


放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-04-30
核心提示:Memory FoodsWhile nothing beats a good sleep for enhancing your memory, the foods that you choose to include in your diet also play a role in how your memory functions. Many pay attention to their diets in terms of whether itll help them build muscl

    Memory FoodsWhile nothing beats a good sleep for enhancing your memory, the foods that you choose to include in your diet also play a role in how your memory functions. Many pay attention to their diets in terms of whether it’ll help them build muscle or lose fat, but they neglect to think of how food can improve memory.

    In addition to eating memory foods, proper meal size plays a big role in how well your memory functions. Too little food will cause you to be distracted by hunger, while too much food will make you want to sleep. Incorporating the right memory foods and proper portion sizes will give you maximum results.

    Here are some of the memory foods that you should incorporate into your diet to reap the benefits of memory enhancement.


    On the protein front, one of the best sources is salmon, as it is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function and development. Studies have suggested that supplementing with DHA, which is found in fish oil, is beneficial for the development and maintenance of memory performance.

    Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean, halibut, shrimp, snapper, tofu, scallop, and winter squash.

    Sunflower seeds

    Nuts have been highly touted as a great way to get healthy fats into your diet, but many people forget that seeds fall into this category too.
Sunflower seeds are a rich source of vitamin E, with one ounce providing 30% of your total daily intake. Vitamin E is one of the primary antioxidants that helps decrease the decline of memory as you age, making it one nutrient you’ll want to be sure to consume.

    Other sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, dry almond, safflower oil, hazelnut, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, and mango.


    While all berries provide a number of health-related benefits, blueberries in particular are a memory-boosting powerhouse. They are considered a memory food because they contain a phytochemical that is especially important in reversing the age-related decline of memory, while having a positive influence on spatial working memory.

    In addition to this, blueberries rank low on the glycemic index scale, making them a good fruit choice if you are trying to control your blood sugar level.

    Lean beef

    Including moderate portions of lean beef in your diet is beneficial in enhancing your memory because of its iron content. While most men get     enough iron in their diet, those who are on a strict diet and are sticking mostly to chicken, egg whites and fish as sources of protein may be running a bit low.

    Iron deficiency can have a big impact on brain function and impair learning abilities, eventually putting you at an increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. So, be sure you aren’t cutting out good sources of iron from your diet -- even if you’re striving for maximum fat loss.





    在蛋白質(zhì)方面,最好的一個(gè)來(lái)源是鮭魚(yú),因?yàn)樗莖mega - 3脂肪酸的一個(gè)很好的來(lái)源,而 omega - 3脂肪酸對(duì)腦功能的發(fā)展是必不可少的。研究表明,魚(yú)油中發(fā)現(xiàn)的DHA的補(bǔ)充,有利于發(fā)展和維持記憶功能。

    其他記憶食物含有大量的omega - 3脂肪酸包括亞麻籽,核桃,鮭魚(yú),大豆,大比目魚(yú),蝦,魚(yú),豆腐,扇貝,和冬季壁球。


    堅(jiān)果一直被人高度吹捧為在飲食中獲得健康脂肪的一個(gè)很好的方式,但許多人忘記,種子也是屬于這一類(lèi)的?ㄗ押胸S富的維生素E ,具有1盎司提供您每日總攝入量的30 %。維生素E是一種主要的抗氧化劑,可以幫助減少你記憶的衰退,從而成為您確保要消費(fèi)的養(yǎng)分。







關(guān)鍵詞: 增加記憶 食物 英語(yǔ)


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