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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-13
核心提示:This is a really embarrassing post, but whatever. I found Colin's diet contest thingy sometime when I was reading about Rails, 9rules and37signals, I'm not sure what led me there but I thought this should make a refreshing post to my blog. To keep i

    This is a really embarrassing post, but whatever.

    I found Colin's diet contest thingy sometime when I was reading about Rails, 9rules and37signals, I'm not sure what led me there but I thought this should make a refreshing post to my blog.

    To keep it short, I used to weight 125 kg when I was friggin' 16! That's a whole 275 pounds. It was completely absurd. I'm 187 cm tall, that's 6′ 1.6″, so 125 kg wasn't right at all.

    8 months later, I'm 87 kg, jumping like a monkey, happy like there's no tomorrow.

    So what did I do? Now, you have to understand that I'm neither a professional trainer nor am I a doctor, so you probably shouldn't take this too seriously, especially not when its life-threatening or something. Here are a few tips and conclusions from my experience:

    * If you want to lose weight start now! Not next week, not tomorrow, but right now. Throw away that tasty candy, get rid of all greasy food, and go out jogging.

    * Special diets never work. EVER. If you lose your weight by following a diet, you'll gain it back in just a few months. You need to eat, your body needs every type of food, from healthy vegetables to fat slobby hamburgers from time to time.

    * Eat properly. Get rid of your snacks and in-between-meals pleasures. Have three meals a day, make the last one bread and sugar-free.

    * Breakfast is the most essential meal, make sure you have it. It has to have everything, meat, milk, bread, vegetables and if you really feel like it you can have some sweets.

    * Don't believe the myths of no-juice, no-fruit, non-fat diet cheatsheets. You can eat all you want, as long as it's on breakfast. By the end of the day, your body simply burns and gets rid of the excess.

    * Try not to lose more than 1 kg per week. Excessive weight loss can be damaging, and you end up gaining more eventually.

    * Exercise, exercise, exercise. I can't stress it enough. The basic idea is to burn a tiny bit more calories than what you consume. Once you start, get rid of the scales and start tracking your progress with a mirror. You wanna look good after all, don't you?

    * Mass weight adds up to fat weight, remember that. When you start to exercise you lose lots of weight, but then you stop at a point where you can't lose any more. That's mass. If you're exercising properly you'll end up gaining moreweight, but that's good weight.

    * Heavy-lifting and body building shape a figure, but they don't help you burn fat. 20-30 minutes of daily cardio (or sex) do. That's how you can get those tight abs, burn fat.

    * Though I lost weight by doing body building, I used to do three out of four sets with light weights, the fourth set was extra heavy just to make me feel good (see point below).

    * Make sure you're happy, even if it's on the expense of your diet. If that means you just have to have that snickers in the morning, then by all means do it. If you start getting depressed, you'll never lose weight, you'll end up eating more.

    * Passion is a like a snowball, once you start working out you'll start liking it, automatically eating less, and your body will choose the food for you so follow your cravings.

    * Don't worry, you look fabulous.



    有時候我在讀《Rails》、《9rules》和《37signals》之類的書時,發(fā)現(xiàn)了Colin的《diet contest thingy》。我不太確定是什么使我取得今天的進步的,但我覺得應(yīng)該為我的博客貼個新貼了。




    * 要減肥,就從現(xiàn)在開始!不是下周,不是明天,就是現(xiàn)在。扔掉好吃的糖果,撇下油膩的食品,出去慢跑。

    * 特殊的節(jié)食沒有作用。會一度有用。如果靠節(jié)食來減肥,那么僅僅幾個月后就會反彈。你需要進食,你的身體需要各種類型的食物:從健康的蔬菜到偶爾吃吃的油膩粗制的漢堡包。

    * 正確飲食。戒掉零食和每頓飯之間的朵頤之歡。一日三餐,最后一餐是面包且無糖。

    * 早餐是最重要的一頓,一定要確保去吃。必須要有所有東西:肉、牛奶、面包、蔬菜,如果你真的想吃一些甜點,那就來一點。

    * 不要迷信那些無果汁、無水果和無脂肪的節(jié)食速查表的神話。只要是在早餐中,你可以吃得無所拘束。在每天結(jié)束之前,你的身體就會把過量攝取的東西燃燒掉。

    * 試著每周減重不超過1公斤。過度減重有害,最終會引起反彈。

    * 運動,運動,再運動。對此我強調(diào)得不能再強調(diào)了;鞠敕ň褪牵喝紵舯饶銛z取的卡路里數(shù)稍多一點的熱量。一旦你開始這么做了,丟下體重計,開始對著鏡子觀察你的進展。你終究會看起來很棒的,不是嗎?

    * 實重說明了脂肪重量,請牢記。當(dāng)你開始運動后,你會減掉很多體重,但然后你的體重會停留在某一點上,你無法再減了。這就是實重。That's mass.如果你正確地運動,你最終會增加一些超重,但這是有益的重量。

    * 力量訓(xùn)練和健身法能夠塑造身材,但卻無助于燃燒脂肪。而每天20-30分鐘的有氧運動(或性交)則有助于燃燒脂肪。 這就是你如何獲得堅實的腹肌的方法--燃燒脂肪。

    * 雖然我是通過健身法來減肥的,但我曾做四組力量訓(xùn)練,前三組的重量輕,第四組要重--這只不過是讓自己感覺幫一些罷了(見下一條).

    * 確保你很快樂,甚至以節(jié)食為代價。這就是說,你只有在早上才可以竊喜,此后就必須竭盡全力地去讓自己開心。如果你開始變得消沉沮喪,那么你是無法減肥的,最終會吃得更多。

    * 激情如同雪球,一旦你開始有些成就感,就會不斷喜歡去做,你會自覺地少吃,你的身體將會為你選擇食物。因此,跟著你的期望走。

    * 別擔(dān)心,你會創(chuàng)造奇跡的。

關(guān)鍵詞: 減肥 體重


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