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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-27
核心提示:Exercise Exercise is a way to improve yourself both mentally and physically. If you don't want to cough up the money for a gym membership, personal trainer, or expensive in-home weight set, try this simple full-body workout by performing these exerc


Exercise is a way to improve yourself both mentally and physically. If you don't want to cough up the money for a gym membership, personal trainer, or expensive in-home weight set, try this simple full-body workout by performing these exercises:

* Push ups
* Crunches
* Squats

You can find a plethora of free workouts and workout tips online. For instance, don't have dumbbells? Use cans of soup, or a few old milk cartons filled with water.

Go to the Library

The library is a great resource that is often under utilized - and its free! The library has books, CDs, tapes, DVDs, and free access to computers.
Picking up a book is a great way to entertain yourself and also tune up your reading skills. Your local library holds a vast amount of knowledge just waiting to be acquired!


This is one thing that everyone should do to improve his or her quality of life. Meditation is often thought of as relaxation, which it is, but one can also gain insight into their lives by just sitting quietly and thinking. If you don't want to think about anything, just sit there silently and count your breaths - this will help you immensely as well. Sometimes thinking about nothing can accomplish as much or more than having your mind full of thoughts.

Take a Walk

A walk can be a great way to relieve stress. Even if you are just going once around the block, taking a walk does wonders for your mood. You can walk to a place you need to go, or just walk with no destination in mind. The latter is often more relaxing.


Just the act of smiling will put you in a better mood. No matter what is going on in your life, you will feel at least a little better just by letting yourself smile.

Give Something Away

Generally, we all have too much stuff, and it can be overwhelming. Decide what you don't need anymore, and give it away either to charity or a friend.

Volunteering doesn't only improve your life, but also the lives of others. There are lots of ways to volunteer, you could do so on a regular basis with an organization or group you support, or simply stop into a place and donate a few hours of your time. Great examples of this are going in to the humane society to walk the dogs or signing up to help serve a meal at a homeless shelter.


Organize your living space - your desk, office, room, backpack, briefcase, kitchen, bathroom, closet, etc. Keeping things in order helps keep your life in order. A chaotic house leads to a chaotic mood when coming home at the end of the day, so take the extra time to keep things organized.
Ride Your Bike

Not only is this good exercise, but with the price of gasoline, taking your bike for those short trips can end up saving you a good deal of money.
Riding a bike is also much less stressful than driving through traffic.

Hug Someone

Just hugging someone can immediately make your life better. We live in an age where contact with fellow humans is often avoided, but giving/getting a hug can instantly boost your mood by releasing good endorphins. Touch is a good thing.


Practice yoga outdoors or in a large space in your own home. If you don't know how to do yoga, you don't need to sign up for an expensive class. Your local library should have books on yoga, or even DVDs to get you started. Yoga builds strength, flexibility, mental alertness, and also calms the mind, leaving you relaxed and fulfilled after a session.

Stop Procrastinating - Finish Something!

Do something you have been putting off for a while. It always feels good to get something over with, and finishing something you have been putting off is usually a good idea in general. As many wise people have said, “don't put off till tomorrow what you could do today.”

Go Outside
Just taking a break from being in doors can change your mood in a positive way. Especially if it is a nice day out, go outside and read a book, watch the clouds, have a cup of tea, or just sit and enjoy being outside. Even if its raining you can have a good time - grab a friend, family member, or loved one, throw your inhibitions to the wind and go run around and dance in the rain!

Challenge Your Brain Sudoku, logic puzzles, and crossword puzzles can be great ways to stimulate your brain. You also feel satisfied when completing them.

Write Start journaling and write down your thoughts. Sometimes, getting your thoughts down on paper lets you analyze them more clearly, and worry about them less. If you are feeling creative, write a poem, or a short story, or just put your pen to paper and see what comes out. Drawing and painting can also be a great outlet. Even if you aren't a spectacular artist, it feels good to doodle or create something of your own. Writing, drawing, and painting can be relaxing, and also give you a sense of accomplishment when you create something you really like.


運(yùn)動(dòng)是一種同時(shí)可以改善你的生理和心理的活動(dòng)。 如果你不想為支付健身俱樂(lè)部會(huì)費(fèi),個(gè)人教練或者昂貴的家庭健身器材而負(fù)債的話(huà),試試這些運(yùn)動(dòng)來(lái)簡(jiǎn)單達(dá)到全身的鍛煉:

* 雙手環(huán)抱

* 做鬼臉

* 下蹲

你可以輕易的從網(wǎng)上找到一對(duì)簡(jiǎn)單的鍛煉器材或鍛煉方法。比如說(shuō),沒(méi)有啞鈴嗎? 用裝滿(mǎn)湯的易拉罐,或者往廢棄的牛奶盒子里灌滿(mǎn)水。


圖書(shū)館里有很大的潛在資源——而且是免費(fèi)的! 圖書(shū)館里有書(shū),CD, 磁帶,DVD 和免費(fèi)的電腦!≌倚⿻(shū)來(lái)讀是個(gè)很好的方法來(lái)充實(shí)自己,還可以強(qiáng)化你的閱讀技巧!∧銈儺(dāng)?shù)氐膱D書(shū)館蘊(yùn)藏著豐富的知識(shí)知識(shí)等待被挖掘!


這是每一個(gè)要改善生活質(zhì)量的人都應(yīng)該做的!∷伎纪ǔJ窃谝环N放松的狀態(tài)下進(jìn)行,但卻一樣可以在靜靜的思索中悟出生活的真諦。 如果你不打算想任何事情,就坐在那里吸氣、呼氣——也會(huì)對(duì)你享受生活有幫助的。 有時(shí)候什么都不想和腦子里充滿(mǎn)了想法相比一樣有效甚至更好。






通常,我們都有太多的東西,真是太多了。 決定哪些是你不再需要的,甩掉它,不管是捐給慈善機(jī)構(gòu)還是送給朋友。


做義工不僅僅是改善你的生活質(zhì)量,還可以幫助他人!∽隽x工的途徑有很多,你可以加入一個(gè)正規(guī)的組織或你支持的一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì),或者就是停留在某個(gè)地方貢獻(xiàn)出你幾個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)間。 比如,去人道協(xié)會(huì)幫忙遛狗或者報(bào)名幫助流浪人收容所準(zhǔn)備一頓飯都是很好的例子。


規(guī)劃你的生活空間——你的書(shū)桌,辦公室,臥室,背包,公文包,廚房,浴室,盥洗室等等!⊥ㄟ^(guò)保持物品整齊來(lái)保障你的生活有序。 一個(gè)雜亂無(wú)章的房子會(huì)使你在一天的勞累后回到家里有糟糕的心情,所以找點(diǎn)時(shí)間來(lái)保持東西整潔。


騎單車(chē)不僅是一種很好的鍛煉方式,還可以省汽油錢(qián)。騎單車(chē)短途旅行可以為你省下一筆不小的費(fèi)用, 還可以擺脫堵車(chē)的煩惱。


一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的擁抱可以馬上讓你覺(jué)得生活更加美好。我們生活在一個(gè)避免和伙伴們接觸的時(shí)代,但一個(gè)擁抱可以立刻讓你從孤單中解脫出來(lái)而情緒高漲。 觸摸是一件好事。




做一些你已經(jīng)擱置了一段時(shí)間的事情。 當(dāng)人做完什么事情通常會(huì)有滿(mǎn)足感,所以完成擱置了一段時(shí)間的事情會(huì)讓你感覺(jué)不錯(cuò)。正如一些明智的人所說(shuō)的:“今日事,今日畢。”






開(kāi)始一段旅程并寫(xiě)下感想。 有時(shí),把想法寫(xiě)下來(lái)可以讓你更清楚的分析他們,減少焦慮。


關(guān)鍵詞: 活動(dòng) 生活 質(zhì)量


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