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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-12-22
核心提示:科學(xué)已經(jīng)證明經(jīng)常接吻可以穩(wěn)定人體心臟血管活動,可以防止高血壓,可以降低膽固醇,可以全面提高人體的健康水平。以下是關(guān)于接吻的醫(yī)學(xué)統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)。 護齒 接吻勝過任何品牌的口香糖,因為它可以防止牙斑和齲齒,可以象牙膏一樣防止齲齒的產(chǎn)生。中間的科學(xué)道理是這樣的,

















 It is proved by science that kiss can maintain the human cardiovascular activity,  prevent high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and raise the  level of human health. There some medical statistics on kiss.

    Dental protection

    Kissing is better than any brand of chewing gum because it can prevent plaque and caries, and as toothpaste to prevent the production of dental caries. The scientific reason is that when  kissing,  the mouth can secrete a large number of endocrine saliva, and the saliva contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus which can  protect ou teeth from the biting of borers, and lower the incidence rate of gingivitis. In addition, when kiss, the saliva changes into neutral, it can  prevent the causing of many dental diseases.


    Kiss has the efficacy of beauty.  Kiss  needs to mobilize  30 facial muscles, so it can make the facial skin become smoother and  speed up the flow of blood, it is the best time to rub skin cream and do  mask after kissing.

    Weight loss

    People do not have to do desperately dieting to lose weight in favor of the opposite sex, although  consumption of calories is only 12 of every kiss, scientists have claimed that  kiss in 3 times a day  and not not less than 20 seconds, you can cut a  pound of flesh.

    Pain relieving

    It is often said that endorphin hormone is an actually anesthetic. The more passionate the kiss is, the more endocrine the saliva concretes, kiss can produce a considerable dose of these hormones as painkiller. In addition,  kiss can also create antibiotics. When Kiss, natural antibiotics  concreted by saliva endocrine have the efficacies of anesthesia, so when you pain, do not eat painkillers, keep in mind that the medicine  is kiss and kiss enough.

    Compression resistance

    Kissing can prevent the formation of the stress hormone ACTH which caused by high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia and muscle weakening. Usually kiss can relax the nervous system, and make people get out of pressure. That is why those people who like kissing are optimists. Kissing at least 3 times a day, you can maintain a  romantic mood in 24 hours.


    There are a large number of bacteria among our saliva, all of us, 80% of these bacteria is the same, while 20% are unique to each individual. When two people kiss, the mix of their saliva will response to a variety of micro-organisms, which will stimulate the human immune system to produce certain antibodies, scientists said this is a cross-immunotherapy.

    The analysis of  genetic compatibility

     This is not exaggeration! When you kiss, your brain will soon analyze the saliva of your  lover, and make your genetic compatibility a "decision." Therefore, it is best to set up the genetic compatibility since the first kiss.

    In short, the kiss have many benefits on human body. Regularly  kissing, people do not worry about  the infections of stomach, bladder and blood, and do you guess kiss have any other efficacy, that is it can cure hiccups.

關(guān)鍵詞: 接吻 功效

