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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-26
核心提示:You don't have to be a marine biologist to understand the importance of corals just ask any diver. The tiny underwater creatures are the architects of the beautiful, electric-colored coral reefs that lie in shallow tropical waters around the world.

You don't have to be a marine biologist to understand the importance of corals — just ask any diver. The tiny underwater creatures are the architects of the beautiful, electric-colored coral reefs that lie in shallow tropical waters around the world. Divers swarm to them not merely for their intrinsic beauty, but because the reefs play host to a wealth of biodiversity unlike anywhere else in the underwater world. Coral reefs are home to more than 25% of total marine species. Take out the corals, and there are no reefs — remove the reefs, and entire ecosystems collapse.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what appears to be happening around the world. According to a comprehensive survey by the Global Marine Species Assessment (GMSA) published Thursday in Science, one-third of the more than 700 species of reef-building corals are threatened with extinction. Compare that to a decade ago, when only 2% of corals were endangered. Using criteria established by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature — a group that publishes an annual Red List of threatened animals — that makes corals the most endangered species on the Earth. The assessment's results, presented at the annual International Coral Reef Symposium in Fort Lauderdale, come just a week after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that more than half of the coral reef ecosystems in U.S. territory are in fair or poor condition. "We're losing the coral in the coral reef," said William Platt, a coral reef expert with NOAA.

The causes of the coral's demise are manifold, but they all come back to one culprit: us. Overfishing — especially the kind that uses dynamite or poison to kill whole schools of fish — destroys the coral directly, while polluted runoff from agriculture simply chokes them. Development in booming coastal economies from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia further threaten the delicate reefs. Tourism — in the form of diving and snorkeling — can also cause damage. As with so many other endangered species around the world, there doesn't seem to be enough space for healthy coral reefs and unchecked human development. "It's just a litany of bad actions," says Brian Huse, the executive director of the Coral Reef Alliance. "Over the past 35 to 50 years, we've lost 25% of our reefs worldwide. Put it altogether, and you can see why."

Disease plays a role as well, with whole coral colonies wiped out by sudden sickness. That rise in illness may be linked to warmer sea temperatures, which is caused by climate change. And it's global warming that poses the most serious threat to the survival of coral. Corals have a symbiotic relationship with a kind of algae that provide nutrients and energy through photosynthesis — not to mention the vivid colors we associate with coral reefs. When corals are stressed by rising temperatures, the algae are expelled by the coral, turning the reefs bone white. That's a "bleaching event," and bleached coral are left weakened and defenseless against disease. Increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere also lead to more acidic seas, which impairs the ability of corals to form their skeletal reefs. (In acidic water, the reefs simply dissolve.) "Corals appear to be particularly sensitive to the buildup of CO2," says Kent Carpenter, the lead author of the Science study and the director of GMSA. "The corals will be the canary in the coal mine in terms of the effect climate change will have on our oceans."

In one way, protecting the coral is not that different from protecting any endangered species. First, we need to cut back on activities that ruin their habitat, the shallow waters close to our coast. Agricultural runoff — already responsible for the oceanic "dead zones" seen in the Gulf of Mexico and other heavily built up coasts — has to be curtailed, as does the senselessly destructive fishing practices that have us tossing dynamite or poison into the waters. One of the best strategies is to expand the range of territory protected by marine reserves — national parks of the deep. And here the Bush Administration — usually anything but environmental — deserves real credit. With a stroke of a pen in 2006, President George W. Bush created the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, a 140,000 sq. mi. protected area northwest of Hawaii. Larger than every other national park in the U.S. combined, the monument protects 10% of the shallow coral reef habitat in U.S. territory. These kind of reserves need to be expanded, to limit the influence of human activity on delicate corals.

But we could make the entire ocean into a marine park and still lose the coral, if we can't stop climate change. As temperatures rise in the ocean, bleaching events will become more and more common. According to a study published in Science late last year, if CO2 levels continue rising unabated, by 2100 coral could be utterly extinct. "If we can't contain the CO2 problem and enact strong coral reef conservation measures, we will lose them," says Carpenter. The depressing fate of the coral could be a reminder that climate change has the power to undo all the work of wildlife conservation over the past century — if we let it.


不幸的是,上述這一幕似乎正要在地球上上演。據(jù)全球海洋物種評估委員會(GMSA) 周四在《科學》雜志上發(fā)表的一份全面調(diào)查報告顯示,在700多種造礁珊瑚里有三分之一面臨滅絕的威脅。而十年前,僅有2%的造礁珊瑚瀕臨滅絕。按照國際自然保護聯(lián)盟(International Union for the Conservation of Nature)的標準——即該組織發(fā)布的一份瀕危動物年度緊急名單——珊瑚是地球上最具滅絕威脅的動物。出現(xiàn)在勞德代爾堡(Fort Lauderdale)年度國際珊瑚討論會上的這份評估結(jié)果,是在美國國家海洋和大氣局(NOAA)宣布美國境內(nèi)一半以上的珊瑚礁生態(tài)系統(tǒng)狀況堪憂的一周以后出版的。“人類即將失去造礁珊瑚,”美國國家海洋和大氣局的一位珊瑚礁專家威廉·普萊特說。




然而,人類如果不能制止氣候變化,即使將整個海洋變成海洋公園,珊瑚還是會滅絕。隨著海水溫度 的不斷升高,漂泊現(xiàn)象會越來越頻發(fā)。根據(jù)《科學》雜志于去年底刊登的項研究顯示,如果CO2的含量以現(xiàn)在的速度不斷上升的話,珊瑚有可能會在2010年徹底滅絕。“如果人類不能解決CO2 含量升高的問題并加強保護珊瑚的措施,人類將會失去它們,”卡彭特說。珊瑚的暗淡前景提醒我們,如果放任氣候變化不管的話,我們在上個世紀所做的一切保護野生動物的工作將付之東流。


關鍵詞: 珊瑚礁 滅絕


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