不會告訴你的13件事 13 Things Your Waiter Won't Tell You 1. Avoid eating out on hol



    13 Things Your Waiter Won't Tell You

    1. Avoid eating out on holidays and Saturday nights. The sheer volume of customers guarantees that most kitchens will be pushed beyond their ability to produce a high-quality dish.

    1. 不要在節(jié)假日和周六晚上出門用餐。龐大的顧客量會令大多數(shù)的廚房無法負荷,同樣也無法烹飪出高質(zhì)量的食品。

    2. There are almost never any sick days in the restaurant business. A busboy with a kid to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on $100 because he's got strep throat. And these are the people handling your food.

    2. 在餐飲業(yè)從來沒有所謂的病假。一名有孩子要撫養(yǎng)的餐館工,是不會因為咽喉發(fā)炎而放棄$100的工資而待在家休息的。而這些人正是為你準備食物的人。(滬江小編:意思就是說你很可能被某小二傳染,自己當心吧。

    3. When customers'dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people's food.

    3. 當顧客的不滿轉(zhuǎn)化成人身攻擊,在食物和飲料中摻假則是侍者用來報復的最簡單的方法。服務員可能會向顧客的食物中吐口水,而且他們也的確這樣做了。

    4. Never say "I'm friends with the owner." Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.

    4. 永遠不要說"我是這家店老板的朋友。"餐館老板沒有朋友。你進一家餐廳要是這么做,只能說明你是個愛裝腔作勢的蠢蛋。

    5. Treat others as you want to be treated. (Yes, people need to be reminded of this.)

    5. 己所不欲,勿施于人。(沒錯,大家都該記住這一點。)

    6. Don't snap your fingers to get our attention. Remember, we have shears that cut through bone in the kitchen.

    6. 找服務員時,不要打響指。別忘了,廚房里有我們用來剁骨頭用的菜刀。

    7. Don't order meals that aren't on the menu. You're forcing the chef to cook something he doesn't make on a regular basis. If he makes the same entrée(滬江小編按:法語,意為"前菜") 10,000 times a month, the odds are good that the dish will be a home run every time.

    7. 不要點菜單上沒有的菜。你這是在強迫廚師烹飪他并非每天都在做的菜。如果在一個月中有一道前菜他做了1萬次那么多,那么這道菜很可能每次都完美無缺。

    8. Splitting entrées is okay, but don't ask for water, lemon, and sugar so you can make your own lemonade. What's next, grapes so you can press your own wine?

    8. 你可以要求服務員把前餐分份,但別找我們要水、檸檬和砂糖來自己調(diào)一杯檸檬汁。然后呢,你準備要些葡萄來自己釀造葡萄酒嗎?

    9. If you find a waiter you like, always ask to be seated in his or her section. Tell all your friends so they'll start asking for that server as well. You've just made that waiter look indispensable to the owner. The server will be grateful and take good care of you.

    9. 如果你對某個服務員比較滿意的話,那就要求入座他/她的服務區(qū)域吧。告訴你所有的朋友,這樣他們在用餐時也會找那名服務員。你讓他/她成為一名對老板來說似乎是必不可缺的員工。同樣,他/她也會感激你,服務也會更周到。

    10. If you can't afford to leave a tip, you can't afford to eat in the restaurant. Servers could be giving 20 to 40 percent to the busboys, bartenders, ma?tre d'(滬江小編按:法語,意為"老板"), or hostess.

    10. 如果你付不起小費的話,那就別去餐廳了。服務員要上交小費的20%至40%給餐館員,酒保,老板或者老板娘。

    11. Always examine the check. Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it. Waiters "facilitate" this error. It's dishonest, it's wrong-and I did it all the time.

    11. 記得每次要檢查賬單。很多人有時會忘記賬單上已附上小費的費用,于是會發(fā)生重復付小費的情況。服務員們對這種錯誤也表現(xiàn)得很"配合".這是不誠實的行為,這么做是不對的--但是我過去一直這么干。

    12. If you want to hang out, that's fine. But increase the tip to make up for money the server would have made if he or she had had another seating at that table.

    12. 如果你想消磨時間,那很好。但是記得要增加小費來彌補服務員。因為如果在這里也有一桌客人的話,他/她也應該會有更多小費。

    13. Never, ever come in 15 minutes before closing time. The cooks are tired and will cook your dinner right away. So while you're chitchatting over salads, your entrées will be languishing under the heat lamp while the dishwasher is spraying industrial-strength, carcinogenic cleaning solvents in their immediate vicinity.

    13. 永遠不要在餐館關門前15分鐘進門用餐。廚師已經(jīng)很累了,肯定會立即將你的菜做好。當你正在就色拉東拉西扯時,前菜可能在溫暖的燈光下變味了,洗碗機里工業(yè)用的洗滌劑則正泡沫四濺。

關鍵詞: 小二 英語短文


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