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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-08
核心提示:The giant bullfrogs of Namibia are considered a delicacy in Africa, but eating them risks temporary kidney failure or a burning sensation in the urethra and the wrath of environmental groups that have labeled them near threatened. When Edward Bachne

The giant bullfrogs of Namibia are considered a delicacy in Africa, but eating them risks temporary kidney failure or a burning sensation in the urethra — and the wrath of environmental groups that have labeled them “near threatened.”

When Edward Bachner was arrested in July for buying enough poison to kill about 100 people, he inadvertently implicated sushi chefs as potential bioterrorists. The 35-year-old Chicagoan ordered 98 milligrams of Tetrodotoxin, a nerve toxin found in the Japanese puffer fish served as fugu, an expensive sashimi dish. Sometimes called the Russian roulette of sushi and once featured on an episode of "The Simpsons", fugu requires delicate preparation for its edible meat to be separated from its toxic internal organs. Before they're licensed to serve fugu, Japanese chefs undergo months of training and a rigorous exam which only 30 percent of applicants pass.
Even when properly prepared, fugu's toxicity is a critical part of its appeal. The flavor is so subtle it's nearly nonexistent, but eating it numbs the lips, and creates an alcohol-like buzz for the diner. Popular in Japan, it's banned in Europe and offered in a small number of restaurants in the United States and Korea.

But while it's the most notorious toxic fish, fugu is neither the most powerful nor the most commonly served. And beyond fish, there are scores of other foods whose deadliness equals their deliciousness, including commonly served fruits and vegetables that come with a sickening (and maybe lethal) kick. While the dangers can usually be avoided through proper preparation, this association with danger is irresistible to adventurous diners.

Fish present the most clear and present danger. There are hundreds of species of toxic fish, and many find their ways to dinner plates.

"People would definitely be surprised at how venomous fish are," says Dr. Leo Smith, assistant fish curator at the Field Museum in Chicago. Smith is a leading researcher of poisonous and venomous fish, and says that while snakes are more often associated with venom, there are far more poisonous species of fish. "Because humans live on land, they don't think of fish as venomous."

In nature, the most venomous fish is the stonefish, a fixture of Asian and tropic cuisine whose potentially fatal sting has been described as the worst pain a human can feel. However, human death from eating stonefish is rare to nonexistent.

"There's an important distinction you have to make between poisonous and venomous," Smith says. Venom is commonly deployed when a fish bites its prey, but certain fish are poisonous due to their diet and environment.

When stonefish venom is cooked, it loses its potency. And when served raw—as is the sashimi dish Okoze—its venomous dorsal fins are simply removed. The body meat that remains is delicious and nontoxic. On the other hand, puffer fish and the silver-striped blaasop do not deploy venom, but they are nonetheless toxic to humans because of bacteria in their diet.

As a result, puffer fish farmers in Japan have been able to breed non-poisonous puffer fish by restricting the fish's diet. The newly safe but still legally suspect puffer fish liver, where Tetrodotoxin is most concentrated, has reportedly become a sought-after underground delicacy in parts of Japan.

Of course, you needn't rely on the ocean to provide dangerous delicacies; a number of poison plants serve as side dishes and garnishes around the world. Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica. This bulbous-looking plant has the look and taste of scrambled eggs when cooked, and is often paired with stonefish and eaten as breakfast. But pray that breakfast comes at the right time—ackee can cause extreme nausea if served when it's not ripe enough, which occurs often enough for the condition to acquire the nickname "Jamaican vomiting sickness." It can be even fatal to children.

Like ackee, cassava is a dietary staple in the tropics. In Brazil, Peru, Cuba and other countries, it's used to make breads, ground into pastes and fried into cakes. Also like ackee, it can have undesirable consequences if not washed and prepared properly; the root vegetable contains enough cyanide to kill. Cassava is found in Africa, too, where it's at home with the Namibian bullfrog, a nasty-looking specimen that grows to the size of a housecat—and contains enough poison to be lethal.

The fans of these foods argue that deliciousness outweighs the danger. And anyway, a simple chicken dinner isn't guaranteed to be safe. According to the Center for Disease Control, an average of 600 Americans die from the chicken-borne bacterial disease Salmonella every year. On the other hand, annual worldwide deaths by fugu amount are just a small fraction of that.

Of course, Salmonella poisoning occurs if the chicken is undercooked or dirty—the chicken itself isn't inherently poisonous. James Briscione, chef and instructor at Manhattan's Institute of Culinary Education, speculates that it takes a certain mindset to order a dish with a lethal reputation. "I think it gets back to when a kid eats worms in the playground. It's an adventurous thing to do and you're going to have a story to tell."


當(dāng)愛(ài)德華 . 巴赫納在7月因涉嫌購(gòu)買足以毒死100人的毒藥而被捕時(shí),他在不經(jīng)意間透漏壽司廚師可能是潛藏的生化恐怖主義者。這位35歲的芝加哥人購(gòu)買了98克的河豚毒素,這是一種在名叫河豚的日本魨魚(yú)的身上發(fā)現(xiàn)的神經(jīng)毒物。河豚是一種昂貴的用來(lái)做生魚(yú)片的魚(yú)類。這種美食有時(shí)被稱為俄羅斯輪盤賭博壽司,并且以一種名為“辛普森”插曲為特色,河豚要經(jīng)過(guò)精密的準(zhǔn)備才能把其可使用部分從它的內(nèi)部有毒部分分離出來(lái)。日本廚師要經(jīng)過(guò)數(shù)月的訓(xùn)練并通過(guò)嚴(yán)格的考試才能獲準(zhǔn)有資格烹飪河豚,這種考試的通過(guò)率只為30%。




芝加哥費(fèi)爾德博物館的管理魚(yú)類的副主管李?yuàn)W . 史密斯博士說(shuō),“人們對(duì)于這些的毒性的劇烈一定會(huì)極為驚訝的。”史密斯是含有毒素與分泌毒液的魚(yú)的首席研究者,他說(shuō)人們通常會(huì)覺(jué)得蛇是有毒的,而各種魚(yú)的毒性可能更強(qiáng)。“因?yàn)槿祟惥幼≡陉懙厣希麄兒茈y想到魚(yú)含有劇毒。”








當(dāng)然,沙門氏菌中毒的發(fā)生,是因?yàn)殡u肉尚未煮熟或者雞肉本省就含有毒素。曼哈頓烹飪教育學(xué)院的廚師兼講師詹姆斯 . 布雷斯少恩推測(cè)說(shuō)這需要一種特定的心態(tài)用一種致命榮譽(yù)感來(lái)做一道菜。“我認(rèn)為它讓我們回歸到小雞在草地上吃蟲(chóng)子的情景。如果有一件具有冒險(xiǎn)性的事情,你將會(huì)去做;那么就將會(huì)有一個(gè)故事,你可以用來(lái)講。”

關(guān)鍵詞: 最致命 美味


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