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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-02
核心提示:Facing death, Jeff Cross and Lily Cheng had run out of options. But a rare domino liver transplant, involving a living donor, gave both a future. 面對死亡,杰夫克羅斯和程莉莉已經(jīng)沒有其他選擇了。但是一個罕見的多米諾式肝臟移植(涉及到一位活人器官捐獻者

    Facing death, Jeff Cross and Lily Cheng had run out of options. But a rare "domino" liver transplant, involving a living donor, gave both a future.    

    Since last spring, Jeff Cross, 29, had been tormented by night sweats, a side effect of the rare genetic illness that threatened to kill him unless he got a new liver.
    Cross's disease, familial amyloidosis, prevents the liver from breaking down a protein called transthyretin. It takes about three decades for the substance to accumulate to dangerous levels, at which point it can destroy the victim's nerves and organs. Because of his background he had no idea that he carried a deadly gene. Born is South Korea, he was adopted as a 4-year-old orphan by Peter Cross, and his wife, Margaret. After receiving a degree in economics from the University of California in 1995, Cross went to work in customer service for a investment firm in San Mateo. There he met JoAnna Poblete, now 27. In March 1998 the couple moved in together, and in August '99 they relocated to Los Angeles. But Cross soon developed a cough so violent it made him vomit. His left foot hurt so badly that he could barely walk. Then he lost 25 lbs. and most of the sight in his right eye.


    Then in April Dr. Marc O.Yoshizumi, professor of ophthalmology at UCLA's Jules Stein Eye Institute, suggested Cross get tested for amyloidosis. Initially Cross was diagnosed with a different, incurable form of the disease, which would likely have killed him by age 40. In search of a second opinion, Poblete tracked down amyloidosis experts on the Internet. Dr. Morie Gertz, chairman of the hematology division at the Mayo Clinic responded, and after Cross flew out for an exam,Gertz delivered a new conclusion:familial amyloidosis, which affects about 1 in 4 million people and can be cured with a new liver." We were elated," Cross says.

    That joy proved short-lived. Cross's protein-damaged heart was in such bad shape, doctors said, that it could give out within six months. Yet because his liver was functioning well, aside from its one defect, he would be a lower priority than many candidates for a cadaverliver transplant. A desperate Poblete e-mailed 100 friends and family members, asking if anyone with the same blood type as Cross, O positive, would be willing to help.

    No one in Cross's adopted family proved a match, so Doug Andrews stepped forward. Andrews is youth pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Mateo. Though he wasn't close to the ailing man, his wife, Krissie, 28, a product manager for a medical-device company, had been pals with Cross since kindergarten.

    In so doing he gave 43-year-old Lily Cheng a new chance at life as well. Born in Beijing, Cheng was a professional dancer before getting married and having a son, Jack, now 15. In 1989 she got into the import business and three years later moved to the U.S.. After divorcing her husband in 1996, she settled with Jack in an apartment outside L.A. and went to work for an import-export business that requires her to make frequent trips to China.


    It was on one such excursion in July that Cheng, who still felt more comfortable with the medical system in her native land, decided to get a routine physical." The doctor saw something on my liver right away," says Cheng. Although she still had no symptoms, specialists back in the U.S. delivered a grim prognosis. Says Dr. Busuttil:" She would probably have been dead within a year." By the time she became eligible for a cadaver liver, the cancer would have spread throughout her body.

    Even harder than hearing that news was breaking it to her only child. " She said she wanted to see me grow up and she loves me very much," Jack recalls. " I don't usually cry, but I cried when she told me." Cheng then returned to China to see her parents, for what she feared might be the last time. There she received the call from UCLA telling her she was a perfect candidate for Cross's liver, since it was similar in size to hers and their blood types matched. And because Cross's amyloidosis was so slow-acting, she would be in her 70s before symptoms set in.

    With Andrews, Cross and Cheng lined up, doctors scheduled the triple surgery. The surgeons would not be sure until they opened up Andrews that his liver was healthy enough to be transplanted. Even if it was, Cross had a 40 percent chance of dying on the operating table because his heart had grown so weak.

    But it was Cheng who carried the most risk. Not only did doctors fear her cancer might have already spread beyond her liver -- thereby rendering a transplant futile -- but two nights before the surgery, she came down with a cold. Because transplants weaken the immune system, they cannot be performed on sick patients.


    Cheng immediately checked into the hospital, and doctors had her infection-free within 24 hours. She met Cross and Andrews for the first time when they arrived on Oct. 1, trading jokes and encouragement with the men in Cross's room.

    At 5 a.m.on Oct.2,Cross and Andrews were wheeled into separate operating rooms,each staffed by a team of eight doctors and nurses.(Cheng would follow at 9 a.m.)First Dr.Ghobrial opened up Andrews. After seeing that his liver was in fine shape, Ghobrial sliced off a little more than half of the organ's right side. In the room down the hall, Dr. Busuttil began to remove Cross's liver.



    At 11:30 a.m.Busuttil connected the partial liver from Andrews to Cross's now-empty liver cavity, stitching together veins, arteries and bile ducts. An hour later, after receiving word that Cheng's cancer was limited to her liver, Ghobrial moved to the third operating room to help implant Cross's liver into Cheng.

    By 5:30 p.m. all three patients were in recovery. " There are often hitches in surgery," says Busuttil, " but with this particular one, it was like clockwork." Which is exactly what Cross's fiancé e told him as soon as he woke up. " Jeff, you made it, you're okay," said Poblete. Cross, on a respirator, responded the only way he could -- with tears.


    A few complications cropped up post-surgery. Andrews spent an extra four days in the hospital until the nerves in his liver began functioning fully, while Cheng's bile duct had to be restitched after it developed a slight leak. Cheng, meanwhile, has a 60 to 70 percent chance of surviving five years cancer-free. And though she, like Cross, will take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of her life to prevent rejection of the new liver, she's thrilled to have been given more time with her son. "Every time I see Jack," she says, " I feel grateful."


    Cross, too, is counting his blessings. He was planning to return to work this month, and because doctors give him an 85 percent chance of surviving the next year, he and Poblete feel confident enough to plan a fall wedding. His eyesight has been restored, following a separate operation, and now Cross is undergoing physical therapy three times a week to rebuild the strength in his nerve-damaged feet. That should allow him to walk down the aisle and to fulfil another dream of Poblete's." All I've ever wanted,"she says," is for him to be able to dance all night.



關鍵詞: 生命 循環(huán)


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