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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-02-23
核心提示:If i were to ask Forrest Gump what is Sexy? He would probably say sexy is as sexy does. What does someone who is sexy do? Are they always aware that they are doing it and is there a measure of sexiness? When you google who are the worlds sexiest men

    If i were to ask Forrest Gump what is Sexy? He would probably say "sexy is as sexy does". What does someone who is sexy do? Are they always aware that they are doing it and is there a measure of sexiness?

    When you google who are the worlds sexiest men and women you almost know who are going to pop up. Clooney, Beyonce, Brad Pitt, Angelina, Colin Farrell, Orlando Bloom, Josh Holloway and so the list goes on. Yes they truly are The Beautiful People but their sexiness as portrayed to the world is manufactured and presumptive. I would argue that perfect looks don't automatically equal sexiness. Often sexiness is worn unknowingly by the truly sexy. It might be a look they give you. It might be a confident walk. It might be the way they smile. It might be a sexy mind. In my life i have often found the unassuming prove to be truly sexy.

    We have all walked rooms with our eyes and during an evening had interactions either face to face or just a look. You know the scenario. If someone is attracted to you they will supposedly hold your gaze just a few seconds longer than is socially the norm. You will watch and observe not because you are necessarily looking to hook up but because its fun to watch the dance even if you don't want to take a twirl. You will see the players who moves are practiced and almost jaded in their application. You will see the lacking in confidence, eyes darting, leg tapping pent up with should i shouldn't i indecision. Then you will see the comfortable in their own skin men and women. Yes they are looking for a connection if single but hell if they don't get a fix, what will be will be. They are not out to score points with their com padres but if they happen to engage in good conversation and fun they have had a good evening.

    So what is sexy? I believe that those who think they are sexy are way beyond the mark trading only in good looks and not a lot else. It is the comfortable in their own skin brigade who truly exude an understated sexiness which catches you unawares and goes beyond the superficial.

    如果你去問Forrest Gump什么是性感?他也許會說:“性感本身就是性感”。性感的人們是怎么做的?他們總是帶者這種意識去做事嗎?還有,存在衡量性感的標準嗎?

    當你搜索一下誰是世界上性感的男男女女們,你幾乎知道那些的名字會出現(xiàn),Clooney、  Beyonce、 Brad Pitt、 Angelina、Colin Farrell、Orlando Bloom和 Josh Holloway ,名單還可以繼續(xù)列下去。不錯,他們當然是瀟灑漂亮,可他們所展現(xiàn)世人面前的性感,那是按照既定的標準,經(jīng)過包裝制作的。我個人認為完美的五官并不是自動和性感劃上等號。那些所謂的性感相較于真實的性感黯然失色,也許是他們給你的一個眼神,也許是他們自信的步伐,也許是他們身上洋溢著那種性感的精神。在我的生活里,經(jīng)常發(fā)現(xiàn)那種真實、不矯柔做作那才是真正的性感。



關(guān)鍵詞: 性感 何物


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