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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-08
核心提示:IF you're one of the millions of people who are dieting right this minute, or even thinking about it, here's some good news: you don't have to throw a lot of money at the problem to see results. In fact, you may not have to spend much at all. Every

    IF you're one of the millions of people who are dieting right this minute, or even thinking about it, here's some good news: you don't have to throw a lot of money at the problem to see results. In fact, you may not have to spend much at all.

    Every year consumers spend billions of dollars on supplements, diet foods, books and meal replacements. But the truth is that success depends not so much on what diet plan you choose or what program you join.

    "What matters most is your level of motivation and your willingness to change," says Kelly D. Brownell, a psychologist and director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale.

    A study published in the Feb. 26 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, for instance, compared four popular diets and found they all produced similar results. After two years, the dieters in each group lost an average of nine pounds. Notably, the dieters who attended more counseling sessions lost a little bit more, which may support the notion that behavior is more important than diet alone.

    Motivation, though, is not always easy to come by - especially when it involves changing habits. Some people may need a little help to kick-start a weight-loss regimen, whether that means following a popular diet or enrolling in an organized program. Your goal, though, should not be short term.

    "Keeping weight off permanently is a lifelong process," says James O. Hill, a psychologist and a founder of the National Weight Control Registry (www.nwcr.ws), a database of 6,000 people who have lost weight and kept it off.

    How ready are you? The more committed you are, the less you will need to spend. Try the no-money down, do-it-yourself approach first. If that doesn't work, or you know you need more structure, move on down the list below.

    $0.00 D.I.Y. If you're highly motivated but low on cash, this approach is for you. You will need to reduce the calories you consume, increase the amount you exercise and learn new eating habits.

    Your primary care physician can give you basic guidelines for a healthy, low-calorie diet. You can also look at the dietary advice on the Weight-Control Information Network, a site developed by the National Institutes of Health (win.niddk.nih.gov), Mr. Brownell suggests.

    Your new diet should include as much fresh food as possible, especially items high in fiber and low in fat. If you already eat well, you can just reduce your portion sizes. Weigh yourself regularly to keep track of your progress and try to get 30 to 40 minutes of exercise a day.

    Hard? Yes. Possible? Of course. About half of the members of the National Weight Control Registry lost weight on their own, says Mr. Hill, who is also the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado, Denver.

    $ BUY A GUIDE BOOK For just $20 or so, a book can give you some inspiration and wise advice. If you want a plan to follow, try "The South Beach Diet" (St. Martin's Griffin, 2005) or "The Best Life Diet" (Simon & Schuster, 2006). Both provide realistic, healthy programs.

    Another good book is "The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan" (HarperTorch, 2002), which explains how to build a diet around foods that make you feel full.

    Chronic dieters should read the new book by a former chief of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. David Kessler, called "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite" (Rodale, 2009). In it, Dr. Kessler explains why and how we get hooked on unhealthy food.

    "When I was a kid, we ate three meals a day," he said in an interview. "Now fat, sugar and salt are on every corner 24/7. It's become socially acceptable to eat bad food all day long." In his book Dr. Kessler explains how our brains become wired to crave unhealthy food and provides tips to help control your impulses.

    Mr. Hill's book, "The Step Diet" (Workman, 2004), is ideal if you're determined to keep weight off.

    $$ JOIN A GROUP Formal organizations like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can provide support, education and a healthy dose of peer pressure.

    Weight Watchers is a good place to start, because it's relatively inexpensive. You'll pay an initial fee of $15 to $20, and then $13 to $15 for each weekly meeting. In exchange, Weight Watchers will teach you how to use its points system and provide you with that all-important weekly weigh-in.

    Jenny Craig is more expensive, but may suit those who need one-on-one guidance. A yearly membership costs $399, and an additional $83 a week, on average, for Jenny's Cuisine meals. "There's not much evidence, though," Mr. Brownell says, "that programs that provide meal replacements are more effective than those that don't."

    $$$ TRY A HOSPITAL PROGRAM If you need to lose a substantial amount of weight and have a condition like diabetes, you might want to invest in a hospital-sponsored weight-loss program.

    "You'll get individualized help from people who are quite knowledgeable," Mr. Brownell said.

    At Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore, for instance, you pay $250 for an initial four-hour assessment with a medical doctor, a registered dietitian, a psychologist and a trainer. Follow-up visits are $125 a week, but that includes food.

    Most people stay with the program for several months or longer. It's costly, but a medically monitored program may be more effective for those who are obese and who have related health conditions, says the program's director, Dr. Lawrence J. Cheskin.

    PRICELESS: KEEP IT OFF If you become one of the lucky losers, you'll need to fight hard to protect your losses. One way is to exercise - a lot.

    "Diet is a key for losing weight," Mr. Hill said. "But physical activity is the key for keeping it off."

    To maintain their weight, members of the National Weight Control Registry ideally exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day. Another key is to enlist the support of family and friends. If your buddies are mocking you for eating a salad while they're inhaling beer and pizza, Mr. Hill said, it's going to be tough to succeed.


    消費(fèi)者每年花費(fèi)數(shù)百億美元在補(bǔ)給品、減肥膳食(diet foods)、保健書籍和替換餐(meal replacement)上。然而,真相是:減肥成功并不太依賴于你選擇的膳食安排或你參與的健身計(jì)劃。


    例如,發(fā)表于《新英格蘭醫(yī)學(xué)雜志》(New England Journal of Medicine,二月,第26卷)的一個(gè)研究,對(duì)比了四種流行的減肥膳食,發(fā)現(xiàn)它們均產(chǎn)生相似結(jié)果。越兩年,每組的膳食者平均減掉9磅(約合4.08 公斤).值得注意的是,那些更多關(guān)注于咨詢活動(dòng)的膳食者減掉的更多一點(diǎn),這也許可以支持"行動(dòng)比單純膳食更重要"的觀點(diǎn)。



    你做了多好的準(zhǔn)備?你越專注就越少付出。先試一試"不花錢,自己來(lái)"(no-money down, do-it-yourself)法吧;如果那不行,或者你想你需要更多的安排,那就接著看下去吧。

    $0.00 自己來(lái) 如果你的動(dòng)機(jī)很高而阮囊羞澀,這種方法適合你。你需要減少自己吃的卡路里,增加運(yùn)動(dòng)量并學(xué)習(xí)新的膳食習(xí)慣。

    醫(yī)師能給你提出的,大抵就是健康低卡膳食的基本指導(dǎo)。你還可以看看體重控制信息網(wǎng)(Weight-Control Information Network)的膳食建議,那是布朗奈爾先生推薦的一個(gè)由國(guó)家健康所開(kāi)發(fā)的網(wǎng)站。



    $ 購(gòu)買一部指導(dǎo)書 僅需差不多20美元的一本書,就能給你一些靈感和良議。如果你想跟一本書練習(xí),試試《南部沙灘膳食》(The South Beach Diet, St. Martin's Griffin, 2005)或《最佳人生膳食》(The Best Life Diet, Simon & Schuster, 2006).兩者提供了實(shí)用而健康的計(jì)劃。

    另一本好書是《可測(cè)體重控制計(jì)劃》(The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan, HarperTorch, 2002),該書教你怎樣搭配出讓你感到飽的膳食。

    做好長(zhǎng)期節(jié)食準(zhǔn)備的人,應(yīng)該讀一讀前任食物與毒品管理處(Food and Drug Administration)處長(zhǎng)大衛(wèi)·凱斯勒(David Kessler)博士所著的新書《不再過(guò)多飲食:扼住貪婪的國(guó)人胃口》(The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite, Rodale, 2009).在書里,凱斯勒博士道明了為何人們鍾情于不健康食品。


    對(duì)于下定決心減輕體重的你來(lái)說(shuō),希爾先生的書《步驟減肥餐》(The Step Diet, Workman, 2004)很理想。

    $$ 加入一個(gè)小組 像體重監(jiān)控(Weight Watchers)和珍妮·克雷格(Jenny Craig)這樣的正式的組織,能給你提供支持、教育和一劑同齡人的心理減壓藥。


    $$$ 嘗試醫(yī)療項(xiàng)目 倘若你需要減掉大量體重且情況特殊(如罹患糖尿。,你可能要把錢花在醫(yī)院資助的減肥項(xiàng)目里。




    減掉肥肉金不換 如果你成了幸運(yùn)減肥成功者中的一員,你將需要頑強(qiáng)堅(jiān)守你的成績(jī)。其中一個(gè)方法是鍛煉--大量的。



關(guān)鍵詞: 健康 減肥 減肥膳食


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