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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-06
核心提示:So I promised a closer look at baking soda. It seems to be a huge resource for a lot of things. And you dont get much cheaper than $1 for a powerful cleaning agent. So here is my list of the top uses for baking soda. Some will seem familiar as we ha

So I promised a closer look at baking soda. It seems to be a huge resource for a lot of things. And you don’t get much cheaper than $1 for a powerful cleaning agent. So here is my list of the top uses for baking soda. Some will seem familiar as we have talked about them before.

In the Kitchen:

1. Make a paste with water to clean up your sink that isn’t very abrasive.
2. Stick a box in your fridge to keep the smell gone.
3. Mix 3 tsp with hot water to soak and remove tea and coffee stains from thermos’ and tea cups.
4. Use it on your counters to get rid of Kool-Aid stains off.
5. Rinse your fruits and veggies with baking sod. Make sure you rinse well.
6. Did you know it will tenderize meats?
7. If you like fish but hate the smell, soak your fish in water and baking soda for an hour in the fridge.
8. A pinch of baking soda added to tomato recipes can help cut down the acid in the recipe.
9. When you make baked beans, add a pinch of baking soda to the beans to help rid them of their gas producing ability.
10. 1/2 tsp of baking soda added to 3 eggs makes a light and fluffy omelet.
11. Baking soda is just as good as lemon juice for getting rid of foul smells on your hands.
12. I boil my baby bottles with baking soda to get them clean.
13. Just as with your laundry detergent, adding baking soda to your dishwashing detergent is a great idea.
14. Boil a little water and baking soda to get burned on food off your pots and pans.
15. Use it to clean your oven as well.
16. Make your own baking powder.
17. Keep an extra box near your stove in case of a fire.

In the Bathroom:

1. Clear out slow drains.
2. Baking soda and water rubbed on rough elbows, heels, etc will help smooth and soften. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.
3. 1/4 c baking soda and 2 cups warm water will work just as good as a clarifying shampoo.
4. Use it as a tooth whitener.
5. Put a box in the worst of the bathrooms (you know, the ones that the boys get hold of) to get rid of odors.
6. Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts oatmeal as a facial scrub.
7. Soak in the bath with baking soda will heal anything form poison ivy, sumac, sunburns, etc…
8. Soak your hairbrushes with warm water and baking soda to get the oil off of them.

In the Laundry Room:

1. Stretch your laundry detergent further.
2. Get the smell out of your clothes.
3. Soak cloth diapers with baking soda to get the smell and anything else that is there out.
4. Soak oil or grease stains with baking soda and water before washing the clothes.

General Cleaning:

1. Use it with water to polish your silver.
2. Mix it with Borax to make a great scouring powder.
3. Put it on a wet sponge to clean crayon off a chalk board.
4. Sprinkle it on your carpet or cloth covered furniture before you go to bed and them vacuum in the morning. Be careful not to let your kids crawl around before you vacuum.
5. Use it for general cleaning by adding 4 tbs to 1 q of water in a spray bottle. Shake well and wipe clean.
6. Mix it with salt as a great soap scum cleaner.
7. Freshen up stuffed animals by rubbing them with Baking soda and then let them sit for a while. Shake them off and you are good to go!
8. Mix it with a little water as a great chrome cleaner.
9. Wash your garbage cans with baking soda.
10. Clean grease off the garage floor.

General Household:

1. Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place it in odorous shoes or your kid’s closet.
2. Put a sock in your car for when your sweaty football players come home.
3. Wipe water stains off your wooden furniture with baking soda and toothpaste.
4. I put baking soda in my diaper pail to help with odors.
5. Karen puts baking soda in the bottom of her litter box.
6. Clean corroded battery terminals with baking soda and water.
7. Put out small fires out by smothering it with baking soda.
8. Fill in nail holes in drywall with toothpaste and baking soda. Let it dry completely.
9. Mix slat and baking soda equally andsprinkle it where you see ants coming in to keep them from liking your home.
10. Need to determine if your soil is acidic for planting? Mix 1.4 c baking soda and 2 c water. Place 1 c soil. If the mixture foams, your soil is acidic.

General Health Ideas:

1. Mix baking soda and a glass of water for an antacid.
2. Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers.
3. Put it on insect bites to take the sting out.


1. 用蘇打水清洗洗碗池可使其更加光亮。
2. 在冰箱里放一小盒蘇打可以清除冰箱異味。
3. 熱水里加三勺小蘇打可以溶解掉咖啡壺和茶杯上附著的頑漬。
4. 可用它來清洗你的桌臺的污垢。
5. 用小蘇打來清洗水果和蔬菜,保證你洗得很干凈。
6. 你知道它能使肉變得更嫩嗎?
7. 如果你愛吃魚但又不喜歡那惺味的話,不妨將魚浸泡在小蘇打水里然后在冰箱里放上一小時。
8. 一撮小蘇打加到西紅柿菜里可有助于減少菜里的酸味。
9. 當你烤豆子時,加一小撮小蘇打到豆子上可防止烘烤時氣體的產生。
10. 二分之一勺的小蘇打加到3個雞蛋里可以做出既清淡又蓬松的炒雞蛋。
11. 小蘇打也可以去除你手上的異味,效果與檸檬汁一樣好。
12. 煮嬰兒奶瓶時加點小蘇打可以使奶瓶更干凈。
13. 與衣物洗滌劑一樣,加一些小蘇打到洗碗劑里也是個不錯的想法。
14. 用小蘇打水煮一下盆盆罐罐可以去除上面的食物漬。
15. 也可以用它來清潔你的烤箱。
16. 你自己可以做發(fā)酵粉。
17. 靠近火爐旁放一個裝有蘇打粉的特殊盒子以防火災。


1. 可以清除下水道里的堵塞物,使其水流順暢。
2. 用蘇打水擦洗粗糙的扶手,傾側等可使其變得更柔滑,就像你喜愛的潤膚霜的感覺。
3. 在兩杯熱水里加四分之一C的小蘇打,其洗發(fā)功效與洗發(fā)香波一樣好。
4. 可以用來做牙齒漂白劑。
5. 在浴室(你知道,有些男孩子的浴室)最臟的地方可以放一盒小蘇打去除味道。
6. 一份蘇打和2份燕麥片攪拌一起可以做一個面膜。
7. 浸泡在蘇打水里洗澡可以治療諸如毒葛、漆樹、曬斑等這類病毒。
8. 用熱蘇打水浸泡你的梳子可以去除上面的油脂。


1. 可以增加洗衣液的功效。
2. 可以有效去除衣物氣味。
3. 用小蘇打浸泡尿布可以去除味道和任何其它殘留物。
4. 在洗衣服前可先用小蘇打水浸泡衣服上的油漬。


1. 可用小蘇打水擦亮你的銀器。
2. 和硼砂混合可以做成很好的洗滌粉。
3. 濕海綿上放些小蘇打可以擦掉黑板上的粉筆畫。
4. 睡覺前,在你的地毯或罩家具的布上灑一些小蘇打,一晚上就可以除去上面的灰塵,注意在除塵前不要讓小孩爬在跟前。
5. 噴霧器里,一夸脫水兌四勺蘇打可做成一般清潔劑。在充分搖晃后可以清洗東西。
6. 和鹽混合可以制成很好的泡沫清潔劑。
7. 用小蘇打清洗填充玩具,洗后涼干一會兒。然后抖落一下它們,一切就OK了!
8. 小蘇打加少量水可以做成很好的合金清洗劑。
9. 可用小蘇打清洗你的垃圾罐。
10. 可用來清洗車庫地板的油污。


11. 在一對舊襪子里裝滿小蘇打,放在有臭味鞋里或小孩的壁櫥里。
12. 當你的汗流浹背的足球運動員們乘車回家時,在你的車里放一包蘇打粉。
13. 小蘇打里放些牙膏可用來擦洗木制家具的水印。
14. 在嬰兒尿布桶里放些小蘇打可以去除味道。
15. 莫文蔚常在她的垃圾箱底放些小蘇打粉。
16. 小蘇打水可以清洗腐蝕電池的兩端。
17. 用小蘇打窒息滅小規(guī)模的火災。
18. 牙膏與小蘇打混合可以用來填補墻面的釘子洞。讓它完全涼干。
19. 可將等量的細木條和蘇打粉混和后灑在螞蟻要鉆進房子里的地方以驅走它們。
20. 需要確定土地的酸性是否適宜種植時,可在1.4C小蘇打和2C水的溶液里加入1C的土。如果看到冒氣泡,證明土壤是酸性的。

1. 一杯小蘇打水可制成解酸藥。
2. 用小蘇打水來速口可以預防潰瘍。
3. 在蟲子叮咬的地方涂一些小蘇打可利于將毒刺取出。


關鍵詞: 小蘇打 功效


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