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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-10-06
核心提示:Drugs can be found anywhere in the world. Many people of our society are addicted to drugs. It's a dark side of our world. A lot of people use drugs for recreational use. There are many addictive drugs available. For instance, Narcotic is a very pop

    Drugs can be found anywhere in the world. Many people of our society are addicted to drugs. It's a dark side of our world. A lot of people use drugs for recreational use. There are many addictive drugs available. For instance, Narcotic is a very popular drug, which is a strong pain killer and also gives a psychological relief. Every year there's an increase in addictive drug users and this is a grave matter of concern. These kinds of addictive drugs give a feeling of excitement and euphoria for a certain period but actually ruin the health to the extreme. Many dangerous drugs are available in the market. Given below is the list of five most dangerous drugs to use.

    Starting in reverse order…

    Ketamine C: A powerful hallucinogen – referred as Special K. This drug causes a lost of sense and identity. The effect can last for two hours maximum. But the drug can still affect the body for up to 24 hours. This drug is a powder, usually snorted, but is sometimes sprinkled on tobacco and marijuana and smoked. Special K is frequently used with other drugs like Marijuana and Heroin.

    Street Methadone: Methadone can work as a pain killer. A powerful medication, it is a part of a group of drugs called Opioids. It is available in tablets and also as injectable liquid. Overdosing of Methadone is very dangerous. Methadone does not produce the euphoric rush like other drugs. So people who are addicted by Heroin or OxyContin often take large quantities of Methadone duo to the unavailability of those particular drugs. This is extremely dangerous. Methadone overdoses are associated with severe respiratory depression, decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, coma, and death.

    Cocaine : Cocaine is a highly powerful drug of abuse. It gives a feeling of supremacy. The various ways of taking Cocaine are snorting, injecting and smoking. It appears that compulsive cocaine use may prove to be more dangerous if the substance is smoked rather than snorted. Smoking allows extremely high doses of Cocaine to reach the brain very quickly and results in an intense and immediate high. Cocaine often refers as Snow, Flake, Coke and Blow. Physical effects of Cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, both while using and between periods of use. High doses of Cocaine can cause paranoia. Combination of Cocaine and Alcohol is deadly. It creates a third substance called Cocaethylene, which intensifies the effect and can cause sudden death.

    LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) : LSD is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug, which is very addictive and dangerous. This is a odourless, colourless drug that tastes slightly bitter. Often LSD is added to absorbent paper and divided into small decorative squares – with each square representing one dose. LSD users experience vast array of hallucinations, which can be very dangerous. Usually effects of the drug start after 30 to 90 minutes from taking. The physical effects include dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, and tremors.

    Heroin: Heroin is the most dangerous drug available. It is derived directly from Opium poppy. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder. Many users take Heroin for intense euphoric effects. It is a strong pain killer. It is taken by snorting and injecting. Street names associated with Heroin are Smack, 'H', Skag and Junk. Heroin abuse is extremely dangerous for the health. Long-term effects of heroin include collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, cellulitis, and liver disease. Pulmonary complications, including various types of pneumonia, may result from the poor health condition of the abuser, as well as from heroin's depressing effects on respiration.

    We need a drug free world. Every year hundreds of people die because of using dangerous drugs. This article is written to aware people of these dangerous drugs and their killing effects. There are many more dangerous and extremely harmful drugs available in our society and we need to guard ourselves against those harmful substances. Drug is not a solution for any problem. Say No to drug and Yes to Life.

    藥品隨處可得。社會上許多人對藥成癮,世界因此變得陰暗。許多人把藥當(dāng)成毒品使用(recreational use 并非字面上的娛樂用途,即指毒品使用).許多使人成癮的藥品隨處可得。比如,麻醉藥就是一種很流行的藥品,具有很強的止痛能力,帶給人心理上的放松,每年對藥成癮的人數(shù)都在增加,這不得不引起人們的重視。這類成癮藥品帶給人一時興奮,飄飄欲仙的感覺,其實會對身體造成極大的傷害。市場上有許多危險的藥品,數(shù)以下五種最危險。




    可卡因:可卡因是一種濫用的強效藥品。能帶給人至高無上的快感。可卡因的使用方式多種,鼻吸,注射,吸食。結(jié)果表明強制性可卡因吸食比起鼻吸要更危險。吸食的方式會讓大劑量的高濃度可卡因迅速到達(dá)大腦?煽ㄒ蛞步蠸now(顏色), Flake(外型), Coke (取其音和其意,可口)and Blow(黑話).可卡因的身體影響包括限制外圍血管,瞳孔擴大,體溫上升,心跳加快,血壓升高。還有些可卡因使用者在使用時和使用過程中會有不知疲倦感,興奮,焦躁。高劑量可卡因能導(dǎo)致幻想癥。可卡因和酒精一起混合足以致命因為會產(chǎn)生第三種物質(zhì)古柯乙堿,這會加強藥效并導(dǎo)致猝死。





關(guān)鍵詞: 危險


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