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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-01
核心提示:We can't all be rich. Why not learn how to be a poser like the rest of us? Here are some tips and tricks sure to make you look and sound richer even if you're broke like the rest of us. Follow the suggestions below and look rich like the rest of us.

    We can't all be rich. Why not learn how to be a poser like the rest of us?

    Here are some tips and tricks sure to make you look and sound richer even if you're broke like the rest of us.

    Follow the suggestions below and look rich like the rest of us.


    Even if you only graduated from high school, here's how to sound like you went to Harvard. The key thing to remember about dropping big words is that not all big words are suited to everyday conversation. You want to learn those big buzz words that rich people throw around at cocktail parties . Here are some examples:

    faux, guache, chicque or passe - These all can be used on your next shopping trip with your rich friends. Just remember to look them up and pronounce them correctly. (Definitions from the left: Fake, cheap, fancy, outdated)


    This is just a fancy word for vocabulary. Specifically vernacular refers the particular set of words and phrases that you grew up with in your hometown.


    Used in a sentence this word means putting a stop to something. Example: (There should be a moratorium on animal testing because it's cruel and inhumane.)


    This refers to a philosphical movement which questioned the meaning of life in the 19th century. (That is so existential) or (She's obviously going through some kind of existential crisis) works just fine.


    This is what rich people use to diss the poor. "What a pleb" , or "How plebian" roughly translates to: how low class or ghetto.


    Fit is crucial. You can still look rich without buying a three piece suit, but your clothes need to fit. For women, if you regularly sport a muffin top or plumber's crack because your pants are too tight, bra straps because your top doesn't have enough coverage, or outfits with circular cutouts, you will be pegged as ghetto and appropriately snubbed. Rich people wear loose, flowing, tasteful garments in the daylight and look like they've just come from lounging on their yacht. It also doesn't hurt to go business casual with a trendy blazer over jeans. If they save the spandex for the club, so should you.

    For men, it's just the opposite. Gangsters and pimps wear baggy clothes because they can't afford to get them tailored. Go out grandpa style, hike up those pants. If Kanye can rock the pink sweater vest and golfing pants then so can you.


    No plastic please. Nothing says payless like sky-blue plastic wedges where your heel is hanging off the back. For men, stick with simplicity, if you spent three hundred dollars on gators with italian leather tassles, you don't look rich. And leave the sneakers for the gym.


    If you've ever dyed your hair a color that doesn't occur in nature, this one's for you. Orange, blue, yellow (not blond), purple, green or pink are the colors of poverty. Try to stick with solid colors, natural highlights, and shoulder length bobs. For men, dial down the grease and stick with downy soft feathered styles.Rich people like to blend in so that they won't get mugged.

    Overall, following these tips is sure to get your foot in the door of richness. Or at the very least, get you a better table at your restaurant.






    * Faux, guache, chicque or passé---這些在你下回與你朋友逛街的時(shí)候可以使用的詞。只要記得查下這些詞的意思然后發(fā)音正確就可以了。(左邊詞的解釋:假的,便宜,新奇的,過時(shí)的)

    * 花俏


    * 延期償付

    用在一個(gè)句子中,這個(gè)詞表示停止做某事。 比如(因?yàn)檫@種行為既殘忍又沒人性,所以必須停止對動(dòng)物做實(shí)驗(yàn)。

    * 存在的


    * 平民



    合適是關(guān)鍵。只要衣服合適,即使你沒有3件套,你可以依舊看起來像富人。對女士來說,如果因?yàn)槟愕难澴犹o而時(shí)常炫耀你腰圍的贅肉或者露出屁股溝,又或者因上身沒有足夠的遮蔽物或者因穿露肩裝而露出你的文胸肩帶,那么你就會(huì)被示為貧民,毫無疑問地被冷落。 富人們白天穿寬松的,有線條感的且有品位的衣服,看起來他們好象剛從他們游艇的休息室出來。牛仔褲搭配時(shí)尚的便裝去談生意也無不妥。

    對男士來說,恰恰相反。匪徒和皮條客穿著寬松的衣服是因?yàn)樗麄冐?fù)擔(dān)不起兩省定做的錢。扔掉這些老式裝束,讓那些褲子飄動(dòng)起來吧。 如果肯伊能讓粉紅毛背心和高爾夫褲子變的很時(shí)髦,那么你同樣做到。






關(guān)鍵詞: 富人


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