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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-08
核心提示:1.Make a wish list. Take the time to identify the companies you want to work for before you sit down to write your resume. 'You have to know where you are headed,' says Robert Saam, a senior vice president at Woodcliff Lake, N.J.-based outplacement

    1.Make a wish list.

    Take the time to identify the companies you want to work for before you sit down to write your resume. 'You have to know where you are headed,' says Robert Saam, a senior vice president at Woodcliff Lake, N.J.-based outplacement firm Lee Hecht Harrison. 'This informs how to do your resume.' For example, knowing a company you are applying to is in the midst of making acquisitions can help you structure your resume to highlight relevant work experience, he says.

    列出愿望清單。在寫簡歷前先花點時間確定你想加入的公司。新澤西州職業(yè)介紹公司Lee Hecht Harrison的高級副總裁薩阿姆(Robert Saam)說,你必須知道你想進(jìn)入什么樣的公司。這可以讓你知道如何準(zhǔn)備簡歷。他舉例說,如果了解到你求職的公司正在進(jìn)行收購,這將有助于你在簡歷中強調(diào)相關(guān)的工作經(jīng)歷。

    2.Use keywords.

    Particularly when answering ads through online job boards or through a corporate Web site, be sure to include critical keywords high up in your resume. For example, for someone applying for a human-resources position, it would be wise to include key words such as 'recruiting' and 'hiring' near the top of a resume for better search optimization. Other clues to the right keywords can be found in the job description -- try to use words found there in your resume.


    3.Tell your story.

    Once you're ready to send out the resume, make sure it's doing the job of showcasing your skills and accomplishments. Many resume writers begin by trying to construct concise bullet points. But that can mean losing some of the critical pieces of information involved in what you've accomplished. So, Mr. Saam suggests first spelling out the details of a work-related situation, any obstacle, the action you took to resolve the issue, and the results of your actions. Write out the complete story, he advises, and then whittle it down to a series of concise descriptive bullet points.


    4.Find an insider.

    Develop a networking list of friends, former colleagues, and acquaintances who might know people at your target companies. Taking the time to pinpoint key contacts at the company where you are applying will help ensure your resume gets into the right person's hands. What's more, an introduction to an insider will help avoid needing to use the resume upfront.


關(guān)鍵詞: 簡歷 物盡其用


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