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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-29
核心提示:A lot of people ask, How do I know if I am overeating for emotional reasons? Luckily, figuring this out is one of the easiest things to do. There are very specific symptoms and signs that you can look for. If any of the following statements sound li

A lot of people ask, "How do I know if I am overeating for emotional reasons?"

Luckily, figuring this out is one of the easiest things to do. There are very specific symptoms and signs that you can look for. If any of the following statements sound like they could apply to you, then it's likely you are struggling with emotional eating.

1. My hunger comes on suddenly.
Physical hunger comes on slowly. Hunger from emotional eating often comes on quickly and suddenly.

2. I crave specific foods—generally not carrot sticks or steamed broccoli.
Cravings for specific, usually unhealthy foods is a sign of emotional eating. Often people like the rush they get from satisfying their cravings. That rush is fulfilling emotional hunger.

3. My hunger feels urgent—I need a particular food right away and I'm willing to walk out of my way, or get in your car late at night, or raid my kid's Halloween candy to get it.
Physical hunger, unless you haven't eaten for a very long time, is usually pretty patient. It will wait for food. Emotional hunger demands to be satisfied immediately.

4. My hunger is often paired with an upsetting emotion—if I backtrack a few hours or a few days I'll usually find an upsetting event and feeling that triggered the urge.
Hunger that's connected to an upsetting emotion or situation is definitely emotional hunger. Physical hunger is not typically triggered by emotions.

5. My eating habits involve unconscious eating—all of a sudden I'm eating ice-cream and I find the whole container is gone.
When you're eating for physical reasons, you are usually mindful of what you're doing. If you catch yourself eating "just because," then it's likely you're eating for emotional reasons.

6. I don't stop eating in response to being full—I keep wanting more of the taste of the food.
Physical hunger doesn't need to be stuffed in order to be satisfied. Emotional hunger on the other hand often demands more and more food to feel satisfied.

7. My hunger isn't located in belly—I crave the taste of a certain food in my mouth or I can't stop thinking of a certain food.
Feeling hungry in this way is usually a sign of emotional hunger. Physical hunger is happy to get what it can, while emotional hunger usually focuses on specific tastes and textures.

8. After I satisfy my hunger, I am often filled with a sense of regret or guilt.
Feeding your body what it needs is not something to feel guilty about. If you feel guilty after you eat, it's likely because part of you knows you're not eating just to satisfy physical hunger.

If you don't experience any of the preceding statements, it's likely that you're struggling with simple biological hunger.



1. 我的饑餓突然來臨。

2. 我渴望具體的食物——一般不是胡蘿卜或清蒸花椰菜。

3. 我覺得饑餓難忍——我立刻需要特殊的食品,我愿意放下我的事情出去,或者在深夜搭上你的汽車,或者搜索我的孩子的萬圣節(jié)糖果來獲取它。

4. 我的饑餓往往和心煩意亂的情緒成雙出現(xiàn)——如果回溯數(shù)小時或數(shù)天前,我通常會找到一個令人心煩意亂的事件,并且感覺是它引發(fā)了這種急促要求。

5. 我的飲食習(xí)慣涉及無意識的進(jìn)食——突然我吃雪榚,而且我覺得整個貨柜都沒了。

6. 我在感到飽了時還不停止進(jìn)食——我一直想要更多的食品滋味。

7. 我的饑餓不是位于腹部——我渴望在我嘴里有某種食品的味道,或者我不能停止去想某種食品。

8. 當(dāng)我的饑餓得到滿足之后,我常常充滿遺憾或內(nèi)疚。


關(guān)鍵詞: 情緒 進(jìn)食


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