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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-10-30
核心提示:You may feel a sense of dread on the road these days, watching other drivers gab on phones and fiddle with iPods. But by one measure, American motorists are safer than they've been in decades -- though it's not clear exactly why. The rate of fatalit

    You may feel a sense of dread on the road these days, watching other drivers gab on phones and fiddle with iPods. But by one measure, American motorists are safer than they've been in decades -- though it's not clear exactly why.

    The rate of fatalities per 100 million miles of vehicle travel on U.S. roads is at its lowest since the government began keeping such data in the mid-1970s, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. The NHTSA's recent projected decline in overall traffic deaths for the first half of 2009 was played as a 'silver lining' to the lousy economy: Fewer people driving to work, fewer people dying on the road.

    That could be true. The raw number of highway deaths tends to drop during recessions, according to government figures.

    But more significant is the decline in the death rate, or deaths spread across miles of driving -- long division that helps smooth out effects of economic cycles. Based on the latest estimates, there were 1.19 deaths for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled in the second quarter of 2009. That compares with an estimated rate of 1.1 for the first quarter.

    By comparison, the deaths-over-miles-traveled ratio was 1.46 for all of 2005 -- a year in which 43,510 people died on the roads. If current trends continue, it's possible that fewer than 35,000 people will die on U.S. highways this year.

    'We are hitting fatality rate levels we couldn't have imagined a decade ago,' says NHTSA spokesman Rae Tyson.

    Exactly why driving is less deadly isn't clear, though the trend has been going on for several years. The data don't explain the cause of every accident nor why accidents that could have been deadly weren't.

    One factor may be better safety technology. A decade ago, 77% of vehicles sold had no side airbags, according to Insurance Institute for Highway Safety data. In 2009, only 10.3% of cars didn't offer side airbags -- and nearly 65% did offer head- and torso-protecting airbags as standard equipment.

    Electronic stability control -- systems that use the car's brakes to prevent skids -- were available on just 9% of vehicles sold in the U.S. in 1999. For 2009, 74% of cars and 100% of sport-utility vehicles sold offered the technology as standard equipment, and 85% of vehicles sold overall offered it as either a standard or optional feature.

    Highways also have more safety features. Rumble strips, which alert drowsy drivers when they are drifting off the pavement, are more common, as are barriers that prevent vehicles from sliding across medians of divided highways.

    And believe it or not, drivers are behaving better, too. More U.S. motorists than ever are wearing seat belts -- 84% by the most recent government estimates, up from about 60% in the mid-1990s. 'Click It or Ticket' campaigns annoy some people, but they also apparently have motivated many seatbelt-averse people to change their ways. Tougher speed enforcement and campaigns against drinking and driving could be holding the fatality rate down as well.


    美國(guó)國(guó)家高速公路安全管理局(National Highway Transportation Safety Administration)的數(shù)據(jù)表明,自上世紀(jì)70年代中期有數(shù)據(jù)記錄以來,美國(guó)每1億英里駕駛里程的事故死亡人數(shù)目前處于最低的水平上。高速公路安全管理局最近發(fā)布了2009年上半年交通事故死亡總數(shù)預(yù)計(jì)將出現(xiàn)下降的消息,這不啻于經(jīng)濟(jì)陰霾下的"一絲光亮":開車上班的人少了,因此交通事故喪生的人也少了。




    高速公路安全管理局的發(fā)言人泰森(Rae Tyson)表示,我們正在接近的這一交通事故死亡比率在十年前是無法想象的。


    一個(gè)原因或許是更先進(jìn)的安全科技。美國(guó)高速公路安全保險(xiǎn)協(xié)會(huì)(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,十年前,在美國(guó)銷售的車輛中有77%沒有安裝側(cè)氣囊。而在2009年,只有10.3%的汽車沒有配置側(cè)氣囊;而近乎65%的汽車將頭部氣囊和軀體固定氣囊列為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配置。




關(guān)鍵詞: 開車 安全


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