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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-12-24
核心提示:A brief look at how the choices we make change who we become. We all have just one shot at this life. What we do with it is up to us. But besides what we do with our life, there is a vital understanding that we must come to in order to fully appreci

    A brief look at how the choices we make change who we become.

    We all have just one shot at this life. What we do with it is up to us. But besides what we do with our life, there is a vital understanding that we must come to in order to fully appreciate the value of the opportunity that is placed before us every day that we wake. I'm not sure who said it or where I read it, but I remember hearing one time the quote, "Life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the real thing." That is exactly how we should treat life.

    This is not the practice round. There is no second chance for us. If there is something that you truly want to do or to become, if there is a core desire at the heart of your soul that you want to realize, if want the fulfillment in life that you truly desire, then you had better get out there and get it. What can you do today to bring you closer to where you want to be? Why wait? What is holding you back? Is that something that binds you and keeps you from achieving you dream worth more than your dream? How many more chances will you have? Can you afford to let the ones that come to you pass you by? What would it be like to truly live with passion, for passion, and because of passion? You see, it is the pursuit of passion that drives us to success. We must identify our passion, that something that moves us at our very core and reach for it with every ounce of our strength. You can't afford to let the distractions of life stand in your way. Are you pursuing your passion now? Why not? Remember we only have one shot at this life. We don't get to go around twice. If you want it, you have got pull out all of the stops, quit messing around and go for your dream.

    Our choices direct our lives and determine where we will arrive when we reach our final destination. Out of all of the choices that life presents us with, I have narrowed the effects of such down to three different paths in life. The first path is the path of advancement and positive growth. The second path is the path of degeneration, decline, or negative growth. The third and final path is the path of stagnation or absence of growth. Which path are you on?

    The first path, the path of advancement and positive growth, is the path that most people would rather be on. It is here on this path that people can see continual progress towards the realization of their dreams and aspirations. The travelers on this path are making incremental steps towards their ultimate successes. Most of them are closely in tune with the desires of their heart, and they feel that they are part of a larger whole. A few of them have even come to realize that their success builds into a larger framework of universal success and victory. In this light, they take this life much less personally, and are less hindered by an overpowering ego, as they see not just a plan that is theirs in motion, but rather an infinite progression of advancement in which they are included. But nevertheless, whatever their place on the chain of enlightenment, those traveling the path of advancement and positive growth have all decided to make a positive alignment with their environment and to take positive action in that blink of time that they call their lives.

    The second path, the path of degeneration or negative growth, is the path that people begin to travel when life overwhelms the soul and the force of distraction sets in. While only a minute portion of its travelers are there intentionally, the path of negative growth, is full of people who have all arrived there due to specific choices that they have made, whether consciously or not. This path contains people who are losing ground. They are the ones taking one step forward and two steps back. They have become estranged from their passion in life. They don't know what their dream is anymore. They can't see themselves as part of a larger whole. They feel lost in a sea of confusion, doubt, worry, and trouble. For some of them the pressure is too much, and they begin to travel the path of degeneration at a blinding pace, rapidly descending through the ranks of enlightenment. For me, it is a sadness beyond compare to witness this destruction of the connection that one of our brother or sister humans has with his/her soul. I have witnessed this heartwrenching spectacle before, as it occured both below the surface and for some in plain view for all to see. I have seen confusion overwhelm individuals so greatly as they lost their connection, all the while they seemed to stand on the sidelines helplessly watching themselves plummet towards destruction. "I can't, I just can't," I once heard a broken heart say. While others heard nothing more than ramblings of one emotionally unstable, I heard a heart crying out. The confusion had become too much. The passion in life had been completely lost in the fog of distraction. Hope was dying. This is the second path.

    The third path is the path of stagnation. This path is the hardest of the three to define. This is because one could argue that stagnation is the result of a lack of choice, or the path that one travels when not choosing. But not choosing is a choice in itself, therefore it takes some action or effort to choose to not choose, if only internally. Also, on the premise that life is change, I would say that the third path, the path of stagnation, is the most difficult of the three to travel. This is because stagnation is the result of no action, no directionality, no growth. Since life is change, and since we are all travelers in this life, we must be changing. We cannot survive any day of our lives unchanged, no matter how small the change may be. I would go further to say that not only is the third path difficult but that it is nearly, if not, impossible to travel. So this brings us to the two choices that we are left with, growth or decline? What do you choose?

    Imagine if you will, two paths. One path ascends into the heavens to heights beyond imagination while the other path falls far into the deepest depths of the darkness below. Up and down, the two paths travel. Now, as you imagine these two paths, imagine that they are actually the same path. This time the only thing that changes is the direction in which the travelers are traveling. Imagine the souls that occupy this path. Some are going up and some are going down. Those travelers going up look upwards to the heavens and are feeled with joy, hope, peace, and serenity. The travelers going down see only the cold darkness and the sad state of their own condition and are worried, stressed, in despair, and quickly losing hope. Now I will ask you to imagine one more thing. Imagine, if you will, that you are on that path, because you truly are. Now tell me, which way do you travel? 








關(guān)鍵詞: 人生 道路 選擇.


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