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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-21
核心提示:If there's one thing Johanna Rothman knows, it's the corrosive effects of jealousy. At 30, the author of Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management was incensed when a coworker got a job she wanted. Later, when she took a job managing former p

If there's one thing Johanna Rothman knows, it's the corrosive effects of jealousy. At 30, the author of "Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management" was incensed when a coworker got a job she wanted. Later, when she took a job managing former peers, she felt their jealousy in curt, backhanded compliments.

如果說Johanna Rothman只懂得一件事,那就是嫉妒的破壞。她現(xiàn)年30歲,是《關(guān)閉的門后:偉大管理的秘密》一書的作者。她曾在一位同事得到她想要的工作后怒氣沖天。后來,當(dāng)她得到了管理同事的工作時,她感覺到了他們簡單、拐彎抹角的恭維話內(nèi)隱含的妒忌。

"If you can admit you're jealous, you can start dealing with it," says Rothman. "If you don't, jealousy can poison your relationships."


Jealousy can also poison your career by distracting you from your job and forcing you into constant comparisons that leave you demoralized, she says.


Want to curb your or others' jealousy while keeping your eye on your goals? Consider these tips:

你希望專注于自己的目標(biāo),同時抑制住自己的或別人的妒忌嗎? 可以考慮以下方法:

If you're jealous:


* Track your accomplishments.


"Do a month-by-month resume" for the past year, Rothman advises. "When I did this, I saw that there was a real theme: It was all about the project and nothing about the people. It was clear I really wasn't ready to be a manager."


* Talk to your boss.


Bring your monthly resume to your boss; show him your skills and ask why you didn't get the promotion, says Rothman. Be clear that you're doing this because you want the promotion or raise next time.


"My boss had no idea how productive I'd been," she recalls. "I learned to keep updating my resume and to inform my boss of what was going on regularly. In a few months, a bigger job opened up and I got it. My boss realized I was perfect for it."


* Develop your skills.


Ask the person you envy how she learned to do what she does, and beef up your skill set. Then it's not about her anymore -- it's about developing your career.


"It turns out my new boss was the best manager I'd ever had," says Rothman. "But if I admitted, 'Look, Johanna, you're jealous,' I wouldn't have been able to work with her."


關(guān)鍵詞: 嫉妒 同事


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