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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-20
核心提示:I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened - Mark Twain stop worrying What Is worry? Worry is a very strong feeling of anxiety. It's fear of the unknown - the thought that the worst will happen. We may be

"I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened" - Mark Twain stop worrying

What Is worry? Worry is a very strong feeling of anxiety. It's fear of the unknown - the thought that the worst will happen.

We may become overly concerned with future events. We may engage in repetitive negative self-talk with all the worst case scenarios. A lot of our thoughts will begin with …

"If only ….

I would have stayed at Home"

I would have said"

I made the opposite decision"


"What if …

I get into a car accident?"

I get fired or laid off?"

My teenager gets pregnant?"

I become ill?"

Worry is a behavior - a habitual way of thinking. If your parents were chronic worriers, chances are you will be too - then you'll pass it on to your children. Since worry is a habitual behavior, you do have the ability to overcome it - to replace worry with a more positive habit.

What Do We Worry About?

When it comes to worry, studies have shown the following statistics:

40% never happens - so in essence we are wasting our time by worrying.

30% of what we worry about has already happened. Learn to "let go" and forgive yourself and others. You cannot change the past - no one can.
Accept it for what it is and go on.

12% are needless worries, such as what someone else thinks about us.

10% are petty and unimportant such as we worry about what's for dinner, we worry about being late, we worry about what to wear.

8% of what we worry about actually happens. Of this percentage…

4% of our worries that happen are beyond our control. We cannot change the outcome. These worries may include our health, the death of a loved one or an impending natural disaster. Often times the reality of these events are more bearable than the worry.

4% of what we worry about we have some if not all control over the results. Basically I think this is the consequences of our actions or inaction on the problems and challenges we face.

Given these statistics, you may find it worthwhile asking the following questions:

* How many times do we work ourselves into frenzy over a situation that is beyond our control?

* Why do we allow worry to stress us out so much that we become ill?

* Why do we waste our mental energy with worry?

I can't answer these questions for you. What I can do is offer you techniques to overcome worry. It's up to you to decide to stop the worry habit.
How Can You Stop or Reduce Your Worries?

"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything." - Mary Hemingway

1. Prepare for the worst - Hope for the best. This comes right from the advice of Dale Carnegie in "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Accept the worst possible outcome and then take action to improve upon the worst.

2. Get Busy. When you find yourself beginning to worry - get busy on your to-do list. If you don't have a list - then write one. List your goals and the action steps required to meet them. One of the benefits of your to-do list is you will stop worrying about forgetting something important.

3. Distract Yourself. Call a friend. Read a good book. Watch a funny movie. Take the kids to the park. Take a walk. There's dozens of things you can do.

4. Get Support. Friends and family can be an excellent source of support. Especially if they will tell you how they see things. Sometimes just talking things out, helps the worry go away.

5. Make a Decision. If you're worrying about an unresolved personal or Business issue - then it's time to make a decision. Once you decide what to do, you can begin taking steps for the best possible outcome.

6. Confront the Problem Head-On. It's usually not the problem itself that is causing your worry. It's usually the anticipation of the problem. How will others be affected or react? Deal with the problem as soon as possible.

7. Practice Relaxing. It is important that you take time to totally relax. Close your eyes take long deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each breath tell yourself to relax. It just takes a couple of minutes of this exercise for the tension to leave your body.

8. Listen to CDs. This can be your favorite music, brainwave CDs or behavior modification tapes that are designed to dissolve worry and anxiety. (These do not have to be self-hypnotizing or subliminal - but of course you can choose these types of tapes.)

9. Journal. After writing down everything they are worried about in a journal, most people feel a sense of relief. In writing you may have discovered what you are really afraid of, and then you can objectively work on improving the situation.

10. Take Care of Yourself. Get plenty of rest. Eat a healthy diet and exercise. When you nurture your body and mind, it's easier to put things in perspective. It's easier to cope with the unexpected.

11. Count Your Blessings. You have a lot to be thankful for. Look around you … We live in a beautiful world. You can be thankful for your health, your family, your mind, your country, your house, your job, your TV or even your microwave!

12. Monitor Your Thoughts. Be aware of your thoughts and be ready to replace worries with positive thoughts. Be prepared with a positive thought or quote, such as "Calmness is the cradle of power" (Josiah Gilbert Holland).

There are many techniques you can use to stop worrying. The important thing is to consistently use them until the new behavior becomes a habit.
































1. 做最好的準(zhǔn)備,最好的打算。這正是戴爾·卡內(nèi)基在"How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"一書中提出的建議。接受最糟糕的結(jié)局,然后開始采取措施改善狀況。

2. 讓自己忙起來。當(dāng)你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己開始憂慮的時候,就去做日程表上的事情吧。沒有的話就列出一張來,列出你的目標(biāo)和達(dá)到目標(biāo)的行動步驟。這樣做有一個好處,就是不用擔(dān)心會忘記一些重要的事情了。

3. 分散注意力。給朋友打打電話,讀讀好書,看看有趣的電影,帶孩子逛公園,散散步……可以做的事情太多了。

4. 獲得幫助。家人和朋友是你最好的求助對象,他們?nèi)绻軌蚋嬖V你他們對事情的看法就更好了。有時候你需要的只是傾訴,把話說出來了,煩惱也就消失了。

5. 做出一個決定。如果你正為某個尚未解決的私人或者商務(wù)問題而煩惱的話,那么就是做出決定的時候了。做出決定之后,就可以開始采取行動以獲得最圓滿的結(jié)局。

6. 勇敢地直面問題。很多時候,造成你煩惱的并不是問題本身,而是對問題的猜測。例如別人會受到什么樣的影響?他們會如何反應(yīng)等等。盡快地處理好問題吧。

7. 練習(xí)放松。安排時間來一次徹底放松,這是很重要的。閉上眼睛,深深地長吸一口氣,讓氣流緩緩進(jìn)入鼻腔,然后緩緩地從口腔吐出來。每呼吸一次都告訴自己要放松。只需如此練習(xí)幾分鐘,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)身體不那么緊張了。

8. 聽CD?梢允悄阕钕矚g的音樂,腦波震動CD,或者專門用來消除煩惱與憂慮的行為修正磁帶。(并不一定非要自我催眠或者潛意識類的,當(dāng)然,你可以選擇聽什么類型的磁帶。)

9. 雜志。大多數(shù)人在把擔(dān)憂的所有事情都寫下來投給雜志社以后,都感到了一種輕松感。通過寫作你可能把你真正擔(dān)憂的東西渲泄了出來,這樣你就可以開始以一種客觀的態(tài)度來改善狀況。

10. 照顧好自己。要有充足的休息時間,健康的飲食和適當(dāng)?shù)腻憻。?dāng)身體與精神狀態(tài)都很好的時候,你就能夠更輕松地正確看待事情,處理突發(fā)事件。

11. 列舉一些你可以感恩的事物。你有很多值得感恩的東西,看看你的周圍,我們生活在一個美麗的世界里,你的健康,家人,思想,你的國家,房子,工作,電視,甚至你的微波,都應(yīng)該感恩。

12. 關(guān)注你的思想狀態(tài)。了解自己的思想并且隨時準(zhǔn)備用積極正面的精神狀態(tài)代替憂慮,事先要準(zhǔn)備好某一種積極的精神狀態(tài)或者一句引言,例如“鎮(zhèn)靜是力量的搖籃” (約西亞·吉爾伯特·霍蘭)。


關(guān)鍵詞: 方法 不再憂慮

