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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-28
核心提示:Is the high cost of food getting you down? Do you think trimming your food budget means an expanding waistline? We are all aware of the bad news that ALL food prices continue to rise. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables - the basics of

    Is the high cost of food getting you down? Do you think trimming your food budget means an expanding waistline?

    We are all aware of the bad news that ALL food prices continue to rise. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables - the basics of lower calorie eating.

    Here are some of my favorite ways to stay on track with your diet without breaking the bank: 

    Drink tap water: No bottled water, or other low-calorie drinks. Good for your wallet and the environment.

    Shop seasonally and locally: If it's local, and in-season, the shipping costs are largely reduced, with the savings passed on to you. 

    Look for frozen foods (fruits, veggies, poultry, fish) (without any added sauces): the same nutritional quality as fresh.

    Buy store brands (private labels): These are often produced by the "name brand" companies.

    Be flexible with "in-store" specials: Planning a fish dinner, but chicken breasts are a great buy? Change your menu!

    Purchase foods in bulk from the "Big Box" stores like Sam's Club and Costco. Go in with a friend or two, to save money and reduce spoilage. You might not need 18 pears, but 6 or 9 would be perfect. 

    One BIG money waster: Driving from store to store for all the "best" bargains. You'll spend extra gas money, for small savings, and lose the frequent shopper advantages. Pick one major market, and become a mindful shopper there. Plus, when you get a "store card', you'll get coupons for frequently purchased foods, and other money-saving perks for your loyalty. 




    1. 喝自來水:不喝瓶裝水或其它的低熱量飲料。這對你的錢包和環(huán)境都有好處。 

    2. 采取季節(jié)性地就地購物:如果是就地并且按季節(jié)的商品,運費將大大降低,你也能節(jié)約一些。 

    3. 尋找冷凍食品(水果、素菜、家禽、魚)(沒有任何附加的醬料):它們的營養(yǎng)品質(zhì)和新鮮的一樣。 

    4. 購買有商店牌子(私人標簽)的貨物:它們經(jīng)常是由“名牌”公司生產(chǎn)的。 

    5. 靈活對待“店內(nèi)”優(yōu)惠價:原計劃一頓魚餐,但是雞胸脯現(xiàn)在是便宜貨?就改變你的菜單吧! 

    6. 從“大盒子”商店(大賣場)如山姆會員店和 Costco 購買批量食品。同一、兩個朋友一起去聯(lián)合購買,這樣會省錢并且減少腐壞。你或許不需要 18 個梨,但是 6 個或 9 個可能是很好的。

    一個大大費錢的舉動是從一個商店到另一個商店驅(qū)車尋找“最好的”便宜貨。你將為了小額的節(jié)省而花費額外的汽油錢,并且失去在一個店鋪頻繁購物的優(yōu)惠。選擇一個主要的市場,成為那里的留意購物者。而且,當你得到一個“商店卡'時 ,你會因為經(jīng)常購買食品得到優(yōu)惠券,并且因為你的經(jīng)常光顧得到其它省錢的福利。

關(guān)鍵詞: 減低 預(yù)算 重負


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