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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-27
核心提示:Just do it. Three simple words that are simply powerful. Nike made this phrase famous, but its not just a marketing gimmick. All you need is to just do it and you will reach a crucial tipping point in which you will go from saying and planning; to d

“Just do it.” Three simple words that are simply powerful.

Nike made this phrase famous, but it’s not just a marketing gimmick. All you need is to “just do it” and you will reach a crucial tipping point in which you will go from saying and planning; to doing and proving.

It’s pretty scary to take a plunge into something like “just do it” implies. But here is how you go about it.

Don’t pick a time or day
“Just doing it” shouldn’t be precise; it should come to you out of the blue. There’s no need to pick a day or plan ahead.

Get pissed, get frustrated
I’ll be honest; I’m pissed and frustrated as I write this article right now. But it’s giving me an unbelievable amount of motivation, and even a little adrenaline to go for it.

Instead of fighting, crying, or complaining when you’re frustrated, funnel that energy into focus and action.

Remember that time’s a wastin’
Every month, week, day, hour, and minute you get closer to your end. Nothing will motivate you more to live than death.

Think less, act more
It might be risky, it might get you in trouble, but you must act more than you think. Forget the “what if’s.” F**K all the naysayers and whatever they tell you! Don’t worry if you fail. Don’t think about the money you’ll lose or gain. Be a little stupid and take a lot of action.

Lose these words and phrases
These aren’t real excuses.

“I can’t.”

“I don’t have enough money.”

You don’t need money to take the plunge.

“I don’t have enough time.”

Yes you do! I don’t care how busy you are. You don’t have enough time to wait.

“I don’t know where to start.”

“I don’t know how.”

Start learning. Get your feet wet and you’ll learn along the way.


No, now!

Stop acting like you’re busy
There are a lot of people out there who push papers around and act like they have so many places to go and so much to do. In reality, they’re just avoiding the actions that will get them what they really desire. May be it is because they’re scared or doubtful.

I don’t care who you are; you have time to “just do it” and chase something you want or need. You’ll just have to get less sleep, lose free time, and make lots of other sacrifices.

Know when you’re reaching your tipping point
One of the biggest obstacles keeping people from “just doing it” is not recognizing when they’re about to hit their tipping point.

If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “is this all there is to life?”, then you are closely approaching your tipping point. The same goes if you feel like you’re about to have a nervous breakdown.

You can either succumb to your emotions; or you can stand up, fight, and just go for whatever will make you happy. Once you cross the threshold towards your tipping point, your mind will never be the same and nothing can ever stop you; except yourself.

List what you don’t like about your life
Perhaps it is focusing on negativity a little too much; but grab a piece of paper and write down what you don’t like about your life. May be you don’t have enough money or worse you aren’t happy enough. For those who really want change, it’s enough for them to take the plunge.

Keep in mind:
“Just do it” is much easier said than done. And it should be that way. It separates the people who deserve it from those who don’t.

So what are you waiting for? Get to it! Close your browser window, turn off the tv, put down the book or magazine and get going!

“行動吧”這是三個簡短但是卻很有力量的三個字。耐克讓這句話出名了,但它不過是一種營銷技巧。 你所要的就是“行動吧”,這樣你就會達到一種非常重要的境界,在這種境界里,你再也不會光說不練,有規(guī)劃而無行動,替代的是:“做并證明你做了”。要在一些事情上像“行動吧”一樣地冒險還是很可怕的。不過,下面的一些東西可以引導你……




我坦白; 我現(xiàn)在寫這篇文章時很老火很失望。 但它卻給了我一種難以置信的動力,甚至在做的時候有點刺激了。當你失望的時候,把精力放到注意和行動中去。而不是掙扎,咆哮或者抱怨。















有很多人,他們把文件腿在一邊,假裝有很多地方要去,有很多事情要做。 實際上,他們是在逃避行動,這也是他們期盼的;蛟S是因為害怕,因為沒把握。我不管你是哪種人。你有時間“行動”,追求你自己想要的 。你得減少睡眠,失去自由,做出很多的奉獻。并且追逐您要的事或需要。 您¡ ¯ll只 必須得到較少睡眠,丟失空閑時間和做全部其他犧牲。








關鍵詞: 想做就做


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